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RECORDING): Turn on workstation, hit Perform and Sequencer.

Press red button for

desired track (1-16). Track and Part shoud be thou!ht of as one unit " their numbers shoud
match. #nder Track and Part, cursor down to sound $atch (i.e., P%-& 1'1 (ibes). )han!e to
desired sound. Start recordin!.
Volume level before recording* the tracks corres$ond in !rou$s of + with faders under Sound
Paette (see $icture). ,it -e(e, mo(e faders for desired (oume.
Count-in bars! Sequencer. on $a!e is )ount /n 0 1.
"oo#! 2ither Sequencer $a!e (center " 3ust hit 4) or use -oo$ button
on ri!ht side of ke5board buttons
"CD $creen %rig&tness! S5stem, -)6 contrast, etc.
'uanti(e! Sequence Pa!e $us 78.
Volume "evel 0
1! Press Sequence. Press %2), set 9ode (u$$er ri!hthand) to 9/:.
2! )ursor down (+ down) to P&%T. Press desired track (1 thru 16).
3! )orres$ond desired track with 1 thru + track under Sound Paette (far far eft) .
4! Press -2;2- button. Start recordin!. 7aders u$ and down, oud<soft as desired.
,em#o C&anges in a $ong! =o to Sequencer, cursor o(er to the track section. %o (aue
whee unti 5ou !et to T29P> T%&)?. %ecord 5our son!, chan!in! the tem$o s$eed with the
whee as desired.
,ime $ignature setu# 5or c&ange)! =o to Sequence. 9icro 5+4). Sound -ist se(era times.
dec<inc the time si!nature to the desired number. @hen recordin! chan!e T29P> T%&)? to a
re!uar track (1-16) b5 inc<dec the (aue whee. Time Si!nature, midwa5 in son!* (9ake sure
5ouAre not at bar B41)9icro (+4)6 $nd "st6 +1 ()reate), Ceat, 2Decute, 2Dit.
Track 2dit (7E) wi he$ 5ou cut<$aste, trans$ose, etc.
9ute track " $ress track on (red) or off.
'uanti(e 0 as desired, but tr5 shuffe for a swin! fee and !roo(e, which humaniFes the
$erformance b5 random5 addin! si!ht5 ater beats, si!ht5 ouder note " as a human woud
Trks 1 8 E +
G 6 H I
B 1' 11 18
1E 1+ 1G 16
Sound Paette

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