Cornerstones Continuum Version May 2 2012

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Teaching & Learning Division

April 3, 2012



Collaboration: Work
respectfully with others by
sharing responsibilities,
exchanging and evaluating
knowledge and ideas, and
building consensus in order to
achieve a common goal.

Work respectfully with others
within a given set of group norms
to complete a task.
Work respectfully with others to
accomplish a task by actively
listening, responding
appropriately to alternate
viewpoints, sharing
responsibilities, and exchanging
Work respectfully with others to
achieve a common goal through
local and remote networking by
sharing responsibilities and
exchanging and evaluating
knowledge and ideas.

Work respectfully with others to
establish and honor group norms,
achieve a common goal (define
roles, assign responsibilities and
build consensus), and consult
with peers, experts, and others
through local and remote
Convey information and ideas to
effectively engage the audience
using a medium appropriate to
the topic and purpose.
Share information and ideas in a
given medium so that the main
points are relevant to the purpose
and audience.
Convey information and ideas
clearly by selecting from a
variety of media to effectively
engage an audience.

Convey information and ideas
clearly by strategically selecting
an appropriate medium that
engages the target audience for a
desired result and assess the
effectiveness of the

Choose the appropriate medium
and skillfully use it to impart
information and ideas to engage
the audience, elicit a desired
response, assess the
effectiveness, and (if possible)
adjust in real time.
Creative Thinking:
Generate a range of ideas through
a meaningful process (structured
or unstructured) that inspires the
development of original or
innovative products,
performances, or solutions.
Use a given process to explore
and connect ideas, events,
techniques or data to create or
modify products, ideas,
performances or solutions.
Use a given process to connect
and extend ideas, events,
techniques or data to create or
modify products, ideas,
performances or solutions that
are relevant and engaging.
Identify and use a process to
generate questions and elaborate
upon ideas to develop, modify or
create innovative products, ideas,
performances or solutions that
address an existing need/problem
or evoke an aesthetic response.
Develop an innovative and
inspirational product,
performance, or solution that
addresses an existing
need/problem or anticipates a
need/problem and evokes a
powerful aesthetic response.
Critical Thinking:
Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize
information, ideas, or objects to
make inferences and predictions,
and draw conclusions.
Identify information, ideas or
objects to make predictions or
inferences based on background
knowledge, observation, or
personal experiences.
Analyze information, ideas or
objects to make inferences and
predictions, and draw
Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize
information, ideas or objects to
make inferences and predictions
in order to develop and defend a
position/point of view using
credible evidence.
Analyze, evaluate and synthesize
information, ideas, and/or objects
to examine alternate perspectives,
refine points of view, and defend
a position using credible


Teaching & Learning Division
April 3, 2012


Information Literacy:
Utilize an inquiry process to
locate and evaluate a variety of
information sources based on
accuracy, authority, and point of
view in order to accomplish a
Given a set of sources and a
guiding question, select relevant
information to answer the
Formulate questions (with
appropriate scaffolding) and
navigate within an expanded set
of sources to identify, analyze,
and organize relevant
information to accomplish the
Formulate questions based on a
self-generated hypothesis/thesis;
access and evaluate self-selected
sources for relevance, authority,
and accuracy; identify
conflicting information; and
synthesize to accomplish the
Formulate questions based on a
self-generated hypothesis/thesis;
access and evaluate self-selected
sources for relevance, authority,
and accuracy; clarify reasons for
conflicting information and
conduct additional research to
resolve the conflict.
Problem Solving:
Identify, define, and/or explore a
problem or situation, work
through a process to determine
and evaluate solutions.
Given a problem or situation,
apply a given procedure to arrive
at a solution(s) and evaluate its
Given a problem or situation and
set of parameters, select and
apply an appropriate procedure
to arrive at a solution, evaluate
its reasonableness, and identify
next steps, if necessary.
Identify and define a complex
problem or situation, its
underlying assumptions and
relevant information; apply a
procedure; arrive at a solution or
conclusion; evaluate its
effectiveness; and identify next
steps, if necessary.

Identify and define a meaningful
complex problem or situation, its
underlying assumptions and
relevant information; apply a
procedure; arrive at a solution or
conclusion; evaluate its
effectiveness; identify next steps;
consider possible ramifications;
and based on that process, refine
and repeat.
Social Contribution:
Contribute to the betterment of
ones community through
Based on a given need, take
actions for an individual, family,
group, or organization.

Identify a need, make decisions,
and take actions for an
individual, family, group, or
organization; self-reflect on the

Identify a need, make decisions,
and take actions to benefit ones
community; continuously
monitor and evaluate the
effectiveness of
decisions/actions; adjust actions
based on the evaluations.
Demonstrate ongoing
commitment to social concerns
by initiating and sustaining
solutions; continuously monitor
and evaluate the effectiveness of
decisions/actions; adjust actions
based on the evaluations.

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