UFO's: F: Flying O: Object

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U: unidentified
F: flying
O: object
1. The video
2. My introduction: the most general definition of UFO is, any apparent
anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object.
3. Im going to speak about the facts why people think there are real.
Some facts are:
The have always there
Paintings and sculptures
Never fully explain properly what they are.
UFO feeds fears and human fantasy
4. Explain Nielsens statistics.
5. Explain the pictures in the presentation (9 pictures)
6. Second Video
7. Conclusion: to conclude, regarding are they real or not, I would like to tell
you only one more thing. There are 3 hundred millions of galaxies in the
universe, it there is only one planet in every galaxy supporting life and having
civilization like ours, that means that exist 3 hundred millions of civilizations just
like us.

8. Activities: Questions
1. Do you believe in UFOs? Why?
2. Have you seen a real UFO with your own eyes?
3. What do you think are UFOs?
4. 52% of people believe in aliens; 24% believe that UFOs are secret weapons;
14% considered that they are natural phenomena; and 14% dont really know
what they are. To which group do you belong? Explain.
5. Where do you think UFOs come from?
6. What do you think an alien looks like?

Little debate: Divide the class in 2 groups and each member of the group has to
give their own opinion about UFOs. When everybody has, the entire group must
make a little conclusion about their opinion and present it to the other group. They
have to remember the facts and examples from the speech.

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