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Account: an accounting record of increases and decreases in a specific
asset, liability or equity item.
An account consists of three parts: 1) Account title. 2) left or Debit side. 3)
right or Credit side.
debiting an account is : entering an amount n the left side of an account
crediting an account is : entering an amount in the right side of an account.

Debit balance : when the debits exceed the credits in an account.
Credit balance : when the credits exceed the debits in an account.
the equality of debits and credits provides the basis for the Double-entry
system of recording transactions.
The normal balance of an account is on the side where an increase in the
account is recorded.
Assets , Expenses , Dividends ( AED) normal balance is : DEBIT
Liabilities , Share Capital , Retained Earnings (revenue)( LSR ) normal
balance is : CREDIT
Expanded equation: Assets = Liabilities + Share Capital + Retained earnings
- Dividends+ Revenue - Expenses
journal is referred to the book of original entry. for each transaction the
journal shows the debit and credit effects on specific accounts.
General journal : has spaces for dates, account title and explanations ,
references, and two amount columns.

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