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1. The tallest building in the World

is Burj Khalifa which is located in
Dubai. What is its height?

a. 829.84 km
b. 829.84 m
c. 829.84 mi
d. 829.84 yd
a. 1 998 ft
b. 1 998 km
c. 1 998 m
d. 1 998 yd
2. Mt. Everest, the highest mountain
in the world is found in Nepal. How
tall is this mountain?
a. 1 648 000 cm
b. 1 648 000 dm
c. 1 648 000 km
d. 1 648 000 mm
3. According to Guiness World
Records, the longest bridge in
2011 was Danyang Kungsan of
China. How long is this bridge?

a. 4 225 km
b. 4 225 m
c. 4 225 mi
d. 4 225 yd
4. National Geographic News (2007)
reported that the longest river in
the world is the Amazon and not
the Nile River. How long is the
Amazon River?

a. 12 023 ft
b. 12 023 km
c. 12 023 m
d. 12 023 yd
5. The Marianas Trench, considered
as the deepest part of the worlds
oceans is located near Japan. How
deep is the trench?

a. 8 851 800 dm
b. 8 851 800 ft
c. 8 851 800 in
d. 8 851 800 m
6. The Great Wall of China is one
of the visible man made
structures from the moon. How
far does the wall stretch?

a. 1 151 hm
b. 1 151 Gm
c. 1 151 km
d. 1 151 Mm
7. In 2006, Pluto was reclassified as a
dwarf planet in the system.
According to NASA, what is the
mean radius of Pluto?

a. 1 151 hm
b. 1 151 Gm
c. 1 151 km
d. 1 151 Mm
a. 8 5 c. 10 3
b. 9 2 d. 11 4
8. The tallest man in the world
acknowledged by Guiness World Records
in 2010 is the Turkish Sultan Kosen.
CBSNews reported last March 2012 that
Kosen finally stopped growing at age 29
after undergoing treatment because his
skeleton could no longer support his
body. How tall is Kosen now?

The game familiarizes you students with
both the English and Metric/SI Units used for
length since they are both widely used here
in our country.
Although most countries have adopted the SI
units (which uses the meter, kilogram,
second), some countries still used the
English system. (USA)
It is important that you learn how to convert
from 1 system to the other, as well as within
each system.

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