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TABK comments/ Query:-

1. TSA Procedure (Ref document AD127-457-G-00539.pdf)

What is the way to measure the aluminium coating thickness (calibrated samples, or coupons to measure the thickness
under microscope?).
Please provide more details on how the adhesion test is carried out
There is TOTAL General Specification GS EP COR 355. Following are the requirements stipulated in the GS, which
should be followed :
- Operators applying TSA shall be individually certified according to ISO 2063
- Inspectors shall be individually certified by an approved organization (ACQPA, FROSIO, NACE International Min Level 3)
- All sharp edges shall be rounded (minimum radius > 2 mm)
- Do not use copper slag or silica sand for blasting / surface preparation purpose.
- All surfaces shall be blast-cleaned (ISO 8504) until degree of cleanliness Sa3 according to ISO 8501-1
- The surface profile shall be G medium according to ISO 8503 with a minimum Ra equal to 10 micrometer.
- Surface contamination including chloride (according to ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9) shall be 30 mg/sq m.

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