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The Catholic Churchs response to the
Recap on Mondays
Reasons for the Reformation?

It is not acceptable to just write Simony, Nepotism,
Absenteeism, Indulgences etc.

You need to explain each term.

Simony was the method of buying positions in the
church. Why?
Reasons for the

This was when a priest had more than one parish.

Priests would want more than one parish because
the members of the Church would pay taxes (tithes)
to the church.

Therefore, for every parish that a priest had, the
richer they were.
Priests being absent from their parishes.

Why? Because they neglected their duties and also
had more than one parish to enact their services.

Priests would be expected to do the day to day
A method by the Catholic Church to raise money.

People given pieces of paper by the Church
declaring that their soul would gain salvation and
go to heaven.

Paying your way into heaven.

Luther strongly disagreed indulgences never
mentioned in the bible.
Giving important positions in the church to your
family members or friends

Why was that bad? Only reasons you had priests in
the church was for financial reasons.

They did believe in the Word of God or the
preaching's of the bible.

Abuses by the church
Luthers Arguments
95 Theses

95 reasons why the church was

Started the Reformation - 1517

What do you see?

Diet of Worms
All the really important Catholic figures came
together to discuss Luther and his beliefs.

They condemned Luther and his actions.

He was declared a heretic.

Catholic Church denounced (illegal) his beliefs
What did Luther belief??
Clergymen could marry

Indulgences were wrong

Faith in the bible

Two sacraments

No official head of the church
John Calvin - Reformer


Followers known as Calvinists

Religion known as Calvinism or Presbyterianism

John Knox believed in Calvins beliefs and setup the
Calvinism in Scotland

Counter Reformation
What does Counter mean??????

What do you think the Counter Reformation is in
reference to?
Society of Jesus/Jesuits
Founded by St Ignatius de Loyola

Known as the Jesuits

Promote Catholic Church teachings

Founded school and focused on education
Gonzage College (Dublin), Clongowes (Kildare)
and Crescent College (Limerick).

Also conducted missionaries
Courts of Inquisition
Stopping the spread of Protestantism

Put on trial people accused of heresy - having
beliefs that are in conflict with the teachings of a

Whipped, Tortured or publicly executed.

Burnt as the stake at the town square known as

Council Of Trent 1545-63
Reforms by the Catholic Church

Looked at two important matters:

Doctrine Beliefs of the Church
Discipline How the church was organised

Several reforms were made? (Hint reasons for the

Council of Trent
SNAP was outlawed.

Seminaries were establish training

Indulgences no longer promoted

Transubstantiation Bread and Wine at mass
become the body and blood of Christ.

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