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Summary of what is done and what will be done

The dissertation has been organized into the following chapters: Introduction to the subject, a
literature review, research methodology, research findings and conclusion. Each chapter has been
specific to the theme of Reliability Centered Maintenance of aircrafts in big commercial airlines.
The current work done so far in the dissertation has dealt with Introduction, Literature Review
and Research Methodology.
The Introduction has already developed the theme surrounding the subject, introducing the aims
and objectives of this work, its underlying purpose, scope and limitations and other elements that
define the fundamental structure of this dissertation.
In the Literature Review, relevant studies that exist on the subject whether directly or through
linked association have been outlined and discussed so as to build upon the specific context of
the title in the most current view possible.
The Research Methodology was briefly highlighted within Introduction as a subheading.
However to be more objective with the dissertation a separate chapter is dedicated towards its
description. Here the philosophy behind the dissertation title was written upon, the approach for
research which is the guiding principle behind the chapter 'Research Analysis'. Furthermore
concerning Research Analysis, Research Methods also specifies the strategies and choices in the
development of this dissertation with respect to objectivity of data, its sampling and collection so
as to benefit from a precise perspective as narrowly as possible.
With respect to the work that remains, it is the collection of data itself which is to be examined
and analyzed before the chapter of 'Research Analysis, Findings & Discussions' is proceeded
with. The existing data at hand is the secondary and tertiary data (journals and established
theories in books respectively). The addition of primary data into this dissertation will allow a
more accurate development of the subject matter and is thus the next objective before concluding
the dissertation.

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