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Project report submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Award of the degree of
Punjab technical uni%ersit&
Su(hjeet (aur
!nder the guidance of
0"1AS 2!3AT"
3ala lajpat rai institute of engineering 4technolog&
" am the student of 3939R9"9E9T Moga under the M99A is highl& than(ful to our respected
0"1AS 2!3AT" 5Project 2uided8 and to the respected MA2ER :9O9$ S!ES SE$$"9
ecause due to these respected persons " am able to choose this Research Project9 And
now " am presenting the project report9 Actuall& " ha%e no words to e;plain m& pleasure
on the completion of this project9 "t was not an eas& matter for me to complete this
"n addition to this< " would li(e to than( all m& respondents< who has spent their %aluable
time with me and help me in getting the requested information for this project9
" would also offer m& gratitude to m& parents and friends for their help9 3ast but not the
least " am indebted to =Almight&> without whose blessings and grace this project would
not ha%e reached where it is now9
" name of the student< herb& declare that the research project entitled =EMOP3?EE
E#2A2ME#T> has been prepared b& me as part of the requirement of the master of
business administration Program of Punjab technical uni%ersit& 'alandhar 9this is m&
original wor( and up to the est of m& (nowledge9
" further declare that this project has not been submitted earlier to an& other uni%ersit& or
institute for the award of an& degree of diploma
SBI life insurance is India's premier insurance enabling company. sbi Life
insurance is the one-stop-shop for requirements of services in the areas of
insurance, optimum investment, fnancial coverage and losses, mortality beneft,
and health option etc. This is backed by sbi life insurance service support
infrastructure - the widest in the country
The objective of the poject !"# to $%&e#t"%& ho! '%"%ci"( co%#$(t"%t
p(") i*pot"%t o(e fo i%#$"%ce co*p"%) (i+e S,I LI-E. To $%&e#t"%&
the poce## of Rec$it*e%t of '%"%ic"( co%#$(t i% #bi (ife
The main objective of the project is to understand the recruitment and selection
of fnancial consultant more efectively and efciently, because fnancial
consultant play most important role in business of insurance. Market in Pune city
was targeted. Various areas in city were selected. The data gave knowledge
about customer satisfaction, loyalty & their feel about the sbi Life Insurance.
Recruitment was conducted using questionnaire. The information about various
attributes & factors was collected about the fnancial consultant. All the data
collected, primary data was fltered & analyzed, represented in the form of graphs
& charts. Secondary data was also used in report such as company profle, on
the basis of analysis of data, conclusions were drawn. On the basis of fndings &
conclusions, suggestions were given.
Recruitment is concerned with developing suitable techniques for attracting more
and more candidates. The aim of personnel planning is to determine the needs
for persons both in terms of number and type. For deciding about the number
both present and future requirements should be taken into account. If there are
expansion plans in near future then these requirements should also be
considered. Besides number, the type of persons needed is also important. The
educational and technical requirements to manage various jobs should e properly
analyzed so that right type of persons are employed.
Recruitment is sometimes confused with employment. The two are not one and
the same. Recruitment is just one step in the process of employment.
Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those with jobs and those
seeking jobs. When more persons apply for jobs then there will be scope for
recruiting better persons.
Recruitment is the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulatingand
encouraging them to apply for jos in an
Recruitment is defned as, a process to discover the sources of manpower
to meet the requirements of the stafng schedule and to employ efective
measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate efective
selection of an efcient workforce. Edwin B. Flippo defned recruitment as the
process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for
jobs in the organization. Recruitment is a linking function-joining together those
with jobs to fll and those seeking jobs. It is a joining process in that it tries to
bring together job seekers and employer with a view to encourage the former to
apply for a job with the latter
In order to attract people for the jobs, the organization must communicate
the position in such a way that job seekers respond. To be cost efective, the
recruitment process should attract qualifed applicants and provide enough
information for unqualifed persons to self-select themselves out.
Thus, the recruitment process begins when new recruits are sought and
ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants
from which new employees are selected
The 2e%e"( p$po#e of ec$it*e%t i# to povi&e " poo( of pote%ti"(()
3$"(i'e& job c"%&i&"te#. Speci'c"(()4 the p$po#e# "e to/

5 Dete*i%e the pe#e%t "%& f$t$e e3$ie*e%t# of the o2"%i6"tio%
co%j$%ctio% !ith it# pe#o%%e(7p("%%i%2 "%& job7"%"()#i# "ctivitie#.

5 I%ce"#e the poo( of job c"%&i&"te# "t *i%i*$* co#t.
5 8e(p i%ce"#e the #$cce## "te of the #e(ectio% poce## b) e&$ci%2
%$*be of vi#ib()4 $%&e 3$"(i'e& o ove3$"(i'e& job "pp(ic"%t#.
5 8e(p e&$ce the pob"bi(it) th"t job "pp(ic"%t#4 o%ce ec$ite& "%&
#e(ecte&4 !i(( (e"ve the o2"%i6"tio% o%() "fte " #hot peio& of
5 ,e2i% i&e%tif)i%2 "%& pep"i%2 pote%ti"( job "pp(ic"%t# !ho !i(( be
"ppopi"te c"%&i&"te#.
I%&$ct o$t#i&e# !ith " %e! pe#pective to (e"& the co*p"%).
I%f$#e fe#h b(oo& "t "(( (eve(# of the o2"%i6"tio%.
Deve(op "% o2"%i6"tio%"( c$(t$e th"t "tt"ct# co*pete%t peop(e
to the co*p"%).
5 Se"ch o he"& h$%t9he"& po$ch peop(e !ho#e #+i((# 't the
co*p"%):# v"($e#.
Devi#e *etho&o(o2ie# fo "##e##i%2 p#)cho(o2ic"( t"it#.
Se"ch fo t"(e%t 2(ob"(() "%& %ot j$#t !ithi% the co*p"%).
De#i2% e%t) p") th"t co*pete# o% 3$"(it) b$t %ot o% 3$"%t$*.
A%ticip"te "%& '%& peop(e fo po#itio%# th"t &o %ot e;i#t )et.
5 I%ce"#e o2"%i6"tio%"( "%& i%&ivi&$"( e<ective%e## i% the #hot
"%& (o%2 te*.
5 Ev"($"te the e<ective%e## of v"io$# ec$iti%2 tech%i3$e# "%&
#o$ce# fo "(( t)pe# of job "pp(ic"%t#.
Recruitment represents the frst contact that a company makes with potential
employees. It is through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a
company, and eventually decide whether they wish to work for it. A well-planned
and well-managed recruiting efort will result in high- quality applicants, whereas,
a haphazard and piecemeal efort will result in mediocre ones. High-quality
employees cannot be selected when better candidates do not know of job
openings, are not interested in working for the company and do not apply. The
recruitment process should inform qualifed individuals about employment
opportunities, create a positive image of the company, provide enough
information about the jobs so that applicants can make comparisons with their
qualifcations and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the best candidates
so that they will apply for the vacant positions.
The negative consequences of a poor recruitment process speak volumes
about its role in an organization. The failure to generate an adequate number of
reasonably qualifed applicants can prove costly in several ways. It can greatly
complicate the selection process and may result in lowering of selection
standards. The poor quality of selection means extra cost on training and
supervision. Furthermore, when recruitment fails to meet the organizational
needs for talent, a typical response is to raise entry-level pay scales. This can
distort traditional wage and salary relationships in the organization, resulting in
avoidable consequences. Thus, the efectiveness of a recruitment process can
play a major role in determining the resources that must be expended on other
HR activities and their ultimate success
It #peci'e# the objective of ec$it*e%t "%& povi&e# " f"*e!o+ fo
i*p(e*e%t"tio% of the ec$it*e%t po2"**e. A ec$it*e%t po(ic)
*") i%vo(ve
=> It #ho$(& povi&e e*p(o)ee# !ith job #ec$it) "%& co%ti%$o$#
?> It #ho$(& i%te2"te o2"%i6"tio%"( %ee&# "%& e*p(o)ee %ee&#.
@> It #ho$(& *"tch the 3$"(itie# of the e*p(o)ee# !ith the
e3$ie*e%t# of the !o+ fo !hich the) "e e*p(o)e&.
A> It #ho$(& hi2h(i2ht the %ece##it) of e#t"b(i#hi%2 job "%"()#i#.

Eve) o2"%i6"tio%4 bi2 o #*"(( h"# to e%2"2e i% ec$it*e%t of
pe#o%#4 ec$it*e%t h"# t!o "#pect#7
=> To '%& o$t the %$*be of v"c"%cie# to be %oti'e& "%& the t)pe of
"pp(ic"%t# %ee&e& to '(( the*.
?> To "ppo"ch the pote%ti"( "pp(ic"%t# to "pp() fo #$ch v"c"%cie#.
No o2"%i6"tio% c"% ec$it #$cce##f$(() !itho$t t"+i%2 i%to
co%#i&e"tio% the fo((o!i%2 f"cto# B
=> The Economic Factors B
The economic conditions of a country infuence the recruitment process in all
organization. The globalization and liberalization of Indian economies since 1991
onwards has resulted in a boom in fnancial services in India. As a result of the
new economic policy, the demands of well
"# The $ocial Factors %
The#e "(#o "<ect the ec$it*e%t po(ic) of "% o2"%i6"tio%. Soci"(
ch"%2e# i% the p"#t t!o &ec"&e# i% I%&i"4 h"ve foce& o2"%i6"tio% to
commitment to broad principles such as flling vacancies with the best-qualifed
individuals. It may also involve the organizational system to be developed for
implementing recruitment programme and procedure to be employed.

A 2oo& ec$it*e%t po(ic) *$#t co%t"i% the fo((o!i%2 e(e*e%t#/
=> O2"%i6"tio%"( objective# / ,oth #hot te* "%& (o%2 te*
o2"%i6"tio%"( objective# *$#t be t"+e% i%to co%#i&e"tio% i%to
co%#i&e"tio%. I&e%ti'c"tio% of ec$it*e%t %ee&# /

?> 1efee& #o$ce# of ec$it*e%t / The #o$ce# of ec$it*e%t #ho$(&
be i&e%ti'e& pope().
@> Mo%et") "#pect# / The co#t of ec$it*e%t "%& '%"%ci"(
i*p(ic"tio%# of the #"*e h"ve to be +ept i% *i%& "(#o.
=> It #ho$(& be i% co%fo*it) !ith the 2e%e"( pe#o%%e( po(icie#.
?> It #ho$(& be Ce;ib(e e%o$2h to *eet the ch"%2i%2 %ee&# of the
@> It #ho$(& povi&e e*p(o)ee# !ith job #ec$it) "%& co%ti%$o$#
A> It #ho$(& i%te2"te o2"%i6"tio%"( %ee&# "%& e*p(o)ee %ee&#.
D> It #ho$(& *"tch the 3$"(itie# of the e*p(o)ee# !ith the
e3$ie*e%t# of the !o+ fo !hich the) "e e*p(o)e&.
E> It #ho$(& hi2h(i2ht the %ece##it) of e#t"b(i#hi%2 job "%"()#i#.
Eve) o2"%i6"tio%4 bi2 o #*"(( h"# to e%2"2e i% ec$it*e%t of
pe#o%#4 ec$it*e%t
h"# t!o "#pect#7
=> To '%& o$t the %$*be of v"c"%cie# to be %oti'e& "%& the t)pe of
"pp(ic"%t# %ee&e& to '(( the*.
?> To "ppo"ch the pote%ti"( "pp(ic"%t# to "pp() fo #$ch v"c"%cie#.
No o2"%i6"tio% c"% ec$it #$cce##f$(() !itho$t t"+i%2 i%to
co%#i&e"tio% the fo((o!i%2 f"cto# B
=> The Economic Factors B
The economic conditions of a country infuence the recruitment process in all
organization. The globalization and liberalization of Indian economies since 1991
onwards has resulted in a boom in fnancial services in India. As a result of the
new economic policy, the demands of well
?> The $ocial Factors B The#e "(#o "<ect the ec$it*e%t po(ic) of "%
o2"%i6"tio%. Soci"( ch"%2e# i% the p"#t t!o &ec"&e# i% I%&i"4 h"ve
foce& o2"%i6"tio% to p("ce i%ce"#e&e*ph"#i# o% ec$it*e%t. The
*e%t"(it) of *o&e% e*p(o)ee# h"# ch"%2e& fo* j$#t "%) job to "
#"ti#f)i%2 c"ee.
@# The Technological Factors % New technology have created new jobs
and existing jobs have undergone rapid changes. Several old jobs have
disappeared from the scene.
A> The -egal Factors B The &i<ee%t (e2i#("tive po(icie# 2ove%i%2
chi(& ("bo$4 %i2ht #hift#4 bo%&e& ("bo$ etc. h"ve bo$2ht (e2"(
e%vio%*e%t to " *"jo f"cto.

It p"##e# tho$2h the fo((o!i%2 #t"2e# /
=> Rec$it*e%t poce## be2i%# !he% pe#o%%e( &ep"t*e%t eceive#
e3$i#itio% fo ec$it*e%t fo* "%) &ep"t*e%t of the co*p"%).
?> Loc"ti%2 "%& &eve(opi%2 the #o$ce# of e3$ie& %$*be "%& t)pe of
3) Identifying the prospective employees with required characteristics.
4) Developing the techniques to attract the desired candidates.
D> The %e;t #t"2e i% the poce## i# to #ti*$("te "# *"%) c"%&i&"te# "#
E> Ev"($"ti%2 the e<ective%e## of ec$it*e%t poce##.
&RO+E$$ OF RE+R)IT,ENT +O,&/N. /DO&T$ : $O)R+E$ OF
"%& co%to(
Before an organization actively begins to recruit applicants it should consider the
mostly likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try to
develop new sources while most try to tackle the existing sources they have.
These sources accordingly may be termed as internal and external.
I%te%"( So$ce# B
This is one of the important sources of recruitment. The employees already
working in the organization may be more suitable for higher jobs than those
recruited outside. Internal sources consist of the following :
1) Present employee: Promotions and transfers among the present employees
can be a good source of internal recruitment.
?> E*p(o)ee Refe"(#/ I% "% o2"%i6"tio% !ith " ("2e %$*be of
e*p(o)ee# efe"(# c"%
povi&e 3$ite " ("2e poo( of pote%ti"( o2"%i6"tio%"( *e*be#.
@> -o*e E*p(o)ee / The#e "e "%othe i%te%"( #o$ce of ec$it*e%t.
So*e etie& e*p(o)ee# *") be !i((i%2 to co*e b"c+ to !o+.
A> 1evio$# E*p(o)ee# / Tho#e !ho h"ve pevio$#() "pp(ie& fo job#
c"% be co%t"cte& b)*"i(.
E0ternal $ources /
The#e "e "# fo((o!# B
=. A&veti#e*e%t
8. E-recruitment
=?. Co(& c"((i%2
RE+R)IT,ENT &RO+E$$ +O,&/N. /DO&T$%
78 Internalsource
4) Data banks
Organizational inducements are all the positive features and benefts ofered
by an organization that serves to attract job applicants to the organisation. Three
inducements need specifc mention here, they are:-
.+ompensation: St"ti%2 #"("ie#4 fe3$e%c) of p") i%ce"#e#4
i%ce%tive# "%& fi%2e be%e't# c"% "(( #eve "# i%&$ce*e%t# to pote%ti"(
+areer Opportunities/ The#e he(p the pe#e%t e*p(o)ee# to 2o!
personally and professionally and also attract good people to the organization.
The feeling that the company takes care of employee career aspirations serves
as a powerful inducements to potential employees.
Image or Reputation: -"cto# th"t "<ect "% o2"%i#"tio%:# ep$t"tio%
include its general treatment of employees, the nature and quality of its products
and services and its participation in worthwhile social endeavors.
If a frm has a poor image in the market, many of the prospective
candidates may not even apply for vacancies advertised by the frm. If the job is
not attractive, qualifed people may not even apply. Any job that is viewed as
boring, hazardous, anxiety producing, low-paying, or lacking in promotion
potential seldom will attract a qualifed pool of applicants. Recruiting eforts
require money. Sometimes because of limited resources, organizations may not
like to carry on the recruiting eforts for long periods of time, this can, ultimately,
constrain a recruiters efort to attract the best person for the job. Government
policies often come in the way of recruiting people as per the rules of the
company or on the basis of merit/seniority, etc. For example, reservations to
specifc groups (such as scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward castes,
physically handicapped and disabled persons, ex-servicemen, etc.) have to be
observed as per constitutional provisions while flling up vacancies in government
corporations, departmental undertakings, local bodies, quasi-government
organizations, etc.
+OR&OR/TE ,I$$ION1 O23E+TI4E$1 $TR/TE*IE$ /ND T/+TI+$
Corporations have started linking their Mission, Objectives, Strategies and
Tactics (MOST) to the functions of recruitment and selection. The economic
liberalizations and consequent competition through quality and services
necessitated the companies to search for and attract competent human
resources. Corporations focusing on new business development will have to seek
entrepreneurial abilities, companies planning to withdraw from diversifcations
must look for pragmatists and companies chasing growth alliances should
employ people comfortable in diferent cultural backgrounds. Above all,
companies must hire for the future, anticipating jobs that may not be in existence
yet. Recruitment managers must focus for attitudes and approaches that ft the
corporate goals and culture
Recruitment practices vary from one organization to another. Some
organizations like commercial banks resort to centralized recruitment while some
organizations like the Indian Railway resort to decentralized recruitment
practices. Personnel department at the central ofce performs all the functions of
recruitment in case of centralised recruitment and personnel
Dep"t*e%t# "t $%it (eve(96o%"( (eve( pefo* "(( the f$%ctio%# of
Co%ce%i%2 to the job# of the e#pective $%it o 6o%e.
5 Ave"2e co#t of ec$it*e%t pe c"%&i&"te9$%it #ho$(& be e("tive()
(e## &$e to eco%o*ie# of #c"(e.
5 It !o$(& h"ve *oe e;peti#e "v"i("b(e to it.
5 It c"% e%#$e bo"& $%ifo*it) "*o%2 h$*"% e#o$ce# of v"io$#
U%it#96o%e# i% e#pect of e&$c"tio%4 #+i((4 +%o!(e&2e4 t"(e%t4 etc.
5 It !o$(& 2e%e"(() be "bove *"(p"ctice#4 "b$#e of po!e#4
f"voiti#*4 bi"#4 etc.
5 It !o$(& f"ci(it"te i%tech"%2e"bi(it) of #t"< "*o%2 v"io$#
5 It e%"b(e# the o2"%i6"tio% to h"ve ce%t"(i6e& #e(ectio% poce&$e4
po*otio%"( "%& t"%#fe poce&$e4 etc.
5 It e%#$e# the *o#t e<ective "%& #$it"b(e p("ce*e%t to
5 It e%"b(e# ce%t"(i6e& t"i%i%2 po2"**e& !hich f$the bi%2#
U%ifo*it) "%& *i%i*i6e# "ve"2e co#t of #t"<.

= The $%it co%ce%e& co%ce%t"te# o%() o% tho#e #o$ce#9p("ce#
No*"(() 2et# the #$it"b(e c"%&i&"te#. A# #$ch the co#t of
!o$(& be e("tive() (e##.
? The $%it 2et# *o#t #$it"b(e c"%&i&"te# "# it i# !e(( "!"e of the
e3$ie*e%t# of the job e2"&i%2 c$(t$e4 t"&itio%"(4 f"*i()
b"c+2o$%& "#pect#4 (oc"( f"cto#4 #oci"( f"cto#4 etc.
5 U%it# c"% ec$it c"%&i&"te# "# "%& !he% the) "e e3$ie& !itho$t
"%) &e(").
5 The $%it# !o$(& e%jo) fee&o* i% '%&i%2 o$t4 &eve(opi%2 the
#o$ce#4 i% #e(ecti%2 "%& e*p(o)i%2 the tech%i3$e# to #ti*$("te the
5 The $%it !o$(& e("tive() e%jo) "&v"%t"2e "bo$t the "v"i("bi(it) of
i%fo*"tio%4 co%to( "%& fee&b"c+ "%& v"io$# f$%ctio%#9poce##e# of
5 The $%it !o$(& e%jo) bette f"*i(i"it) "%& co%to( ove the
e*p(o)ee# it ec$it# "the th"% o% e*p(o)ee# #e(ecte& b) the ce%t"(
ec$it*e%t "2e%c).
Both the systems of recruitment would sufer from their own demerits. Hence, the
management has to weigh both the merits and demerits of each system before
making a fnal decision about centralizing or decentralizing the recruitment.
Alternatively management may decentralize the recruitment of certain categories
of employees preferably middle and top level managerial personnel and
centralize the recruitment of other categories of employees preferably lower level
positions in view of the nature of the jobs and suitability of those systems for
those categories of positions. The management has to fnd out and develop the
sources of recruitment after deciding upon centralizing or decentralizing the
recruitment function
The size of the labour market, the image of the company, the place of
posting, the nature of job, the compensation package and a host of other factors
infuence the manner of aspirants are likely to respond to the recruiting eforts of
the company. Through the process of recruitment the company tries to locate
prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various
levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection.
To select mean to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals
who have relevant qualifcations to fll jobs in an organisation. The basic purpose
is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job from the
pool of qualifed candidates.
The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who
would meet the requirements of the job in an organisation best, to fnd out which
job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains
and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age, qualifcations,
skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with the profle of
candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the
unsuitable applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well
an employee is matched to a job is very important because it is directly afects
the amount and quality of employees work. Any mismatched in this regard can
cost an organisation a great deal of money, time and trouble, especially, in terms
of training and operating costs. In course of time, the employee may fnd the job
distasteful and leave in frustration. He may even circulate hot news and juicy bits
of negative information about the company, causing incalculable harm to the
company in the long run. Efective election, therefore, demands constant
monitoring of the ft between people the job.

The &rocess
Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be
successfully cleared before the applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and
emphasis place on each step will defnitely vary from one organisation to another
and indeed, from job to job within the same organisation. The sequence of steps
may also vary from job to job and organisation to organisation. For example
some organisations may give more importance to testing while others give more
emphasis to interviews and reference checks. Similarly a single brief selection
interview might be enough for applicants for lower level positions, while
applicants for managerial jobs might be interviewed by a number of people.
A company is known by the people it employs. In order to attract people with
talents, skills and experience a company has to create a favourable impression
on the applicants right from the stage of reception. Whoever meets the applicant
initially should be tactful and able to extend help in a friendly and courteous way.
Employment possibilities must be presented honestly and clearly. If no jobs are
available at that point of time, the applicant may be asked to call back the
personnel department after some time.
Recruitment function helps the organization to develop a pool of prospective
human resources. It is difcult for the HR manager to employ the suitable people
out of the pool. Infact, many organizations face critical problems in choosing the
people. Selection techniques and methods reduce the complexities in choosing
the right candidates for the job. After identifying the sources of human resources,
searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an
the management has to perform the function of selecting the right employees at
the right time. The obvious guiding policy in selection is the intention to choose
the best person who have good social contact. The objective of the selection
decision is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job
from the pool of qualifed candidates. The selection procedure is the system of
functions and devices adopted in a given co*p"%) to "#cet"i% !hethe the
c"%&i&"te #peci'c"tio%# "e *"tche& !ith the job #peci'c"tio%# "%&
e3$ie*e%t# o %ot.
The selection process can e successful if the follo8ing
re9uirements are satis7ed:
$omeone should have the authority to select: This authority
from the employment re9uisition1 as developed y an analysis
to the
8or;load and 8or; force:
There must e some standard of personnel 8ith 8hich a
employee may e compared1 i:e: a comprehensive jo
description and
jo speci7cation should e availale efore hand:
There must e a su<cient numer of applicants from 8hom
re9uired numer of employees may e selected:
The ability of an organization to attain its goal efectively and to develop in a
dynamic environment largely depends upon the efectiveness of its selection
programme. If the right person is selected, he is valuable asset to the
Selection procedure employs several methods of collecting information about
the candidates qualifcations, experience, physical and mental ability, nature and
behavior, knowledge and aptitude for judging whether a given applicant is
suitable or not for the job. Therefore the selection procedure is not a single act
but is essentially a series of methods or stages by which diferent types of
information can be secured through various selection techniques. At each step
facts may come to light, which are useful for comparison with the job requirement
and employee specifcations
5/# 3O2 /N/-.$I$:
Job analysis is the basis for selecting the right candidates. Every organization
should fnalize the job analysis, job description, job specifcation and employee
specifcations before proceeding to the next step of selection
essentially a series of methods or stages by which diferent types of information
can be secured through various selection techniques. At each step facts may
come to light, which are useful for comparison with the job requirement and
employee specifcations.
52# >),/N RE$O)R+E &-/N:
Eve) co*p"%) p("%# fo the e3$ie& %$*be of "%& +i%& of
e*p(o)ee# fo " f$t$e &"te. Thi# i# the b"#i# fo ec$it*e%t f$%ctio%.
Recruitment refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization. It is the basis for the
remaining technologies of the screening the candidates in order to select the
appropriate candidates for the jobs
The company has to select the appropriate candidates from the pool of
applicants. The company develops or borrows the appropriate bases/techniques
for screening the candidates in order to select the appropriate candidates for the
GE> /&&-I+/TION FOR,:
Application form is also known as application blank. The techniques of
application blank are traditional and widely accepted for securing information
from the prospective candidates. It can also be used as a device to screen the
candidates at the preliminary level. Many companies formulate their own style of
application forms depending upon the requirement of
information based on the size of the company, nature of business activities, type
and level of the job etc. Information is generally required on the following items in
the application forms:
1e#o%"( b"c+2o$%&
E&$c"tio%"( 3$"(i'c"tio%#
Wo+ e;peie%ce
S"(") G&"!i%2 "%& e;pecti%2>
1e#o%"( "tt"i%*e%t# i%c($&i%2 (i+e# "%& &i#(i+e#
Organizations have to conduct written examination for the qualifed candidates
after they are screened on the basis of the application blanks so as to measure
the candidate s ability in arithmetical calculations, to know the candidate s
attitude towards the job, to measure the candidate s aptitude, reasoning,
knowledge in various disciplines, general knowledge and English language.
The preliminary interview is to solicit necessary information from the prospective
applications and to assess the applicant s suitability to the job. An assistant in the
personnel department may conduct this preliminary interview. The information
thus provided by the candidate may be related to the job or personal
specifcations regarding education, experience, salary expectations, attitude
towards job, age, physical appearance and other requirements etc. Thus,
preliminary interview is useful as a process of eliminating the undesirable and
unsuitable candidates. If a candidate satisfes the job requirements regarding
most of the areas, he may be selected for further process. Preliminary interviews
are short and known as stand up interviews or sizing up of the applicants or
screening interviews. However, certain required amount of care is to be taken to
ensure that the desirable workers are not eliminated. This interview is also useful
to provide the basic information about the company to the candidate.

5># 2)$INE$$ */,E$:
Business games are widely used as a selection technique for selecting
management trainees, executive trainees and managerial personnel at junior,
middle and top management positions. Business games help to evaluate the
applicants in the areas of decision-making, identifying the potentialities, handling
the situations, problem- solving skills, human relations skills etc. participants are
placed in a hypothetical work situation and are required to play the role situations
in the game. The hypothesis is that the most successful candidate in the game
will be most successful one on the job
GROUP DISCUSSION is used in order to secure further information regarding
the suitability of the candidate for the job. Group discussion is a method where
groups of the successful applicants are brought around a conference table and
are asked to discuss either a case study or subject
matter. The candidates in the group are required to analyze, discuss, fnd
alternative solutions and select the sound solution. A selection panel then
observes the candidates in the areas of initiating the discussion, explaining the
problem, soliciting unrevealing information based
on the given information and using common sense, keenly observing the
discussion of others, clarifying controversial issues, infuencing others, speaking
efectively, concealing and mediating arguments among the participants and
summarizing or concluding aptly.
The selection panel1 ased on its oservation1 judges the
candidate s s;ill and aility
and ran;s them according to their merit:
In some cases1 the selection panel may also as; the candidates
to 8rite the summary
of the group discussion in order to ;no8 the candidate s
8riting aility as 8ell:

Types of test:
Tests are classifed into six classes, each class is again divided into diferent
types of tests. They are:
These tests measure whether an individual has the capacity or latent ability to
learn a given job if given adequate training. Aptitudes can be divided into general
and mental ability or intelligence and specifc aptitudes such as mechanical,
clerical, manipulative capacity etc. General aptitude test is of two types namely
intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ).
G=> S+i(( te#t#/
These tests measure the candidate s ability to do a job perfectly and intelligently.
These tests are useful to select the candidates to perform artistic jobs, product
design, design of tools, machinery etc. The candidates can be selected for
assembly work, testing and inspection also.
G?> Mech"%ic"( "ptit$&e te#t#/
These tests measure the capabilities of spatial visualization, perceptual speed
and knowledge of mechanical matter. These tests are useful for selecting
apprentices, skilled, mechanical employees, technicians etc.
G@> 1#)cho*oto te#t#/
These tests measure abilities like manual dexterity, motor ability and eyehand
coordination of candidates. These tests are useful to select semi-skilled workers
and workers for repetitive operations like packing and watch assembly.
GA> C(eic"( "ptit$&e te#t#/
These types of tests measure specifc capacities involved in ofce work. Items of
this tests include spelling, computation, comprehension, copying, word
measuring etc.
/+>IE4E,ENT TE$T$:
These tests are conducted when applicants claim to know something as these
tests are concerned with what one has accomplished. These tests are more
useful to measure the value of a specifc achievement when an organization
wishes to employ experienced candidates. These tests are classifed into (a) job
knowledge test and (b) work sample test. Thus, the candidate s achievement in
his career is tested regarding his knowledge about the job and actual work
This test evaluates a candidate s in a similar real life situation. In this test the
candidate is asked either to cope with the situation or solve critical situations of
the job.
G=> *roup discussion:
This test is administered through the group discussion approach to solve a
problem under which candidates are observed in the areas of initiating, leading,
proposing valuable ideas, conciliating skills, oral communicating skills,
coordinating and concluding skills.
G?# In as;et:
Situational test is administered through in basket method. The candidate in this
test is supplied with actual letters, telephone and telegraphic message,reports
and requirements by various ofcers of the organization, adequate information
about the job and organization. The candidate is asked to take decisions on
various items based on the in basket information regarding requirements in the
These tests are inventories of the likes and dislikes of candidates in relation to
work, job, occupations, hobbies and recreational activities. The purpose of this
test is to fnd out whether a candidate is interested or disinterested in the job for
which he is a candidate and to fnd out in which area of the job range/occupation
the candidate is interested. The assumption of this test is that there is a high
correlation between the interest of a candidate in a job and job success. Interest
inventories are less faked and they may not fuctuate after the age of 30
&ER$ON/-IT. TE$T$:
These tests prove deeply to discover clues to an individual s value system, his
emotional reactions and maturity and characteristic mood. They areexpressed in
such traits like self-confdence, tact, distrust, initiative, emotional control,
optimism, decisiveness, sociability, conformity,objectivity, patience, fear, judgment
dominance or submission, impulsiveness, sympathy, integrity, stability and self-
G=>Ojective tests/ Mo#t pe#o%"(it) te#t# "e objective te#t# "#
the) "e #$it"b(e fo 2o$p te#ti%2 "%& c"% be #coe& objective().
G?> &rojective tests/
Candidates are asked to project their own interpretation of certain standard
stimulus basing on ambiguous pictures, fgures etc. under these tests.
Personality tests have disadvantages in the sense that sophisticated candidates
can fake them and most candidates give socially acceptable
answers. Further, personality inventories may not successfully predict job
success. A number of corrective measures tried as personality inventories are
widely subject to faking. They are:
-oce& choice of E&!"& # pe#o%%e( pefee%ce #che&$(e.
Go&o% pe#o%"( po'(e.
The Mi%%e#ot" M$(ti7ph"#ic I%ve%to) o<e# &i<ee%t *etho&#
foI&e%tif)i%2 f"+i%2. The f"+i%2 c"% be co$%tee& b) epe"ti%2 the
#"*e 3$e#tio% i% &i<ee%t p"t# to *e"#$e co%#i#te%c).
However, the need for multi-skills is being felt be most of the companies
consequent upon globalization, competitiveness and the consequent customer-
centered strategies. Organization have to develop multidimensional testing in
order to fnd out whether the candidates possess a variety of skills or not,
candidate s ability to integrate the multi-skills and potentiality to apply them based
on situational and functional requirement.
Final interview follows after tests. This is the most essential step in the process of
selection. In this step the interviewer matches the information obtained about the
candidate through various means to the job requirements and to the information
obtained through his own observation during the interview. The diferent types of
interviews are:
G=# Informal intervie8/
This is the interview, which can be conducted at any place by the person to
secure the basic and non-job related information. The interaction between the
candidate and the personnel manager when the former meets the latter to
enquire about the vacancies or additional particulars in connection with the
employment advertisement is an example of the informal interview.
?> )nstructured intervie8:
In this interview, the candidate is given the freedom to tell about himself by
revealing his knowledge on various items/areas, his background, expectations,
interest etc. Similarly, the interviewer also provides information on various items
required by the candidate.
It is normally the interaction between the candidates and the line executive or
experts on various areas of job knowledge, skill, talent etc. This interview may
take various forms like:
G=>2ac;ground information intervie8 This interview is intended to
collect the information which is not available in the application blank and to check
that information provided in the application blank regarding education, place of
domicile, family, health, interest, hobbies, likes, dislikes and extra curricular
activities of the applicant.
G?> Fo and proing intervie8/
This interview aims at testing the candidate s job knowledge about duties,
activities, methods of doing the job, critical/problematic areas, methods of
handling those areas etc.
G@> $tress intervie8/
This interview aims at testing the candidate s job behavior and level of
understanding during the period of stress and strain. The interviewer tests
candidate by putting him under stress and strain by interrupting the applicant
from answering, criticizing his opinions, asking questions pertaining to unrelated
areas, keeping silent for unduly long periods after he has fnished
speaking etc. Stress during the middle portion of the interview gives efective
results. Stress interview must be handled with utmost care and skills. This type of
interview is often invalid, as the interviewer s need for a job and his previous
experience in such type of interviews may inhibit his actual behavior under such
(4) Group discussion interview: There are 2 methods of conducting group
discussion interviews, viz. group interview method and discussion interview
method. All the candidates are
brought into one room and are interviewed one by one under group interview.
This method helps a busy executive to save valuable time and gives a fair
account of the objectivity of the interview to the candidates. Under the discussion
interview method, one topic is given for discussion to the c"%&i&"te# !ho
"##e*b(ei% o%e oo* "%& the) "e "#+e& to &i#c$## the topic i% &et"i(.
Thi# t)pe of i%tevie! he(p# the i%tevie!e i% "pp"i#i%2 certain skills of
the candidates like initiative, inter-personal skills, dynamism, presentation,
leading, comprehension, collaboration etc. Interviewers are at ease in this
category of interview because of its informality and fexibility.
GD> Formal and structured intervie8/
In this type of interview, all the formalities, procedures like fxing the value, time,
panel of interviewers, opening and closing, intimating the candidates ofcially etc.
are strictly followed in arranging and conducting interview. The course of the
interview is preplanned and structured, in advance, depending on job
(6) Panel interview:
A panel of experts interviews each candidate, judges his performance individually
and prepares consolidated judgment. This type of interview is known as panel
interview. Interviewers for middle level and senior level mangers are normally
conducted are the panel of experts.
GH> Depth intervie8:
In this interview, the candidate would be examined extensively in core areas of
job skills and knowledge. Experts test the candidate s knowledge in depth. Depth
interviews are conducted for specialist jobs.
After the experts including the line managers of the organization in the core areas
of the job examine the candidates, the head of the department/section concerned
interviews the candidates once again, mostly through informal discussion. The
interviewer examines the interest of the candidate in the job, organization
Re"ctio% "&"pt"bi(it) to the !o+i%2 co*plaining, promotional
opportunities, work adjustment and allotment etc. The personnel manger also
interviews the candidates with a view to fnd out his reaction/acceptance
regarding salary, allowances, benefts, promotions, opportunities etc. The head of
the department and the personnel manager exchange the view and then they
jointly inform their decision to the chairman of the interview board, which fnally
makes the decision about the candidate s performance and their ranks in the
interview. Most of the organizations have realized that employee s positive
attitude matters much rather than employee s skill and knowledge. Employees
with positive attitude contribute much to the organization. Hence, interviewers
look for the candidates with the right attitude while making fnal decision.
GK> ,EDI+/- E=/,IN/TION:
Certain jobs require certain physical qualities like clear vision, perfect hearing
unusual stamina, tolerance of hardworking conditions, clear tone etc. Medical
examination reveals whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities.
Medical examination can give the following information:
Whethe the "pp(ic"%t i# *e&ic"(() #$ite& fo the #peci'c job
Whethe the "pp(ic"%t h"# he"(th pob(e*# o p#)cho(o2ic"(
(i+e() to i%tefee !ith !o+ eIcie%c) o f$t$e "tte%&"%ce.
The o<e. Whethe the "pp(ic"%t #$<e# fo* b"& he"(th !hich
#ho$(& be coecte& befoe he c"% !o+ #"ti#f"ctoi()
It eve"(# the "pp(ic"%t # ph)#ic"( *e"#$e*e%t# "%&
It i# $#e& to chec+ the #peci"( #e%#e# of the c"%&i&"te#.

&itio%4c"eeAfter completion of the fnal interview and medical examination, the
personnel department will engage in checking references. Candidates are
required to give the names of references in their application forms. These
references may be from the individuals who are familiar with the candidates
academic achievement or form the applicant s previous employer, who is well
versed with the applicant s job performance, and sometimes from coworkers.
Incase the reference check is from the previous employer; information for the
following areas may be obtained. They are job title, job description, and period of
employment, pay and allowances, gross emoluments, benefts provided, rate of
absence, willingness of the previous employer to employ the candidate again and
soonFurther, information regarding candidate s regularity at work, character,
progress etc. can be obtained.
Often a telephone call is much quicker. The method of mail provides detailed
information about the candidate s performance, character and behavior. However,
a personal visit is superior to the mail and telephone methods and is used where
it is highly essential to get the detailed, actual
information, which can also be secured by observation. Reference checks are
taken as a matter of routine and treated casually or omitted entirely in many
organizations. But a good reference check used sincerely will fetch useful and
reliable information to the organization.

The line manager concerned has to make the fnal decision whether to select or
reject a candidate after soliciting the required information through techniques
discussed earlier. The line manager has to take much care in taking the fnal
decision not only because of economic implications but alsobecause of
behavioral and social implications. A careless decision of rejecting would impair
the morale of the people and they would suspect the selection procedure and the
basis of selection of this o2"%i6"tio%. A t$e $%&e#t"%&i%2 bet!ee% (i%e
*"%"2e# "%&pe#o%%e( *"%"2e# #ho$(& be e#t"b(i#he& to t"+e
pope &eci#io%#.
Thus, after taking the fnal decision, the organization has to intimate this decision
to the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. The organization ofers the
job to the successful candidates either immediately or after some time depending
upon its time schedule. The candidate after receiving job ofer communicates his
acceptance to the ofer or requests the company to modify the terms and
conditions of employment or rejects the ofer.
Recruitment is the process of attracting prospective candidates who are likely to
get selected. Recruitment process starts with the drafting of advertisement for the
required post mentioning the name of the post, qualifcations required, place of
posting etc. the advertisement is released in all major and national newspaper
across the country. Not only print media, but other media like internet is also used
for posting the advertisement. Placement agencies and educational institutions
are considered if the requirements are for fresh graduates. Employee references
by are also encouraged. After receiving the applications, it is initially screened by
HR division based on minimum requirements and qualifcations prescribed for the
post. Screened applications from HR division are sent to respective divisional
heads for their screening in case of applications for higher posts. Selection is the
process of selecting right candidates from the list of prospective candidates.
Selection process involves tests, interviews, group discussions, psychometric
tests or a combination of these depending on the nature or sensitivity of the level
and the post. For technical posts, tests are used as elimination means while for
some other posts like management trainee, tests are not used as elimination
means. The shortlisted candidates are called for the fnal interview. Regret letters
are sent to those who are not shortlisted. Background checking of the shortlisted
candidates is done to ensure that they will ft with the culture of the organization.
Job ofers are made to the selected candidates and they are asked to give their
confrmation that they accept the job ofer. On receiving their confrmation,
appointment letter is prepared by personnel and administration division and given
to the candidate at the time of joining. Salary ofer is a part of Human resource
division while personnel and administration division handles salary
C8A1TER /@
The current chapter deals with the research methodolog& adopted "n present stud&
indicates the selection of sample respondents< collection of data9 choice of statistical tools
for anal&sis of data< in addition to pointing out limitationsB of the stud&9
Methodology adoptedC
The research is aimed at to e%aluate emplo&ee engagement at S" ban(9 The cit& will
co%er under the research Moga9<agha purna
Research designC
The design for this stud& is descripti%e9
Sapling !nit"
Sampling is an effecti%e step in collection of primar& data that influence the qualit& and
correctness of the result9
Sapling si#eC
The sample siDe is selected to gi%e the true picture9 The siDe is
/N-/.$I$ /ND FINDIN*$
-o* the "%"()6e& &"t" I co$(& '%& th"t B
The *"i% #o$ce of the ec$it*e%t i# tho$2h e;te%"( #o$ce# i.e.
The othe #o$ce of ec$it*e%t i# tho$2h efee%ce# 4 %"t$"(
*"+et "%&
M";i*$* po#pect# f$('(# "(( the citei" pe#cibe& b) the IRDA.
Re#e"ch #ho!# th"t the -i%"%ci"( A&vi#o# 2e%e"(() be(o%2 to the
"2e of @J7 DJ )e"#
It i# fo$%& th"t the co*p"%) povi&e# both t)pe# of t"i%i%2 "%&
*"i%() po#pect# 2oe# fo the o%(i%e t"i%i%2.
Eve) )e" co*p"%) ec$it# "# *"%) "# DJ A&vi#o# i% o&e to
i%ce"#e the
#"(e# foce of the co*p"%).
Mo#t of the ec$ite& peop(e "e "!"e of the i%#$"%ce #ecto "%&
the pe#o%
!ho "e %ot "!"e of the i%#$"%ce #ecto "e *"&e "!"e tho$2h the
befoe #itti%2 fo the te#t.
It h"# bee% fo$%& tho$2h the #t$&ie# th"t *o#t of the c"%&i&"te
be(o%2# the b"%+i%2 "%& i%#$"%ce #ecto . It *e"%# th"t the) "e
h"vi%2 #o*e
+%o!(e&2e "bo$t the i%#$"%ce #ecto.
-o *o#t of the po#pect# "tte%&i%2 ?= &")# t"i%i%2 i# " *"jo
pob(e*. A#
the ti*i%2# fo the t"i%i%2 "e f$(( ti*e =J/@J "* to D.JJ p.*.
-o *o#t of the po#pect# the) joi% S,I LI-EINSURANCE fo the
Mo#t of the ec$ite& peop(e co%ti%$e !o+i%2 "# " -i%"%ci"(
1) This Project Report is restricted only for the interviewed people.
2) Biased reply of the respondents like giving wrong information.
3) Non availability of the data or the relevant information of the respondent.
A> So*eti*e# it h"ppe%# th"t the e#po%&e%t !"# b$#) #o "# to 2et the
i%fo*"tio% it beco*e# &iIc$(t
D> The poject i# &o%e i% %e" b) "e"# of the A$%&h ,"%ch of the
co*p"%) K theefoe '%&i%2# of it *") %ot be "pp(ic"b(e i% othe
6) Time Constraints The duration of the project is only 2 months. In this duration
we have to fnish the project so the sample size considered for this project is also
limited which may give some misleading outputs.
7) Although ICICI Prudential is a well known brand, it invests heavily in the
advertisements, but somehow the concept of fnancial advisor was not known to
the customers and it requires great amount of eforts to convince the various
benefts to them.
1. It is found that in the last fve years the Indian economy has progressed, which
has increased the average purchasing power & the insurance sector has
contributed signifcantly in this.
2. Since last fve to six years many Private Company has entered in insurance
sectors & because of which the Indians are having number of options in front of
them investing their money & to safeguard the life.
3. While doing this project it is found that recruiting of the advisor is done by the Unit
Manager, and the parameters on which the advisors are to be recruited are :
I%co*e Leve( B =.?("c# to ? ("c# pe "%%$*
M"it"( St"t$# B M"ie&
A2e B "bove ?D )e"#
Mi%i*$* E&$c"tio% B G"&$"tio%
St")i%2 i% the #"*e cit) fo *oe th"% D )e"#
4. The #t$&) of the po'(e of the "&vi#o i# &epe%&i%2 o% thei
b"c+2o$%& i.e. thei !o+ e;peie%ce "%& the "2e !i#e &i#tib$tio%.
5. The level of awareness of the prospects about the private insurance company has
increased because of the heavy advertising ad marketing by the companies over
the period of time.
6. It important to appoint only those prospects as fnancial advisor, who can give &
generate long term business for the company, so to analyze the prospects &
study their status is very important thingd
7. Most of the prospects to join, as their frst preference to earning extra money,
second to start business with no capita investment, third to Association with the
No. 1 Private Life Insurance Company.
,"#e& o% the '%&i%2# i% the Re#e"ch fo((o!i%2 #$22e#tio%#
"e *"&e B
-i%&i%2 %e! po#pect# i# (i+e be"thi%24 #o U%it M"%"2e #ho$(& be
i% e2$(" to$ch !ith the *"+et #o th"t he !i(( 2et# #o*e 2oo&
Co*p"%) #ho$(& 2o fo e2$(" M"+et S$ve) fo '%&i%2 o$t the
!o+e !ho c"% #t") $%&e the M"%"2e# S"(e# Te"*4 "%& !i((
2e%e"te (o%2
te* b$#i%e##.
,"%ch M"%"2e #ho$(& t"+e the fee&b"c+ fo* the e;i#ti%2
"&vi#o# #o th"t he c"% e"#i() $%&e#t"%& the "&vi#o# pob(e* "#
!e(( # he c"% eco**e%& %e! ch"%2e#.
The co*p"%) #ho$(& co%ce%t"te o% the $"( p"t #o th"t the) c"%
co*pete !ith LIC I%&i"4 "%& c"% 2e%e"te #o*e b$#i%e## fo* thee
"# it i# fo$%& th"t *o#t of the 1iv"te Life I%#$"%ce co*p"%ie# "e
t"2eti%2 the $b"% *"+et. Co*p"%) #ho$(& fo((o! the p$(( #t"te2)
!hee it c"% $#e "&veti#i%2 *e&i"4 b) pep"i%2 "tt"ctive A&#4
tho$2h Ne!#p"pe4 T.V. 4 "%& "&io c"% i%ce"#e the "!"e%e## "bo$t
the co*p"%) K !i(( he(p i% i*povi%2 the *"+et #h"e.
U%it M"%"2e #ho$(& *eet e2$("() !ith the e;i#ti%2 "&vi#o# #o
th"t he c"% '%& o$t thei pob(e*# K "(#o t"+e thei #$22e#tio%#.

Mo#t of the I%&i"% f"*i(ie# #ti(( be(ieve i% the LIC. The) &o%:t fee(
comfortable with other brands. In such cases ICICI Prudential can optfor
descriptive advertisements how our solutions are better than the traditional
business solutions.
!!!.#bi(* i%

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