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Types of Volcanoes Guided Notes page 480

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What is the relationship between craters, calderas, vents, and
How does a crater lake form? (words and pictures)
side of a volcano collapses into the old magma chamber

What two factors does a volcanos appearance depend upon?
What characteristics vary among volcanoes?
The type of material and the type of eruption.Size, shape and
Complete the following table in your notes:
Type of Volcano Materials &
Sketch Example
Shield Shield cone,
basaltic lava

Muana Loa
Cinder-Cone Cinder cone,
water and silia

Composite Composite Mt. St. Helens
Types of Volcanoes Guided Notes page 480
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(Stratovolcano) cone, silica
water and

How do the volcanoes compare in terms of size and slope?
Shield is the largest and cinder has the steepest slope
What factors cause differences in size and slope?
Materials, vegetation, climate and eruptive history
What is tephra?
Rock fragments thrown into the air during an eruption
What is a pyroclastic flow?
Rapidly moving volcanic material
Where are most volcanoes found?
Plate bounderies
Use the maps provided to show:(1) the Circum Pacific Belt and the
Mediterranean Belt where convergent volcanism occur and (2) the
Hawaiian Emperor Volcanic Chain.
How do hotspots form?
When hot regions of the mantle where high temperature
plumes of mantle material rise toward the surface
What do hotspots tell us about tectonic plates?
The rate and direction of motion can be calculated

Types of Volcanoes Guided Notes page 480
Do not write on this copy. Transfer the questions into your notebook in Cornell style and use your book to find the answers.

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