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C++ Design Patterns

Advanced C++ Programming Seminar, Summer Term 2009

Georg Altmann
University Erlangen-Nuremberg System Simulation
June 4th 2009
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The Singleton Pattern
The Monostate Pattern
The Bridge Pattern
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What is a Design Pattern?
Design Patterns are descriptions of communicating objects and classes that
are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.
Erich Gamma [et al.], Design Patterns, Addison Wesley, 1994
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Why use Design Patterns?
Design Patterns are proven solutions to re-occurring software design
Dont re-invent the wheel!
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The Singleton Pattern
The Monostate Pattern
The Bridge Pattern
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The Singleton Pattern
The Problem
Ensure a class has only one instance with global access
For some classes it is important, that only one instance exists:
program conguration classes
classes representing unique system devices
logging classes
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The Singleton Pattern
class Singleton {
// Unique global point of access
static Singleton* getInstance();
static Singleton* instance_;
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The Singleton Pattern
Singleton* Singleton::instance_ = 0;
Singleton* Singleton::getInstance() {
if(instance_ == 0)
instance_ = new Singleton();
return instance_;
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The Singleton Pattern
class Singleton {
static Singleton* getInstance();
static Singleton* instance_;
Default constructor public:
It is possible to create multiple instances!
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The Singleton Pattern
class Singleton {
static Singleton* getInstance();
static Singleton* instance_;
Default constructor public:
It is possible to create multiple instances!
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The Singleton Pattern
class Singleton {
static Singleton* getInstance();
static Singleton* instance_;
Copy constructor and copy assignment operator public:
It is still possible to create multiple instances by copying!
Singleton myCopy(*Singleton::getInstance());
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The Singleton Pattern
class Singleton {
static Singleton* getInstance();
static Singleton* instance_;
Copy constructor and copy assignment operator public:
It is still possible to create multiple instances by copying!
Singleton myCopy(*Singleton::getInstance());
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The Singleton Pattern
class Singleton {
static Singleton* getInstance();
Singleton(const Singleton&); // non-
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&); // copyable
static Singleton* instance_;
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The Singleton Pattern
Singleton gone. . .
Singleton *s = Singleton::getInstance();
delete s; // Oops!
Destructor is public:
Clients can destroy the Singleton.
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The Singleton Pattern
Singleton gone. . .
Singleton *s = Singleton::getInstance();
delete s; // Oops!
Destructor is public:
Clients can destroy the Singleton.
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The Singleton Pattern
A simple Singleton
class Singleton {
static Singleton& getInstance(); // return reference
Singleton(const Singleton&); // non-
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&); // copyable
~Singleton(); // indestructible
static Singleton* instance_;
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The Singleton Pattern
Resource leak: Singleton() is never called!
Resources held by the Singleton are never freed
May be acceptable for dynamically allocated memory
OS-wide mutexes, IPC, CORBA/COM problematic!
How can the resource leak be avoided?
Use a local static variable instead of a static data member
Meyers, More Eective C++, Addison-Wesley, 1996
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The Singleton Pattern
Resource leak: Singleton() is never called!
Resources held by the Singleton are never freed
May be acceptable for dynamically allocated memory
OS-wide mutexes, IPC, CORBA/COM problematic!
How can the resource leak be avoided?
Use a local static variable instead of a static data member
Meyers, More Eective C++, Addison-Wesley, 1996
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The Singleton Pattern
Resource leak: Singleton() is never called!
Resources held by the Singleton are never freed
May be acceptable for dynamically allocated memory
OS-wide mutexes, IPC, CORBA/COM problematic!
How can the resource leak be avoided?
Use a local static variable instead of a static data member
Meyers, More Eective C++, Addison-Wesley, 1996
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The Meyers Singleton
class Singleton {
static Singleton& getInstance();
Singleton(const Singleton&); // non-
Singleton& Singleton(const Singleton&); // copyable
// no static instance pointer!
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The Meyers Singleton
Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
static Singleton instance;
return instance;
Meyers Singleton Consequences
instance initialized when getInstance() is called the rst time
instance ist destroyed automatically (std::atexit())
Order of destruction of static objects is arbitrary!
Problematic if static objects are interdependent
Dead reference problem
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The Meyers Singleton
Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
static Singleton instance;
return instance;
Meyers Singleton Consequences
instance initialized when getInstance() is called the rst time
instance ist destroyed automatically (std::atexit())
Order of destruction of static objects is arbitrary!
Problematic if static objects are interdependent
Dead reference problem
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The Meyers Singleton
Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
static Singleton instance;
return instance;
Meyers Singleton Consequences
instance initialized when getInstance() is called the rst time
instance ist destroyed automatically (std::atexit())
Order of destruction of static objects is arbitrary!
Problematic if static objects are interdependent
Dead reference problem
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The Meyers Singleton
Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
static Singleton instance;
return instance;
Meyers Singleton Consequences
instance initialized when getInstance() is called the rst time
instance ist destroyed automatically (std::atexit())
Order of destruction of static objects is arbitrary!
Problematic if static objects are interdependent
Dead reference problem
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The Meyers Singleton
Detecting Dead Reference Access
// singleton.h
class Singleton {
// ... as before
static bool destroyed_;
// singleton.cpp
Singleton::destroyed_ = false;
Singleton::~Singleton() {
destroyed_ = true;
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The Meyers Singleton
Detecting Dead Reference Access
// singleton.cpp
Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
static Singleton instance;
throw std::runtime_error(
"Singleton: Dead Reference Access");
return instance;
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The Phoenix Singleton
Phoenix from the ashes
Dead reference access now correctly throws an exception
Situation unsatisfactory if dependency cannot be avoided
Idea: Re-create the destroyed Singleton after its destruction:
Phoenix Singleton
Alexandrescu, Modern C++ Design, Addison-Wesley, 2001
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The Phoenix Singleton
The Phoenix Singleton
// singleton.cpp
Singleton* Singleton::pkill_ = 0;
Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
static Singleton instance;
if(destroyed_) {
new(&instance) Singleton; // placement new
pkill_ = &instance; // init kill pointer
std::atexit(kill); // register destruction
destroyed_ = false;
return instance;
void Singleton::kill() {
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The Phoenix Singleton
Phoenix Disadvantages
If the Singleton keeps state, it is lost after destruction
Use of atexit is a low level hack
Longevity Patterns
More advanced patterns for controlling the lifetime of objects can be
found in
Alexandrescu, Modern C++ Design, Addison-Wesley, 2001
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The Phoenix Singleton
Phoenix Disadvantages
If the Singleton keeps state, it is lost after destruction
Use of atexit is a low level hack
Longevity Patterns
More advanced patterns for controlling the lifetime of objects can be
found in
Alexandrescu, Modern C++ Design, Addison-Wesley, 2001
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The Singleton Pattern
The Monostate Pattern
The Bridge Pattern
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The Monostate Pattern
Ensures only one class object exists
Data is encapsulated in the class object
Data members static and private - class level encapsulation
Class objects are stateless - any number of instances may exist
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The Monostate Pattern
class Config {
Color getFavoriteColor() const;
/* ... */
static bool initialized_;
static Color favoriteColor_;
/* ... */
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The Monostate Pattern
bool Config::initialized_ = false;
Color Config::favoriteColor_;
Config::Config() {
if(!initialized_) {
/* ... initialize from file/registry/etc. ... */
initialized_ = true;
Color Config::getFavoriteColor() const {
return favoriteColor_;
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Monostate vs. Singleton
Cong as Singleton
Config &conf = Config::getInstance(); // get Config object
Color col = conf.getFavoriteColor();
Cong as Monostate
Config conf = Config(); // create new Config object
Color col = conf.getFavoriteColor();
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Monostate vs. Singleton
Cong as Singleton
Config &conf = Config::getInstance(); // get Config object
Color col = conf.getFavoriteColor();
Cong as Monostate
Config conf = Config(); // create new Config object
Color col = conf.getFavoriteColor();
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Monostate vs. Singleton
Meyers Singleton oers initialization and destruction
Ensuring single instance is dicult and error-prone
Single instance explicit in interface
Does not handle destruction
leaks dynamic resources
Objects are stateless
no copy-construction problem
Data sharing invisible in interface (implementation detail)
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Monostate vs. Singleton
Meyers Singleton oers initialization and destruction
Ensuring single instance is dicult and error-prone
Single instance explicit in interface
Does not handle destruction
leaks dynamic resources
Objects are stateless
no copy-construction problem
Data sharing invisible in interface (implementation detail)
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The Singleton Pattern
The Monostate Pattern
The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
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The Bridge Pattern
The Problem
C++ mixes class interface and implementation (header les)
Leads to strong compile time dependencies
Long compile times slow down development process
The Solution
Manually decouple interface and implementation:
Pimpl idiom (pointer to implementation)
Abstract Interface classes
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The Bridge Pattern
The Problem
C++ mixes class interface and implementation (header les)
Leads to strong compile time dependencies
Long compile times slow down development process
The Solution
Manually decouple interface and implementation:
Pimpl idiom (pointer to implementation)
Abstract Interface classes
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The Bridge Pattern
The Problem
C++ mixes class interface and implementation (header les)
Leads to strong compile time dependencies
Long compile times slow down development process
The Solution
Manually decouple interface and implementation:
Pimpl idiom (pointer to implementation)
Abstract Interface classes
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The Bridge Pattern
The Problem
C++ mixes class interface and implementation (header les)
Leads to strong compile time dependencies
Long compile times slow down development process
The Solution
Manually decouple interface and implementation:
Pimpl idiom (pointer to implementation)
Abstract Interface classes
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The Bridge Pattern
The Problem
C++ mixes class interface and implementation (header les)
Leads to strong compile time dependencies
Long compile times slow down development process
The Solution
Manually decouple interface and implementation:
Pimpl idiom (pointer to implementation)
Abstract Interface classes
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
class Person {
Person(const std::string& name);
std::string name() const;
std::string name_; //implementation detail
Person::Person(const std::string& name)
: name_(name) {}
std::string Person::name() const {
return name_;
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
class Person {
Person(const std::string& name);
std::string name() const;
std::string name_; //implementation detail
Person::Person(const std::string& name)
: name_(name) {}
std::string Person::name() const {
return name_;
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Pimpl version person.h
class PersonImpl; // forward declaration of impl
class Person {
Person(const std::string& name);
std::string name() const;
std::tr1::shared_ptr<PersonImpl> p_; //pointer to impl
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Pimpl version person.cpp
Person::Person(const std::string& name)
: p_(new PersonImpl(name)) // create impl instance
std::string Person::name() const {
return p_->name(); // delegate call to impl
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
class PersonImpl {
PersonImpl(const std::string& name);
std::string name() const;
std::string name_;
PersonImpl::PersonImpl(const std::string& name)
: name_(name) {}
std::string PersonImpl::name() const {
return name_;
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
class PersonImpl {
PersonImpl(const std::string& name);
std::string name() const;
std::string name_;
PersonImpl::PersonImpl(const std::string& name)
: name_(name) {}
std::string PersonImpl::name() const {
return name_;
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
person.h has no dependency on personimpl.h (forward declaration)
No need to recompile client code if personimpl.h changes
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Add Write Access
void Person::setName(const std::string& name) {
void PersonImpl::setName(const std::string& name) {
name_ = name;
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Person p("Peter");
Person pc(p);
cout << " " << << endl;
cout << " " << << endl;
cout << "pc.setName(\"Hans\");" << endl;
cout << " " << << endl;
cout << " " << << endl;
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Result Peter Peter
pc.setName("Hans"); Hans // Oops! Hans
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Result Peter Peter
pc.setName("Hans"); Hans // Oops! Hans
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Person p("Peter");
Person pc(p); // (1)
What happened?
Compiler-generated Copy-Constructor is called (1)
p and pc share the same PersonImpl object!
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Copying behavior
Implement Copy-Constructor and copy assignment operator and make sure
the PersonImpl object is (deep-)copied
implement copy-on-write. . .
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
void Person::makeUnique() {
if(!p_.unique()) {
std::tr1::shared_ptr<PersonImpl> np(
new PersonImpl(*p_));
p_ = np;
void Person::setName(const std::string& name) {
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
cout << " " << << endl;
cout << " " << << endl;
cout << "pc.setName(\"Hans\");" << endl;
cout << " " << << endl;
cout << " " << << endl;
Copy-on-Write Result Peter Peter
pc.setName("Hans"); Peter Hans
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Drawbacks of Pimpl
Performance penalty of impl allocation and memory fragmentation
Performance penalty due to pointer dereferencing
Copying behavior has to be taken care of
Source code bloat
Sometimes a back-pointer to the interface object is needed (e.g.
for virtual function calls)
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Drawbacks of Pimpl
Performance penalty of impl allocation and memory fragmentation
Performance penalty due to pointer dereferencing
Copying behavior has to be taken care of
Source code bloat
Sometimes a back-pointer to the interface object is needed (e.g.
for virtual function calls)
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Drawbacks of Pimpl
Performance penalty of impl allocation and memory fragmentation
Performance penalty due to pointer dereferencing
Copying behavior has to be taken care of
Source code bloat
Sometimes a back-pointer to the interface object is needed (e.g.
for virtual function calls)
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Drawbacks of Pimpl
Performance penalty of impl allocation and memory fragmentation
Performance penalty due to pointer dereferencing
Copying behavior has to be taken care of
Source code bloat
Sometimes a back-pointer to the interface object is needed (e.g.
for virtual function calls)
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The Bridge Pattern - Pimpl
Drawbacks of Pimpl
Performance penalty of impl allocation and memory fragmentation
Performance penalty due to pointer dereferencing
Copying behavior has to be taken care of
Source code bloat
Sometimes a back-pointer to the interface object is needed (e.g.
for virtual function calls)
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The Singleton Pattern
The Monostate Pattern
The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Abstract Interface Class
// person.h
class Person {
virtual ~Person();
virtual std::string name() const = 0;
// factory function - "virtual constructor"
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<Person>
create(const std::string& name);
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Concrete Class
// realperson.h
class RealPerson : public Person {
RealPerson(const std::string& name)
std::string name() const;
std::string name_;
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
#include "person.h"
#include "realperson.h"
Person::create(const std::string& name) {
return std::tr1::shared_ptr<Person>(
new RealPerson(name));
create() may choose between dierent implementations of the Interface
Class at run-time.
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Clients only depend on person.h
Link between Person and RealPerson hidden in person.cpp
realperson.h can be changed without needing to recompile client code
Multiple concrete classes with dierent implementations
No interface to implemenation glue code
Cost of Interface Classes
All function calls are virtual (performance)
Additional virtual function table pointer per object (memory)
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Clients only depend on person.h
Link between Person and RealPerson hidden in person.cpp
realperson.h can be changed without needing to recompile client code
Multiple concrete classes with dierent implementations
No interface to implemenation glue code
Cost of Interface Classes
All function calls are virtual (performance)
Additional virtual function table pointer per object (memory)
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Clients only depend on person.h
Link between Person and RealPerson hidden in person.cpp
realperson.h can be changed without needing to recompile client code
Multiple concrete classes with dierent implementations
No interface to implemenation glue code
Cost of Interface Classes
All function calls are virtual (performance)
Additional virtual function table pointer per object (memory)
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Clients only depend on person.h
Link between Person and RealPerson hidden in person.cpp
realperson.h can be changed without needing to recompile client code
Multiple concrete classes with dierent implementations
No interface to implemenation glue code
Cost of Interface Classes
All function calls are virtual (performance)
Additional virtual function table pointer per object (memory)
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Clients only depend on person.h
Link between Person and RealPerson hidden in person.cpp
realperson.h can be changed without needing to recompile client code
Multiple concrete classes with dierent implementations
No interface to implemenation glue code
Cost of Interface Classes
All function calls are virtual (performance)
Additional virtual function table pointer per object (memory)
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The Bridge Pattern - Abstract Interface Classes
Clients only depend on person.h
Link between Person and RealPerson hidden in person.cpp
realperson.h can be changed without needing to recompile client code
Multiple concrete classes with dierent implementations
No interface to implemenation glue code
Cost of Interface Classes
All function calls are virtual (performance)
Additional virtual function table pointer per object (memory)
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