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A profession is an occupation that involves specialized training and a

formal qualification before one is allowed to practice or work.

A professional teaching qualification does not make a professional, in the
true sense of the word. Belonging to a particular profession does not
automatically guarantee that the service you provide is a professional one.
Hence, teaching as a professional is a hard thing to do because it
encompasses many roles to be done well.
In its broadest sense, teaching is a process that facilitates learning.
Teaching is the specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes
designed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs of the
individual and of society.
In addition to providing students with learning opportunities to meet
curriculum outcomes, teaching emphasizes the development of values
and guides students in their social relationships. Teachers employ
practices that develop positive self-concept in students. Although the
work of teachers typically takes place in a classroom setting, the direct
interaction between teacher and student is the single most important
element in teaching.
Teaching as a Profession
The continued professionalization of teaching is a long-standing goal of
Teachers. Teachers continue to work to advance teaching as a profession.
Professionalism is a complex and elusive concept; it is dynamic and fluid.
Teachers have an organized body of knowledge that separates the group
from all others. Teachers are equipped with such a body of knowledge,
having an extensive background in the world and its culture and a set of
teaching methods experientially derived through continuous research in
all parts of the world.
Teacher serves a great social purpose. Teachers carry responsibilities
weighted with social purpose. Through a rigid and self-imposed
adherence to the Code of Professional Conduct, which sets out their
duties and responsibilities, teachers pass on their accumulated culture and
assist each student under their care in achieving self-realization.
A formal period of preparation and a requirement for continuous growth
and development. A degree of autonomy accorded the professional. The
profession has control or influence over education standards, admissions,
licensing, professional development, ethical and performance standards,
and professional discipline. As professionals, teachers are governed in
their professional relationships with other members, school boards,
students and the general public by rules of conduct set out in the Code of
Professional Conduct.
The Teaching Quality Standard defines the knowledge, skills and
attributes all teachers are expected to demonstrate as they complete their
professional preparation, enter the profession and progress through their
careers. Additionally, the Department of Educations Teacher Growth,
Supervision and Evaluation Policy supports and reinforces the Teaching
Quality Standard by setting out basic expectations for teacher growth,
supervision and evaluation.
Teachers as Professionals
Teacher is the essential element in the delivery of instruction to students,
regardless of the mode of instruction. A teacher has professional
knowledge and skills gained through formal preparation and experience.
Teachers provide personal, caring service to students by diagnosing their
needs and by planning, selecting and using methods and evaluation
procedures designed to promote learning. The processes of teaching
include understanding and adhering to legal and legislated frameworks
and policies; identifying and responding to student learning needs;
providing effective and responsive instruction; assessing and
communicating student learning; developing and maintaining a safe,
respectful environment conducive to student learning; establishing and
maintaining professional relationships; and engaging in reflective
professional practice. These processes must be free of discriminatory
practices and should contribute to the holistic development of students
who are actively engaged, responsible and contributing members of a
democratic society. Teachers who practice under conditions that enable
them to exercise professional judgment best serve the educational
interests of students. Teachers have a right to participate in all decisions
that affect them or their work, and have a corresponding responsibility to
provide informed leadership in matters related to their professional
Characteristics of a teacher
1. A teacher respects students. In a classroom, each persons ideas and
opinions are valued. Students feel safe to express their feelings and learn
to respect and listen to others. Teacher creates a welcoming learning
environment for all students.
2. A teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the
classroom. The mutual respect in classroom provides a supportive,
collaborative environment. Teacher lets students know that they can
depend not only on her, but also on the entire class.
3. A teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Person is
approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on campus. Teacher
to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or
even to share a funny story. Teachers possess good listening skills and
take time out of their way-too-busy schedules for anyone who needs
them. If teacher is having a bad day, no one ever knowsthe teacher
leaves personal baggage outside the school doors.

4. A teacher sets high expectations for all students. Teacher realizes
that the expectations she has for her students greatly affect their
achievement; she knows that students generally give to teachers as much
or as little as is expected of them.
5. A teacher has his own love of learning and inspires students with his
passion for education and for the course material. He constantly renews
himself as a professional on his quest to provide students with the highest
quality of education possible. Teacher has no fear of learning new
teaching strategies or incorporating new technologies into lessons, and
always seems to be the one who is willing to share what hes learned with
6. A teacher is a skilled leader. Different from administrative leaders,
effective teachers focus on shared decision-making and teamwork, as
well as on community building. Teacher conveys this sense of leadership
to students by providing opportunities for each of them to assume
leadership roles.
7. A teacher can shift-gears and is flexible when a lesson isnt
working. Teacher assesses his teaching throughout the lessons and finds
new ways to present material to make sure that every student understands
the key concepts.
8. A collaborates with colleagues on an ongoing basis. Rather than
thinking of herself as weak because she asks for suggestions or help,
teacher views collaboration as a way to learn from a fellow professional.
A great teacher uses constructive criticism and advice as an opportunity
to grow as an educator.

9. A teacher maintains professionalism in all areasfrom personal
appearance to organizational skills and preparedness for each day. Her
communication skills are exemplary, whether she is speaking with an
administrator, one of her students or a colleague. The respect that the
great teacher receives because of her professional manner is obvious to
those around her.
Teachers are expected to
Be competent and effective
Be proficient in the use if instructional strategies, curriculum
materials, advanced educational technologies, and classroom
management techniques.
Have a thorough understanding of the developmental levels of their
Have a solid grasp of the content they teach
Be informed of exemplary practices and to demonstrate a desire for
professional development
Help all learners succeed
Hold strong beliefs about the potential for all children, regardless
of students' ethnicity, language, gender, socioeconomic status,
family backgrounds and living conditions, abilities, or disabilities.
Ensure that all students develop to their fullest potential.
Have a repertoire of instructional strategies and resources to create
meaningful learning experiences that promote students' growth and
Occupy a position of Trust.
Students to be happy, safe and well educated.

Teaching is a gift that seems to come quite naturally for some; others
have to work overtime to achieve great teacher status. Yet the payoff is
enormous for both you and your students. Imagine students thinking
of you when they remember that great teacher they had in college!

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