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Trip Information

ands for Haiti
Group Mission Trip - TEAM DECEMBER 2014
Date: Wednesday, December 3 Wednesday, December 10, 2014
*possibly leave Tuesday night to stay overnight in airport
Cost: $1500 ($750 deposit by October 25, 2014
!irfare, "od#in#, food and transportation in Haiti for 7 ni#$ts%
(Does not inc"&de any food p&rc$ased at airport%
'rip to (eac$% We )i"" be spendin# one day at t$e beac$ a"on# t$e
bea&tif&" Haitian mo&ntains%
*ro+ect to )or, on
'o $e"p finis$ t$e constr&ction of a $ome for a fami"y of 10%
'o $e"p )it$ t$e 'i -an+e .ood *ro#ram%
'o assist )it$ any ot$er pro+ects needed%
Need AAP!!
/o&r commitment and ent$&siastic desire to ser0e t$e peop"e of Haiti11
$5002per person to sec&re f"i#$ts%
*assport name and n&mber
*"ease "et me ,no) if yo& are interested11
-ore detai"s )i"" fo""o)% We are sti"" )or,in# on t$e pro+ect itinerary%

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