Education: Your Name Here

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Your Name Here

Phone Number
Honours Bachelor of Business Administration Program University
Location Expected Graduation Winter 2014
Overall GPA and GPA o !a"or
#olunteer positions
$lubs and extra%curricular activities
Work Experience
Strategy & Business Development Company Name
Location &ul' 201( ) April 2014
*esponsible or strate+ic vision, plannin+ and execution
Evaluate potential business relationships and contracts
-ales strate+', plannin+ and implementation
Ne. product development and mana+ement
Copy ditor Company Name
Location /*emote0 April 201( ) Au+ust 2014
*evie. unpublished articles ensurin+ suitabilit' or online dissemination
Prooread articles or +rammatical, t'po+raphical, composition and1or st'le +uideline errors2
$ommunicate .ith .riters and senior editor on content, clariications, su++estions and revisions
!"ner#!perator Company Name
Location April 2003 ) Present
$reation and execution o mar4etin+ and sales strate+'
5evelopment o procedures and +uidelines
*esponsible or the hirin+1trainin+ o salespersons and specialists
Administration o accounts pa'able, accounts receivable, emplo'ee pa'roll and all other related inancial
6hrou+h sales initiatives, increased annual revenue b' (007 rom 2003%2012
$rading Administrator Company Name
Location -ummer 2008
9ept trac4 o all trades perormed and ensured that proper settlement occurred throu+h dealin+s .ith the
internal operations team and third%part' settlement companies
$onducted :ualitative and :uantitative research or Portolio !ana+ers
Ensured all private placement deals .ere successul b' preparin+ appropriate materials and or+ani;in+
mone' and stoc4 certiicate transers
$ompleted dail' ban4 reconciliations and or+ani;ed prox' votin+ procedures
/<nterests0 <nterests include pla'in+ and .ritin+ music, various sports, .ritin+ and readin+ non%iction
/*elevant s4ills0 $omputer -4ills= Proicient in !icrosot Excel, Word, Po.erPoint and Access

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