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Fall 2014, Issue 1

The Fijian Government

In Fiji they have a multiparty
government system. They have a
Prime Minister who is considered
the head of government. Similar
to the United States of America,
Fiji has executive, legislative, and
judicial branches. The Fijian
government exercises power in the
executive branch, whereas the
parliament in Fiji exercises power
in the legislative branch. The
judicial branch in Fiji is considered
to be its own entity, and is not
associated with either of the
executive or legislative branches.
The president in Fiji must first be
nominated by the Prime Minister
and then must be elected by the
parliament. He is considered to be
the head of State. Much like the
United States of America, the
president also acts as the
commander-in-chief of the Armed
Forces. Their presidential position
is up for election every 6 years.
This government system Fiji has
adopted is considered to be a
representative democracy.
Prime Minister of Fiji
Frank Bainimarama has
been Fijis Prime Minister
since 2007.
Government System in Fiji

President of Fiji
Epeli Nailatikau was
sworn in as the Fijian
President in 2009.

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