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Readers Theater 1

Lesson Plan
Name: Stephanie Domingo Grade: 5
Date: April 3
, 201 !ontent Area:
Reading in lang"age arts
Reading in #ontent area
D"ration: Da$ 1: %0 &ins' ( Da$ 2: %0 &ins'
&aterials needed:
S#ript Pa#)et
*+al"ation ,orm
-ighlighter( Pen#il
!omprehension Sheet
Guiding Questions:
.Does the reader read /ith e0pression1
.Does the reader read /ith appropriate +ol"me1
.Does the reader read /ith appropriate phrasing and smoothness1
.Does the reader read /ith appropriate speed1
.Does the st"dent "nderstand ho/ the traits o2 a 3"ent reader ma$ s"pport
Enduring understanding:
The st"dents /ill learn and "nderstand the s)ills that it ta)es to 4e a 3"ent
reader' The$ /ill learn to read /ith appropriate e0pression, +ol"me, pa#e,
phrasing, and smoothness'
5hat reading #omponent(s /ill 4e the
lesson 2o#"s1
letter )no/ledge
phoneme a/areness
#omprehension 6listening or reading7
Strateg$ or s)ill emphasis:
. *0pression
. Speed
. 8ol"me
. Phrasing
. A##"ra#$
. !omprehension:
S"mmari9ing and
Purpose of lesson
; #hose this lesson so that st"dents ma$ 4e a4le to read /ith e0pression, at
a##"rate speed, "sing appropriate +ol"me, all to impro+e their reading
Instructional Approach/Practice:
Readers Theater
Literat"re !ir#les
Language modalities to be used in this lesson:
Reading, Listening, and Spea)ing
Readers Theater 2
Critical Thinking kills
A!*; 3'3.!riti#al thin)ing, pro4lem sol+ing and
per2orman#e s)ills'
St"dents /ill "se their #riti#al
thin)ing, pro4lem sol+ing, and
per2orman#e s)ills 4$ appl$ing and
assessing their peers on their reading
3"en#$ /hen per2orming' The$ too
/ill 4e assessed on their reading
tudent Engagement Techni!ues
and Grouping
A!*; 3'.A#ti+e *ngagement in Learning
St"dents /ill 4e a#ti+el$ engaged in
learning 4$ /or)ing in gro"ps to
4ring a short reading to li2e' The$ /ill
4e "nderstanding and remem4ering
the s)ills o2 a 3"ent reader' Then
appl$ing their )no/ledge 4$
per2orming and then anal$9ing 4$ sel2
and peer e+al"ations'
A!*; 3'2 Adaptation to di+erse st"dents'
Identif' t'pe of
6*LL, SP*D, A##elerated
Learners, Stri+ing learners, 50
st"dents, reading7
List t'pe of
6learning en+ironment, #ontent,
pro#ess, prod"#t, per2orman#e
65rite the instr"#tional
approa#h(a##ommodations that
/ill 4e "sed 2or these learners7
Stri+ing Learners Pro#ess
Per2orman#e Tas)
. The$ /ill 4e gi+en
#lear instr"#tions,
step 4$ step on
/hat needs to 4e
done and /ill 4e
reminded o2 the
. Lots o2 modeling
/ill 4e done also
to help stri+ing
learners to 4"ild a
A4o+e grade le+el
!ontent . Le+eled Te0t: The
Daughter: A
Russian Tale'
<n grade le+el readers !ontent . Le+eled Te0t: The
Crystal Heart: A
Readers Theater 3
=elo/ grade le+el
!ontent . Le+eled Te0t: The
Monkey Lives!: A
Suerhero Tale o!
Readers Theater
)* tandard/+enchmark
6A!*; 2'1.2' !ontent Area >no/ledge' List !!SS , -*LDS, GL<s7
Reading ,o"ndational: ,l"en#$
5'R,': Read /ith s"?#ient a##"ra#$ and 3"en#$ to s"pport #omprehension'
a" Read grade# level te$t %ith urose and understanding"
; #an identi2$ the p"rpose and "nderstanding o2 the te0t'
&" Read grade# level rose and oetry orally %ith a''ura'y( aroriate rate
and e$ression"
; #an read orall$ /ith appropriate e0pression, speed, +ol"me, phrasing,
smoothness and a##"ra#$'
Standard ): Drama and Theatre
,A'5'3'3: -o/ the Arts !omm"ni#ate
Anal$9e a #hara#ter "sing )no/ledge o2 per2orman#e and a#ting s)ills in a
theatri#al prod"#tion'
; #an "nderstand m$ role and read /ith the )no/ledge o2 ho/ ; sho"ld
a#t li)e the #hara#ter
,* Assessment Task
6A!*; .;n2ormal and 2ormal assessment' !andidate plans appropriate 2ormati+e and s"mmati+e
assessments to g"ide and assess st"dent learning, in#l"ding #riteria7
St"dents /ill @rst hear t/o diAerent e0amples o2 ho/ one /o"ld read /ith
eAe#ti+e reading 3"en#$ s)ill 6*0pression, Speed, A##"ra#$ and 8ol"me7'
St"dents /ill then /or) in predetermined gro"ps and parti#ipate in
per2orming their assigned readings' <n#e st"dents ha+e per2ormed their
readings, the$ /ill e+al"ate ea#h other and themsel+es on ho/ /ell the$
4elie+ed the$ "sed the 2o"r eAe#ti+e reading traits the$ learned a4o"t'
Readers Theater 5
-* Acti.ities/Instructional trategies
6A!*; 3'1: >no/ledge o2 st"dents and #omm"nit$B integration o2 )no/ledge 2or instr"#tionB A!*; 3'3:
!riti#al thin)ing, pro4lem sol+ing and per2orman#e s)illsB A!*; 3': A#ti+e engagement in learningB
A!*; 3'5: !omm"ni#ation to 2oster learning7
"a' ): /0 1inutes
)* Introduction 2) 1inute3
a' Get #lasses attention /ith attention getter
i* Co" sa$ D1,2,3 e$es on meE
ii* The$ sho"ld sa$ D1,2 e$es on $o"E
,* +uilding background 24 1inutes3
a' As) the st"dents /hat the$ thin) ma)es an eAe#ti+e or s"##ess2"l
4' !all on st"dents /ho are raising their hands'
#' *0plain to the st"dents that to 4e an eAe#ti+e reader, ,l"en#$
sho"ld pra#ti#e e0pression, +ol"me, speed, and o"r phrasing and
smoothness o2 reading'
d' *0plain to the st"dents that /e /ill 4e learning and pra#ti#ing on
those traits thro"gh an a#ti+it$ #alled readers theatre'
e' Anno"n#e to the st"dents the 4en#hmar)s the$ /ill 4e learning'
i* ;.!AN'''
;denti2$ the p"rpose and "nderstanding o2 the te0t' 65'R,'a7
Read orall$ /ith appropriate e0pression, speed, +ol"me,
phrasing, smoothness, and a##"ra#$' 65'R,'47
Fnderstand m$ role and read /ith the )no/ledge o2 ho/
the$ sho"ld 4e a#ted' 6,A'5'3'37
2' Tell them that 4e2ore /e start the a#ti+it$, $o" /ant them to help
$o" 4e#ome an e?#ient reader'
-* 1ini lesson: 2)0 1inutes3
a' Re.tell to the st"dents
i* DTo 4e an eAe#ti+e reader, /e sho"ld pra#ti#e 3"en#$'
,l"en#$ in+ol+es reading /ith e0pression, +ol"me, speed, and
o"r phrasing and smoothness o2 reading'E
4' *0plain to them /hat ea#h o2 these traits means'
i* D*0pression is /hen one reads /ith 2eelingE
)* *0ample: DCACGG ;Hm so e0#itedGE or DDonHt tell me /hat
to doGE
,* *0ample: D;Hm sorr$I ;t /ont happen againIE
a' *0plain to them that in order to read /ith
e0pression in readerHs theater, the$ /ill 4e a4le to
read the short stor$ @rst and get to )no/ their
#hara#ter, so then the$ #an get some )no/ledge
on their #hara#ters mood'
ii* D8ol"me is /hen e+er$one #an hear $o"' ;t also is something
that mat#hes the e0pression'E
Readers Theater J
)* *0ample: DCACGG ;Hm so e0#itedGE or DDonHt tell me /hat
to doGE 6L<FD7
,* *0ample: D;Hm sorr$I ;t /ont happen againIE 6KF;*T
4"t still a4le to hear7
iii* DSpeed is /hen $o" read /ords at a pa#e that are appropriate
to the stor$' ;t /onHt so"nd reall$ slo/ or too 2ast'E
)* *0ample o2 /hat not to do: DCACGG ;Hm so e0#itedGE or
DDonHt tell me /hat to doGE 6SL<57
,* *0ample o2 /hat not to do: D;Hm sorr$I ;t /ont happen
againIE 6,ast7
i.* DPhrasing and smoothness is /hen one #an read /ith a good
3o/' <ne isnHt 4rea)ing /ords apart, 4"t is sa$ing them as a
/hole' The$ are also arenHt 4rea)ing senten#es apart /here
the$Hre not s"pposed to' The$ read /ith 4rea)s at the
appropriate spot, and the$ donHt read to r"n o"t o2 4reath'E
)* *0ample o2 /hat not to do: DCa$.. ;HmLso.. e0#itedGE or
DDonHt tellI me /hat to doGE
,* *0ample o2 /hat not to do: D;Hm..sorr$ it /onHt happen'
#' *0plain to them that readers m"st sho/ all 2o"r traits d"ring
per2orming and to read 3"entl$'
5* Guided practice: 2,0 1inutes3
a' Pass o"t e+al"ation 2orms and ha+e st"dents ta)e o"t a pen#il'
i* *a#h st"dent gets a paper that has 3 e+al"ations on one
page' 6,or tea#her, a"thor, and peer e+al"ation'7
ii* *a#h st"dent sho"ld also get a paper that has 2 e+al"ations
on one page /ith re3e#tion :"estions in the 4a#)' 6To "se 2or
partner e+al"ation and sel2 e+al"ation7
4' *0plain to the #lass that $o" /ill 4e reading a se#tion o2 the 4oo)
DLove *ou +oreverE 4$ Ro4ert &"n#h'
i* DAs ; read to $o" the 4oo), #he#) oA $es i2 $o" heard me read
/ith those traits all the time or no i2 $o" didnHt hear me read
/ith those traits at all' ;2 $o" heard me read /ith those traits
sometimes, then $o" #an #he#) oA sometimes'E
)* *0pression
,* 8ol"me
-* Speed
5* Phrasing and Smoothness
ii* D<n these 2orms $o" ma$ also /rite an$ spe#i@# #omments'E
iii* D; also /ant $o" to /rite one positi+e thing $o" li)ed and one
@0er 2or m$ reading'E
#' As) i2 there are an$ :"estions so 2ar'
d' ;ntrod"#e and read the 4oo)'
i* Read /ith no e0pression'
Readers Theater %
ii* Read #hopp$' K"i#) and slo/'
iii* Read lo"d and reall$ :"iet'
i.* Fse the elmo to displa$ the 4oo)'
e' Allo/ some time 2or st"dents to e+al"ate $o"'
2' Dis#"ss /ith them on ho/ the$ tho"ght o2 me as a reader'
i* -a+e st"dents point o"t /hat ; did /rong and /a$s ; #o"ld
ii* As) i2 ; /as a 3"ent reader'
g' Lets st"dents listen to Ro4ert &"n#hHs +ersion o2 the stor$
i* http:((ro4ertm"ns#h'#om(4oo)(lo+e.$o".2ore+erM
h' Tell st"dents to no/ e+al"ate his reading'
i' Dis#"ss ho/ he did as a reader
i* -a+e them point o"t /hat he did /ell'
ii* As) i2 he /as a 3"ent reader'
iii* As) /hat made him a 3"ent and eAe#ti+e reader'
)* Does the reader read /ith e0pression1
,* Does the reader read /ith appropriate +ol"me1
-* Does the reader read /ith appropriate phrasing and
5* Does the reader read /ith appropriate speed1
4* 6ork Time: 24 1inutes3 2Total of -0 1inutes3
a' As) st"dents to #lear their des) and hold onto their e+al"ation
2orms, their pen#ils, and their highlighters'
4' Tell st"dents to line "p in the 4a#) o2 the room'
#' !all o"t predetermined gro"ps 6Gro"ps /ill 4e on the slides on
po/er point, along /ith their stor$ the$ are reading and role7 and
ha+e them sit together'
i* =e s"re to remind them to sta$ :"iet as $o" #all o"t gro"ps'
d' Tell them the three short stories
i* Stor$ one /ill 4e DMonkey Lives!: A Suerhero Tale o! China,
ii* Stor$ t/o /ill 4e DThe Crystal Heart: A Vietnamese Legend,
iii* Stor$ three /ill 4e DThe Sea -ings Daughter: A Russian
e' Pass o"t to ea#h gro"p, their short stor$ or part o2 their short stor$'
6*a#h gro"p sho"ld ha+e #opies o2 their short stories 2or e+er$one7
2' *0plain to them the r"les d"ring /or) time'
i* DFse indoor +oi#es'E
ii* DSta$ /ith $o"r gro"p, so no /ondering'E
iii* DS"pport $o"r gro"p mem4ers' No p"'E
i.* D5hen pra#ti#ing $o"r gro"p stor$ together, gi+e ea#h other
2eed4a#) on ho/ $o" all #o"ld impro+e'E
.* D;2 an$one 4rea)s an$ r"les, ; /ill start #olle#ting @nesE
7* Independent 8ork 29ou do it alone3 2)0 1inutes3
a' *0plain to them that in their gro"ps, $o" /ant them to read silentl$
Readers Theater N
to themsel+es their stor$'
i* D"ring this time, also ha+e them highlight their spea)ing part'
ii* Remind them to get to )no/ the stor$ so the$ )no/ ho/ their
#hara#ters tone o2 +oi#e sho"ld 4e'
/* Collaborati.e Group 8ork 29ou do it together3 2)4 1inutes3
a' Get the #lasses attention /ith the attention getter'
4' Tell them that a2ter the$ ha+e read the stor$ silentl$ to themsel+es,
to dis#"ss /ith their gro"p /hat the$ 4elie+e the stor$ is a4o"t'
#' Anno"n#e to the #lass that the$ #an re+ie/ their stories together
and pra#ti#e as a gro"p' The$ #an pra#ti#e 4$ re2erring to their
e+al"ation sheet to see i2 the$ are reading as 3"ent readers'
i* DAs $o" all pra#ti#e reading, $o" #an loo) at $o"r e+al"ation
sheets and assess $o"rsel2 and others' ;2 $o" 2eel li)e $o"
ma$ get a no or sometimes #he#)ed, then sel2 e+al"ate and
@g"re o"t ho/ $o" #o"ld get a $es #he#)ed' Do not /rite on
$o"r e+al"ation 2orms O"st $et'E
d' Remind them that the$ are going to 4e reading "sing the 3"en#$
traits /e O"st learned a4o"t'
e' 5al) aro"nd and assist st"dents /hen needed' Ta)e notes on /ho
needed help and /rite an$ additional #omments'
i* As) them the g"iding :"estions'
)* DAre $o" reading /ith e0pression, +ol"me, phrasing and
smoothness, and pa#e1E
,* D5hatHs the stor$ a4o"t1E
ii* >eep them on tas)'
:* Closure: 24 1inutes3
a' Tell the st"dents to ret"rn to their seats
4' As) the #lass /hat the$ ha+e learned toda$'
i* To 4e a 3"ent reader, $o" need to read /ith e0pression,
+ol"me, phrasing and smoothness, and pa#e'
#' Dis#"ss /ith $o"r side partner /hi#h traits the$ 4elie+e are their
strength and their /ea)ness'
i* ;n order to get to )no/ the #hara#ter the$ are pla$ing the$
need to 4e a4le to read and "nderstand the stor$'
d' Tell them that the$ /ill 4e a4le to pra#ti#e and per2orm their
readings ne0t #lass'
e' Remind them to hold onto their e+al"ation 2orms'
i* DPla#e all $o"r hando"ts into $o"r 2olders'E
2' Pass o"t the e0it pass'
g' Tell them that the$ m"st t"rn in their e0it pass 4$ the end o2 #lass'
i* T"rn it in to me'
Readers Theater P
"a' ,: /0 1inuets
;* Introduction 2) 1inute3
a' Get #lasses attention /ith attention getter
i* Co" sa$ D1,2,3 e$es on meE
ii* The$ sho"ld sa$ D1,2 e$es on $o"E
)0* +uilding +ackground 24 1inutes3
a' Dis#"ss /hat /e had learned 2rom last #lass'
4' Re+ie/ /ith them the traits o2 a 3"ent reader'
i* D5hat are the traits o2 a 3"ent reader1E
)* *0pression: Reads /ith 2eeling'
,* 8ol"me: 8oi#e is #lear and lo"d eno"gh 2or a"dien#e to
-* Also has the appropriate tone to @t the #hara#ters
sit"ation and mood'
5* Speed: De#ent pa#e' Not to 2ast, not too slo/' So"nds
4* Phrasing and Smoothness: Good 3o/' Reading isnHt
#' Re+ie/ /ith them the #riteria on their e+al"ations 2orms, to )eep in
mind /ith reading their stor$'
))* Collaborati.e Group 6ork 254 1inutes3
a' Tell the st"dents to get into their gro"ps'
4' Tell them that the$ ha+e 10 min"tes to pra#ti#e their readings /ith
their gro"ps'
#' Gather them to sit 4a#) at their seats'
d' Pass o"t their re3e#tion sheets that ha+e their :"estions and their
sel2 e+al"ation'
e' Dis#"ss the r"les d"ring presenters are presenting'
i* D5hile ea#h gro"p is reading, /e m"st sho/ respe#t and
ii* 6Sho/ the paired partners o2 /ho the$ /ill 4e e+al"ating on
the slide7 D<n the slide, $o" are partnered "p /ith someone,
and that is the person $o" /ill 4e e+al"ating on their 3"en#$'E
iii* DRemem4er to )eep in mind that /hen per2orming, $o" sho"ld
remem4er /hat the stor$ and $o"r #hara#ter is all a4o"t' This
/ill help $o" 4e#ome the #hara#ter so that the a"dien#e
4elie+es that $o"r #hara#ter and stor$ is #oming to li2e'E
i.* DA2ter $o"r gro"p is done presenting, $o" ma$ e+al"ate
Readers Theater 10
$o"rsel2 on ho/ $o" thin) $o" did'E
2' Allo/ ea#h gro"p to present'
g' A2ter ea#h gro"p has present, ha+e them meet "p /ith their partner
to share 2eed4a#)'
i* !"t oA 4ottom hal2 /here $o" e+al"ated them, and gi+e to
them $o"r s#oring'
),* Independent Group 6ork 2)4 1inutes3
a' Settle st"dents 4a#) to their des)'
4' *0plain to them ho/ /ell the$ did'
i* Point o"t ho/ /ell the$ /or) in gro"ps
ii* Point o"t ho/ /ell their readings /ere
iii* Point o"t ho/ the$ had good dis#"ssion /ith their partners'
#' Pass o"t mini.4oo)s o2 ea#h stor$ and the #omprehension /or)sheet
to the st"dents'
i* D<n this sheet, ans/er the :"estions a4o"t ea#h stor$ /e
ha+e all heard' ;Hd li)e $o" ans/er the :"estions and at /rite
a short s"mmar$ o2 /hat the stor$ /as a4o"t'E
ii* ;2 the$ do not @nish it 4$ the end o2 the da$ then it /ill 4e 2or
home/or) is /ill 4e d"e ne0t #lass'
d' Tell the st"dents that $o" /o"ld li)e them to #omplete their
re3e#tion sheet @rst and their sel2.e+al"ation' This /ill ser+e as
their e0it slip'
e' Tell them t"rn in all papers'
i* *+al"ation o2 tea#her, a"thor, and their peers e+al"ation
ii* Their e+al"ation and re3e#tion :"estion'
iii* !omprehension :"estion and ans/ers 6i2 @nished7
)-* Closure 24 1inutes3
a' Re+ie/ /ith the ; !an statements in :"estion 2orm
4' Tell them to @rst dis#"ss /ith a partner, then /e /ill dis#"ss /ith the
i* DNo/ that the lesson is done, lets go 4a#) to o"r ; !an
Statements and see i2 /e learned /hat /as e0pe#ted'E
ii* D5ere /e a4le to:
)* ;denti2$ the p"rpose and "nderstanding o2 the te0t1
,* Read orall$ /ith appropriate e0pression, speed, +ol"me,
phrasing, smoothness, and a##"ra#$1 65'R,'47
-* Fnderstand the role and read /ith the )no/ledge o2
ho/ the #hara#ter sho"ld 4e a#ted1 6,A'5'3'37
#' Praise the st"dents the$ did a great Oo4 and remind them to t"rn in
all their /or)'
)5* #ormati.e Assessment Task 2for teacher candidate to complete
at the end of the da'3
Readers Theater 11
a' See atta#hment
Readers Theater 12
Assessments and R"4ri#
1E 1P "P 6+
4*$#*5: $ead 8ith
su<cient accurac' and
=uenc' to support
a* $ead grade> le.el
te?t 8ith purpose and
. 'an identi!y the
urose and
o! the te$t"
/hat the
stor$ /as
a4o"t 4$
g the stor$
on the
,inish and
on sheet'
/hat the
stor$ /as
a4o"t 4"t
the stor$
/ith 2e/
detail and
2e/ errors'
,inish and
on sheet
/ith 2e/

Does not
d /hat
the stor$
/as a4o"t
and didnHt
e their
stor$ at
all' <r,
Did not
@nish and
d the
<r, had
all errors'
5'R,': Read /ith
s"?#ient a##"ra#$ and
3"en#$ to s"pport
4' Read grade. le+el prose
and poetr$ orall$ /ith
a##"ra#$, appropriate rate
and e0pression'
. 'an read orally
%ith aroriate
seed( volume(
and a''ura'y"
/ith all $es
and meet
#riteria o2
/ith some
$es and
meet a 2e/
o2 the
#riteria o2
/ith all no
and did
not meet
an$ o2 the
#riteria o2
Readers Theater 13
,A'5'3'3. Anal$9e a
#hara#ter "sing
)no/ledge o2 per2orman#e
and a#ting s)ills in a
theatri#al prod"#tion'
. 'an understand
my role and
read %ith the
kno%ledge o!
ho% they should
&e a'ted"
and reads
+er$ /ell as
i2 the$ /ere
and reads
/ell, /ith a
and /ith 2e/
eAort or
at all'
GL& ): Sel2.
Dire#ted Learner
all /or) and
t"rns them
in on time'
all /or) and
t"rns them
in late'
5or) is
d or not
t"rned in'
GL& 5: K"alit$
5or) is
/ith lots o2
details to
5or) is
/ith some
details to
does not
ha+e an$
details or
is not
d at all'
GL& ,: !omm"nit$
5or)s in
gro"ps /ell
Did not pla$
d"ring /or)
5or)s in
gro"ps /ell
d"ring /or)
/or) in
5asnHt on
tas), and
GL& 4: *Ae#ti+e
Listens and
the /hole
Listens and
part o2 the
reminder to
sta$ on tas)'
Did not
and had
to get
to get
4a#) on
*0#eeds Pro@#ien#$ 6&*7 &eets Pro@#ien#$ 6&P7 De+elops Pro@#ien#$ 6DP7 5ell.
=elo/ Pro@#ien#$ 65=7
Readers Theater 1
St"dents 5'R,'

GL< 5
Readers Theater 15
Notes on st"dents:
11 2 3 5
J % N P 10
11 12 13 1 15
1J 1% 1N 1P 20
21 22 23 2 25
Readers Theater 1J
E.aluation #orms
Reading Trait C*S N< Someti
E?pression: Reads /ith 2eeling and "ses diAerent tones
thro"gho"t reading'
@olume: Reads /ith appropriate tone and is #lear so
a"dien#e #an hear'
peed: Reads at an appropriate pa#e'
Phrasing and moothness: Reads /ith a good 3o/ and not
+AE" &% $EA"I%GA "&E TBE $EA"E$ $EA"
Reading Trait C*S N< Someti
E?pression: Reads /ith 2eeling and "ses diAerent tones
thro"gho"t reading'
@olume: Reads /ith appropriate tone and is #lear so
a"dien#e #an hear'
peed: Reads at an appropriate pa#e'
Phrasing and moothness: Reads /ith a good 3o/ and not
+AE" &% $EA"I%GA "&E TBE $EA"E$ $EA"
Reading Trait C*S N< Someti
E?pression: Reads /ith 2eeling and "ses diAerent tones
thro"gho"t reading'
@olume: Reads /ith appropriate tone and is #lear so
a"dien#e #an hear'
peed: Reads at an appropriate pa#e'
Phrasing and moothness: Reads /ith a good 3o/ and not
Readers Theater 1%
+AE" &% $EA"I%GA "&E TBE $EA"E$ $EA"
elf E.aluation
Reading Trait C*S N< Someti
E?pression: Did $o" read /ith 2eeling and "se diAerent
tones thro"gho"t reading1
@olume: Reads /ith appropriate tone and is #lear so
a"dien#e #an hear'
peed: Did $o" read at an appropriate pa#e1
Phrasing and moothness: Did $o" /ith a good 3o/ and
not #hopp$1
+AE" &% $EA"I%GA "I" 9&C $EA" #LCE%TL9D
$e=ection Questions
1' 5hat is the a#ti+it$ /e O"st parti#ipated in #alled1
2' 5hat /as $o"r short stor$ a4o"t1 Gi+e a short s"mmar$'
3' Name and e0plain the reading traits o2 a 3"ent reader'
Readers Theater 1N
' Name one thing $o" li)ed a4o"t this a#ti+it$'
5' *0plain something $o" 4elie+e $o" sho"ld /or) on as a reader'
!omprehension Sheet
&on)e$ Li+esG : A S"perhero Tale o2 !hina
1' Gi+e a short s"mmar$ o2 /hat the stor$ /as a4o"t'
2' 5h$ /as &on)e$ 4ro"ght to Land o2 Dar)ness1
3' 5hat did he do to @0 that sit"ation o2 him 4eing there1
' Do $o" thin) &on)e$ reall$ /as immortal at the 4eginning o2 the stor$1
The !r$stal -eart: A 8ietnamese Legend
Readers Theater 1P
1' Gi+e a short s"mmar$ o2 /hat the stor$ /as a4o"t'
2' -o/ did &i N"ongHs 2eelings to/ard Tr"ong !hi #hange thro"gho"t the
stor$1 5hat #hanged it1
3' 5h$ do $o" thin) &i N"ong a#ted the /a$ she did to/ard Tr"ong !hi
/hen she @rst 2o"nd o"t /ho he /as1
' 5hat is the #r$stal heart and /hat happened to it1
The Sea >ingHs Da"ghter: A R"ssian Legend
1' Gi+e a short s"mmar$ o2 /hat the stor$ /as a4o"t'
2' 5hat did Sad)o /ant /ith his li2e1
3' 5h$ did he go "nder the sea1
' ;2 Sad)o )issed 8ol)ho+, /hat /o"ld happen1
Readers Theater 20
EEE6hat 8as 'our fa.orite stor'D 6h'DEEE
Readers Theater 21
E?it Pass
1atch up the trait to the correct deHnition:
E?plain 8hich
traits are 'our
strength and
8eakness* 6h'D
E?it Pass
1atch up the trait to the correct deHnition:
E?plain 8hich
traits are 'our
strength and
8eakness* 6h'D
E?it Pass
1atch up the trait to the correct deHnition:
E?plain 8hich
traits are 'our
strength and
8eakness* 6h'D
)* Pace
,* E?pressio
-* Phrasing
5* @olume
a* $eads 8ith feeling
b* ounds natural* %ot too fastA
not too slo8*
c* @oice is clear and loud for
audience to hear* $eads a tone
that Hts the characters situation
and mood*
d* $eading is %&T chopp'* $eads
8ith good =o8
4* Pace
7* E?pressio
/* Phrasing
:* @olume
e* $eads 8ith feeling
f* ounds natural* %ot too fastA
not too slo8*
g* @oice is clear and loud for
audience to hear* $eads a tone
that Hts the characters situation
and mood*
h* $eading is %&T chopp'* $eads
8ith good =o8
;* Pace
)0* E?pres
))* Phrasi
ng and
),* @olum
i* $eads 8ith feeling
I* ounds natural* %ot too fastA
not too slo8*
k* @oice is clear and loud for
audience to hear* $eads a tone
that Hts the characters situation
and mood*
l* $eading is %&T chopp'* $eads
8ith good =o8
Readers Theater 22
Lesson $e=ection
6Re3e#t "pon all parts o2 $o"r lesson' Respond to the :"estions 4elo/' !ite
e0amples 2rom the lesson to s"pport $o"r #laims' Do"4le spa#e, "se the
a#ademi# lang"age o2 tea#hing reading "se 12 pt' !ali4ri, !am4ria or Arial
6hat reading instructional approach did 'ou select and ho8
e(ecti.e 8ere 'ou in using this approachD 6Des#ri4e the approa#h
4rie3$, e0plain /h$ $o" sele#ted and address strengths and #hallenges, /hat
/o"ld $o" do diAerentl$ or re@ne 2or the ne0t time7
The reading a#ti+it$ ; did /ith this lesson is Readers Theatre and "sed
the approa#h o2 Literat"re !ir#le' Literat"re #ir#le Literat"re #ir#le is
sometimes )no/n as 4oo) #l"4s' The reading materials are #hildrenHs
literat"re that in#l"des stories, poems, 4iographies, and other non.@#tion
4oo)s' &ost importantl$, these readings are stories that interest them and
are managea4le to them' The$ read and then ha+e grand #on+ersations
dis#"ssing the stor$ 6Tomp)ins7' ; /o"ld sa$ ; /as prett$ eAe#ti+e in m$
approa#h in m$ lesson' The st"dents didnHt get to #hoose their o/n stor$ 4"t
the$ did ta)e a st"dent s"r+e$ and ; #hose a stor$ thatHs genre /as in their
interest' The st"dents had their independent reading time, along /ith a lot
o2 gro"p readings' The$ did a readers theatre so the$ had the opport"nit$ to
read /ith others and the$ also dis#"ssed /hat their stor$ /as a4o"t so that
the$ #o"ld help ea#h other on /a$s to 3"entl$ read 4etter' There /ere t/o
sets o2 t/o gro"ps /ho too) on the same stories 4e#a"se the$ /ere a 4it
long 2or readerHs theatre' A s"##ess2"l thing that ; implemented into the
lesson /as allo/ing the t/o gro"ps read their stor$ together so that the$
Readers Theater 23
#o"ld 4e a4le to hear /hat the /hole stor$ /as a4o"t and that the$ #o"ld
get more peer 2eed4a#) on reading' A #hallenge ; had /ithin the lesson /as
on their #omprehension' ; reali9ed a2ter the lesson and seeing their
/or)sheets /as that ; sho"ld ha+e introd"#ed the 4oo) m$sel2 to the /hole
#lass so that the$ all had some sort o2 )no/ledge o2 ea#h stor$' ;nstead /hat
; did /as allo/ the gro"ps to read their stories and hope the st"dents #o"ld
"nderstand the stor$ 2rom that' ; also ga+e them their o/n set o2 stories 2or
them to ta)e home to read and so that it #o"ld help them /ith the
#omprehension hando"t' Ne0t time, ; )no/ to ta)e the time and dis#"ss /ith
the #lass /hat the stories /ere a4o"t'
6hat reading strateg'/is and skill/s did 'ou select and ho8 e(ecti.e
8ere 'ou in using this approachD 6Des#ri4e the strateg$ and s)ill 4rie3$,
e0plain /h$ $o" sele#ted and address strengths and #hallenges, /hat /o"ld
$o" do diAerentl$ or re@ne 2or the ne0t time7
The strateg$ and s)ill ; de#ided to 2o#"s m$ lesson on /as 3"en#$ on
reading, /hi#h in#l"ded e0pression, speed, +ol"me, phrasing, and a##"ra#$'
; also de#ided to 2o#"s on #omprehension thro"gh s"mmari9ation and
:"estioning' ; 2elt that in m$ strateg$ in tea#hing 3"en#$ /as some/hat
eAe#ti+e' The reason ; sa$ this is 4e#a"se as st"dents read their readings,
there /as a la#) o2 3"en#$ o2 reading' ;t ma$ 4e d"e to the 2a#t that ; /asnHt
a4le to "se #lass time 2or them to pra#ti#e e+er$da$' ="t, /hen it #ame to
e+al"ating ea#h other on their 3"en#$ o2 reading, the$ /ere a4le to see /hat
; sa/, so that sho/ed me that the$ "nderstood those s)ills 4"t had a di?#"lt
time appl$ing it' 5ith #omprehension, man$ o2 them /ere a4le to ans/er
Readers Theater 2
and s"mmari9e the readings the$ had, 4"t /hen it #ame to the readings
other gro"ps had, it /as a 4it diAerent' ; did gi+e all o2 them #opies o2 ea#h
4oo) to ta)e home and read to help them /ith :"estioning, 4"t not m"#h
in2ormation /as gi+en' <nl$ /hen the st"dents presented /as /hen the
#lass /as a4le to hear the$ stor$ and @g"re o"t /hat it /as a4o"t' The ne0t
time ; /ill dis#"ss ea#h stor$ either 4e2ore or a2ter the presentations O"st so
that e+er$one #an get a little )no/ledge o2 the stories'
6hat te?t did 'ou select to useD 6h' did 'ou select itD 6hat 8as
studentsJ engagement 8ith the te?tD 6Des#ri4e te0t, e0plain /h$ $o"
sele#ted and address strengths and #hallenges st"dents en#o"ntered "sing
the te0t, /hat /o"ld $o" do diAerentl$ or re@ne 2or the ne0t time7
; had #hosen three diAerent te0ts to meet 3 le+els o2 reading 4"t still
rea#hing the #lasses interests' ; #hose the stories Monkey Lives! A Suerhero
Tale o! China( A Crystal Heart: A Vietnamese Legend( and The Sea -ings
Daughter: A Russian Legend" ; sele#ted these stories 4e#a"se these /ere
s#ripted pla$s that st"dents #o"ld "se 2or the readers theater' ; also "sed
these readings 4e#a"se these are 2ol)tales, and d"ring m$ reading s"r+e$
/ith the st"dents prior to this lesson, res"lts sho/ed that the interest in
2ol)tales /ere high' ; ass"med that #hosen these stories the st"dents /ill 4e
engaged, and the$ /ere' The #hallenge in this is that 4e#a"se these
2ol)tales are o2 diAerent #"lt"res, the$ had a di?#"lt time prono"n#ing
names and #ities /ithin the readings' The ne0t time ; /ill #hoose readings
that ma$ 4e a 4it shorter so that ea#h gro"p #o"ld ha+e their o/n stories,
Readers Theater 25
and ; /ill also pra#ti#e /ords /ith the #lass ; )no/ the$ ma$ ha+e a di?#"lt
time prono"n#ing'
6hat instructional grouping approach did 'ou useD 6h' did 'ou
select this approachD 6hat 8ere studentsJ engagement and 'our
management of this grouping approachD 6Des#ri4e i2 $o" "sed
independent, pairs, small gro"ps, and(or /hole gro"p approa#hes, /h$ /ere
the$ sele#ted, strengths and #hallenges among st"dents and $o" /ith
managing the gro"ps, /hat /o"ld $o" do diAerentl$ or re@ne 2or the ne0t
A2ter assigning the stories and roles o2 ea#h st"dent, ; had them spend
time independentl$ reading their stor$' A2ter the$ /ere @nished, the$ /ere
to get into their gro"ps and dis#"ss their stor$ and the #hara#ters in it' A2ter
dis#"ssing the$ /o"ld read the stor$ again 4"t as a gro"p /ith their assigned
roles' The$ /o"ld )eep doing so to pra#ti#e "ntil the$ per2ormed 2or the
#lass' ; sele#ted the independent reading @rst 4e#a"se ; /anted to gi+e
them some time to read themsel+es and so the$ #an generate an idea o2 the
stor$ and the #hara#ters' ; then had them go into gro"ps so that /hen
dis#"ssing the stor$, the$ had something to sa$' The gro"ping /as done
/ith the help o2 m$ mentor' 5e assigned the gro"ps as lo/, medi"m and
higher reading le+els' -a+ing them read independentl$ then as a gro"p /as
a s"##ess 4e#a"se the$ /ere a4le to "nderstand their stories /ell and /ere
a4le to ans/er their #omprehension :"estions on their stor$ /ith details'
5hat #o"ld ha+e 4een done diAerentl$ is gro"ping "p other st"dents 2rom
other gro"ps so the$ #o"ld dis#"ss /hat ea#h o2 their stories /ere a4o"t, or
e+en doing that as a /hole #lass dis#"ssion' ;t /o"ld ha+e helped /ith
#omprehension 4etter'
Readers Theater 2J
Bo8 did I do in meeting m' desired results for this lessonD 6hat are
m' ne?t steps to impro.e studentsJ learningD 6Des#ri4e the res"lts o2
ea#h 4en#hmar) and in2ormation 2rom the assessment data ta4le17
; 2elt li)e ; did 4etter than ; tho"ght ; /o"ld ha+e' 5hat ; /anted o"t o2
this lesson /as to ma)e s"re that ; modeled eno"gh 2or st"dents to
"nderstand /hat ; /anted them to learn and that ; e0plained to them the
importan#e o2 /hat and ho/ reading 3"en#$ #an help them' ;t /as a
s"##ess' There are somethingHs ; 2eel that #o"ld ha+e 4een impro+ed more,
/hi#h /ere their #omprehension sheets' The$ ma$ ha+e "nderstood ho/ to
read 3"entl$, 4"t ; donHt thin) /hen the$ ans/ered their #omprehension
sheet, the$ /erenHt )eeping that in mind' A2ter reading o+er their /or), ; 2eel
li)e some o2 them r"shed thro"gh ans/ering the :"estions 4e#a"se there
/erenHt man$ details to s"pport it' &$ ne0t steps to impro+e st"dentsH
learning is to #hoose a diAerent stor$ that has more names that are easier to
prono"n#e' ; also /ant to 2o#"s more on /h$ 3"en#$ helps #omprehension
instead o2 2o#"sing on the /a$ /e #an read 3"entl$'

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