Presentation 3

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My Marshmallow

My Base
My base on my bridge has lots of triangles and some
squares. My bridge is also very small.
Explaining A Ray
A ray is a line that has one point on one
end and the other end keeps on going
like a line. A ray is like a mix of a line
segment and a line that I think is kinda
Explaining My Base
My base was kinda good because of the triangles but I
could of done better by adding more triangles.
Triangles can help your bridge stand up very well. If
you can see the bridge on the right has lots of
triangles. and it can hold a lot of stuff.
Other Polygons
Other polygons on my bridge are some
rectangles, triangles, and squares. I didn't use
that much polygons but I used these three
polygons a lot.
Line Segments
Line segments are lines that have
stoping points at the end. Line segments
are different from lines cause lines keep
on going and line segments stop.
Explaining Parallel Lines
Parallel lines are two lines that will never
touch. Parallel lines don't have to be straight
across from each other they just have to
never ever touch. They also don't have to be
the same length.
Parallel Lines
Explaining A Perpendicular
Perpendicular lines are like lines intersecting making X.
In the middle the lines all go together and make a right
angle. Even though the lines do intersect they are not
called intersecting lines cause they make a right angle
in the middle.
Explaining acute angles
Acute angles are angles that are smaller than right
angles. Acute angles also have a smaller angle than
a right angle. An acute angle has less than a half
circle as a angle and a right angle has a square has
an angle.
Acute Angle
Explaining A Obtuse Angle
An obtuse
angle is an
angle that is
bigger than a
right angle. An
obtuse lines
are wider out
than a right
angle and an
acute angle.
This is a obtuse
An obtuse angle
has almost have
a circle of an
Explain A Right Angle
A right angle is two lines that connect like
below and they make a square between like
below. Right angles are bigger than acute
angles and smaller than obtuse angles,
Right angles are right in the middle.
can be
any size
Explaining A Line Of
A line of symmetry is line through a
shape that divides the shape. A line
of symmetry Has each side of the
shape the same.
Big Idea
To make my bridge better I should of put more
triangles. Triangles help hold up bridges. Other
shapes also help hold up bridges but triangles have
a strong base, so it holds it up much better.

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