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Chapter 2 Quiz
Retake Review Worksheet 2
Story Problems
1) Abby House plans to work a total of 40 hours per week at two glorious jobs. She will earn $.!0
per hour working as a "olphin #rainer an$ $%4.2! per hour working as a &Strange 'oreign 'oo$s&
'oo$ Criti(. )rite an$ si*plify an e+uation that gi,es her weekly pay p -in $ollars. as a fun(tion of
the ti*e t -in hours. spent working as a "olphin #rainer.
/ow use your e+uation to fin$ her weekly pay if she works 2 hours as a "olphin #rainer.
2) Annie 0 the 1eastliest 'ree$o* 'ighter in the )est 0 shoots %% 2345s at an aban$one$ (ar. )hen
she hits a win$ow6 she gets %2 'ree$o* 3oints. )hen she hits the fra*e of the (ar -any part other
than a win$ow.6 she gets 7 'ree$o* 3oints. )rite an e+uation of her s(ore s as a fun(tion of the
nu*ber r of 234s that hit the win$ows of the (ar.
/ow use your e+uation to (al(ulate how *any points she s(ores if she hits the win$ows 4 ti*es.
3) Hannah is buying 20 8ellyfish #enta(les for a for a party. 8ellyfish #enta(les are a rare6 (o*ple96
tasty $eli(a(y6 fit for the party of a king: ;ongolian )ater(rest #enta(les (ost $%< a pie(e an$
Southern 3ink=1elly #enta(les (ost $!! a pie(e. )rite an e+uation that gi,es the total (ost C -in
$ollars. as a fun(tion of the nu*ber of Southern 3ink=1elly #enta(les s that she buys.
/ow use your e+uation to figure out the total (ost if she buys %> Southern 3ink=1elly #enta(les.
For Numbers 4) through 6), tell whether each number in the list is a whole number, an integer, a
rational number or an irrational number. Please give the most speciic answer. !hen order the list
rom least to greatest.
4) 0.2!6 0
6 0
6 0
") 02.!6 0>6
6 0

6) 046 >6 0!6 0

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