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What is a collocation?

A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native
English speakers, who use them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just
sound "wrong". Look at these examples:
Natural English... Unnatural English...
the fast train
fast food
the quick train
quick food
a quick shower
a quick meal
a fast shower
a fast meal

food quick food fast

A golden opportunity , Dire poverty , Incurable disease
Educational system:
Educational system is established to provide education and training, often for children and the young.
Educational goals:
Each country identifies the educational goals to be achieved by its educational system.
Educational background:
It stands for past experience in education. To become an engineer in Electronics you need to have a scientific
educational background.
School subject:
A course or area of study: mathematics, English, French, physics...are school subjects.

School year:
The school year starts in September and ends in June/July
School uniform:
It is obligatory that students wear school uniforms in some schools.
Private lessons:
Some students need private lessons to keep up with their mates in learning some school subjects.
Private schools:
Students who go to private schools pay fees.
University graduate:
It is a person who holds a university or college degree.
University graduates find difficulties getting jobs these days.
University degree:
An academic title given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study:
"You go to university to get a university degree."
Learning needs:
Learners should identify their learning needs in order to get the appropriate learning.
Learning strategies:
Learning strategies (or study skills) are techniques used to proceed in your own learning.
Learning goals:
Learning goals are the target behavior a learner attains through his learning experience.
Adult illiteracy
Adult illiteracy is a major concern for any development.
Adult education: adult literacy
Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults.
Adult education usually takes place in the evening.
Formal education:
Formal education results from a program of instruction in an
educational institution leading to a qualification / certification.
Informal education:
Informal education occurs in daily work, leisure or family.
Non-formal education:
Non-formal education results from a program but it is not
usually evaluated and doesn't lead to certification.
Basic Education:
Basic education refers to the whole range of educational activities taking place in various that aim to meet basic
learning needs. Basic education includes primary education and lower secondary education
"Every citizen should acquire at least a basic education to be able to read and write."
Primary Education:
Primary (or elementary) education consists of the first years of formal, structured education. In general, primary
education consists of six or seven years of schooling starting at the age of 5 or 6.
Secondary Education:
Secondary education is the stage of education following primary education. Secondary education includes the
final stage of compulsory education. The next stage of education is usually university.
Higher education:
Higher education, also called tertiary, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level
that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school. Higher education
is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and
training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these
are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates,
diplomas, or academic degrees.
Free access
The ability or right to enter a place or use something for free
Gender discrimination
Gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender
Rural poverty
Rural poverty refers to poverty found in rural areas

Cultural background
Cultural background is the context of one's life experience as shaped by membership in groups based on
ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and
geographical area.
Educational background
One's educational background is related to any prior schooling one has successfully completed. High school
diplomas, college degrees, credit from online courses, and vocational programs are all educational background.
Equal opportunity
Equal opportunity is the offering of employment, pay, or promotion equally to all, without discrimination as to
sex, race, colour, disability, etc.
Equal status
Having the same social, professional or other standing of someone else.
Equal rights
All people have the same rights

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
1. You need an educational in mathematics if you want to be an engineer.
2. Something should be done to reform the educational .. of the developing countries.
3. University .. find difficulties to find a job nowadays.
4. One educational for developing countries would be at least a education
for every citizen.
5. Putting an end to adult .. is another priority for developing countries.

1. You need an educational background in mathematics if you want to be an engineer.
2. Something should be done to reform the educational system of the developing countries.
3. University graduates find difficulties to find a job nowadays.
4. One educational goal for developing countries would be at least a basic education for every citizen.
5. Putting an end to adult illiteracy is another priority for developing countries.

Mohamed Lahbib KATHI

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