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SPRING, 2014

1/13/14 1 Sections 1, 2.1, 2.2, pages 1-15, 569-575 P24-1 to P24-12

1/15/14 2 Sections 2.2 and 2.3, pages 16-30 PP46-1, P46-2, P46.8

1/20/2009 MLK Day MLK Day MLK Day

1/22/14 3 Section 2.4, pages 31-45 P46.11, P47.15, P48.25 (use index notation)

1/27/14 4 Sections 2.4 and 2.5, pages 31-63 P48.24, P48.26

1/29/14 5 Section 3.1, pages 64-80 P61-1, P61-3, P61.5, P62-8, P62-13

2/03/14 6 Section 3.2, pages 81-86 P80.1, P81.2, P82-9, P83-16

2/05/14 7 Section 3.3, pages 87-95 P93-1(a), P93-2(a), P93-3(a), P93.5(a)

2/10/14 8 Section 3.4, 3.5, pages 96-112 P94-8, P95-13, P111-3(a), (d)

2/12/14 9 Section 4.1, pages 120-129 P111-5

2/17/14 10 Section 4.2, pages 129-137 P135-1, P136-8, P137.15

2/19/14 11 Section 4.3, pages 138-145, 154-162 P136-11

2/24/14 12 Section 4.5, pages 154-162 P153-9, P154-11

2/26/14 13 Section 4.5, pages 154-162, 163-173 P154.11

Saturday, 3/01/2014 Exam # 1, Room TBD in 300 South Main Bldg; Sections 1to 4.3 HW plus In-class exam
10am to 12noon

3/03/14 14 Section 4.5, pages 154-162, 163-172 P154.15

3/05/14 15 Section 4.5, pages 154-172 P170-1


3/17/14 16 Section 4.5, pages 173-183 P171-2, 172.13

3/19/14 17 Section 4.4, pages 146-172 P152-2, P153-7

3/24/14 18 Section 4.7, pages 173-193 P182-1 through P183-3, P183.8

3/26/14 19 Section 4.7, pages 173-193 P182-1 through P183-3, P183.8

3/31/14 20 Section 5.1, pages 138-145, 197-205 P195-1, 196-4, P196-7

4/02/14 21 Section 5.2, pages 205-213 P212-1, P212-5

4/07/14 22 Section 5.3, pages 213-220 P212-7, P213-8

4/09/14 23 Section 5.4, pages 226-236 P224-1, P225.3

4/14/14 24 Section 5.4, pages 226-236 P225.4, P225.5

4/16/14 25 Energy Principles and Virtual Work, Section 5.5, pages 237-242 P248.2

Saturday, 4/20/2014 Exam # 2; Room TBD in 300 South Main Bldg; Sections 4.3-5.4 HW plus In-class exam
10am to 12 noon

4/21/14 26 Section 5.6, pages 248-260 P258.1, P258.4

4/23/14 27 Section 6.1, pages 273-280 P277-1

4/28/14 28 Section 6.1, 6.2, pages 281-295 P278-3, P294-6, P294-7, P295.10

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INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Michael A. Sutton
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
A129 Swearingen Complex, SCE&G Bldg
300 South Main Street
Ph: 777-7158

BOOK: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
Lawrence E. Malvern
Prentice Hall
Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Copyright 1969
ISBN: 013-487603-2

CLASS LOCATION: Swearingen Building
Room 2A07 or Nearby
Apogee Classroom


GRADING: 65% for QUIZZES during semester
35% for comprehensive final examination

OFFICE HOURS: 11:30 am to 12:15pm on Mon-Wed or by appointment
Available on Mon, Weds or Friday by appointment
Course policies:
Most of the homework assigned will be collected at time of EXAM and a PORTION of the assigned
problems will be graded as part of EXAM. A few problem sets will be due during the semester, and
this will be stated by the instructor via email or in the lectures. Thus, any late homework is not
accepted after date of EXAM. Bring ALL REQUIRED HOMEWORK TO EXAM. Two exams
during semester will be approximately 75% in class and 25% homework.

Please keep a copy of all Homework. Put each homework problem on a separate page, with
complete problem statement and then solution! Write legibly to receive credit. Credit is given for
work shown and must include a complete problem statement with appropriate graphics. No work
shown (FBDs, analysis), no credit given! See example for what is expected for credit.

All of examinations are open text book, closed notes unless otherwise specified by the instructor.
No other books or information may be brought to class at time of EXAM.

Exceptions to these class policies are at the discretion of the instructor.

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