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Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup

Once upon a time, there was a family with a mother, a 11-year old sister named
Melor and a three year old brother named Pekan. They were a very poor family in their
One day, the childrens mother caught a fish in a river and she was lucky
because in the fish, there were fish eggs inside. !uring those old times, the fish eggs
were not very easy to find like we found in a supermarket. "hen the mother came back,
she told her 11-year old daughter, #Melor, please eat the fish with rice with your younger
brother. $m going to find some fire wood to cook. Please save the fish egg for me to eat
when $ get back from work.# The daughter accepted her mothers re%uest, #Okay,
Mum.#. &fter the girl and her little brother had their lunch, her brother asked, #'ister, $m
hungry.# The sister replied, #(ave some of my fish.# &fter Pekan ate his sisters leftover
fish, he complained again, #'ister, can $ have a half of the fish egg)*. Melor re+ected his
pekans %uestion, #$m sorry, but this is for Mum. 'he will be very angry when you ate it#.
The brother started tears and decided to dragg his sisters leg, begging her to let him
eat half of the egg. The sister cannot do anything but to say yes. #&lright then, you can
have the half of the fish egg.# The little brother was happily to eat half of the fish egg.
&fter few minutes, the sister reminded the brother that she went to the river to wash the
familys clothing and decided to place the fish egg in a basket on top of the kitchen so
the brother wont gobble it up. "hen the sister went to the river, the boy was hungry. ,o
one was at home, so he decided to grab a stool and grab the mini basket and gobble up
the last half of the fish egg. "hen the sister got back from washing the family clothing,
she doesnt suspect a thing.
& few hours later, the two siblings mother came back from grabbing fire wood.
The mothers face was happy to eat the fish egg, #$ want to eat my fish egg.# The sister
went to grab it from the kitchen, #Okay#. "hen the sister grabbed the basket, she saw
that the last fish egg was gone.
#Mum, the fish egg is gone-#, the girl said in shock. #!id $ tell you to not eat the
fish egg e.cept for the fish)#, the mother said. #$ gave brother half of it.#, the sister said
honestly. The sister asked the brother,# !id you eat the last fish egg)#. The brother
admitted it, #/es.# The mother is not angry at the brother, but she is upset on the inside.
The sister tried to make it up to her mother, #Maybe, $ can cook something else for
The mother denied the sisters %uestion, #,o, $ts alright*.
$t was the middle of the night, and the mother decided to wake up. 'he went into
the +ungle, there is a huge stone, calling her name. The sister woke up, and noticed that
her mother was missing. The three-year old brother woke up because he needs breast-
feeding from his mother.0br1 The sister approached to her brother, #Mum is
The brother is crying to his red bright cheeks. The two siblings decided to run into
the +ungle, shouting their mothers name, #M2M- M2M- M2M#. They saw their mother,
the mother was close to the eating stone. The mothers mind was blank and cannot hear
anything e.cept the calling voice of the stone. The two siblings even decided to pull the
mothers hair. 3ut, it was too late. Their mother was gone..forever. They only got a lock
of their mothers black-brownish hair. The sister was upset with the brother, #This is all
your fault, if you did not eaten the egg, this would not be happening..#. The sister cannot
blamed the brother.. #$ts alright, we have no family, no mother or father.# The brother
was sad to hear, #"hen you go anywhere, $ will follow you everywhere.#
Moral of the story 4 !ont be super selfish, dont always think about yourself, think
about others also.
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