La Maison de Mes Rêves

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La maison de

mes rves
You will write a 4 paragraph (at least 20 sentences) essay about your dream
home and its location. Stick to the vocabulary you know from Lesson 13 and
previous lessons. You must use the following checklist in order to receive full-
credit for this assignment.
Required Element Example
2 sentences with il y a Il y a une table et quatre chaises dans la cuisine.
2 sentences with cest Cest une grande maison brune.
2 sentences with il/elle
Elle (La maison) est confortable.
10 diferent adjectives un grand lit confortable
each noun has the
proper article
un bureau, une chaise, dans la maison
every sentence has a
subject & verb
La maison est blanche. Dans le quartier il y a une
varied vocabulary &
sentence structure
Dans le salon, il y a une tl et des DVDs parce
que jaime regarder les flms. (This sentence uses
previously learned vocabulary, begins with a
prepositional phrase and is complex.)
1 paragraph describes
the main foor
Au rez-de-chausse...
1 paragraph describes
the 2
Au premier tage...
1 paragraph describes
the yard & the street
Dans le jardin / lextrieur, il y a beaucoup de
feurs et plantes.
Dans la rue, il y a un petit restaurant italien.
1 paragraph describes
the town or city where
your house is located
Dans la ville, il y a beaucoup de magasins. Jadore
faire du shopping le week-end.
I used the checklist, a graphic organizer to help with pre-writing, and French spell-
check to make this composition the best it can be. I did not try to use French that I do
not understand yet, but I used what I do know to create an interesting and creative
essay. I understand that not following the directions will result in being asked to
rewrite my composition. Student Initials: ________________

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