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Bronze Age Ireland

Learning Outcomes
Understand and recall the key aspects for life as a Bronze
Age Settler.

New method to cooking Quern stones and fulacht fiadh

Bronze Age Jewellery
Which two metals make bronze?
One benefit of Bronze over stone?
What was a fulacht fiadh?
Two examples of Bronze Age jewellery?
Why did settlers build walls around their houses?
Bronze Age
2000bc to 500bc

Bronze is a mixture of what metals?????

Bronze is heated over very high temperatures until
metals are melted. Known as smelting.

Reshape metal. Bronze stronger than stone.

Bronze Age - Food
Bronze Age settlers continued to farm as Neolithic
farmers had done.

-Crops and Domestic Animals (Grazing).

Quern stones were used to grind grain into flour. Flour
used to make bread, porridge etc.
Quern Stones
Grind between two heavy stones

Fulacht Fiadh
Cooking meat through boiling method.
Why would settlers used boggy lands????
Bronze metals helped to improve tillage farming.

Sickles were used to cut grass.
How did Bronze help to improve weapons????

Swords and Metal Axes

Bronze and Gold led to beautiful types of jewellery.

Three types of jewellery
Gold torcs
Dress fasteners


Bronze Age Houses
Rectangular/Circular Buildings

Hole in middle of house??????

Wattle and daub?????

Building wall protection from animals and other people

Burial Monuments of the Bronze Age
Wedge Tombs

Stone Circles

Cist Graves

Celtic Ireland
Celts What do we know

Celtic myths and legends

Descriptions of Celtic tribes by Roman writers

Celtic remains ringforts, crannogs
Celtic Ireland
Floral Design

Arrived 500BC

Became the dominant culture settlers

Iron instead of bronze easier to find

Iron Age
Celtic Man and Woman

Draw a Celtic Man and Women.

Include the following
Men grew beards and moustaches
Settlers wore leather shoes
Wore great woollen cloaks Animal Skin
Wore jewellery torcs, lunalae etc.
Spears Swords - Daggers

Your Home - Hill-forts, Raths or Crannogs

Raths very common - surrounded by earthen ditch and fence
Wanted to feel safe and protected
Also wanted to keep their cattle herds safe
Your Food: all produced locally

Grew wheat, barley, oats
Ground into meal using stone called quern
Drank ale and mead (made using honey)
Ate porridge and dairy products
Your Clothing: all made locally

Woolen cloaks and tunics worn by all
Flax grown to make linen for clothing
Sheep reared for meat and wool
Different dyes made using wild berries
Your special feast-days very important

Large meat pieces cooked for many people
Fulachta Fia used for this
Large wood lined hole filled with water
Hot stones used to heat water

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