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UbD Template Project

EDCI 718 Learning Technologies

Dr. Rosemary Talab

Mark Ellner

Project Description:
The students will use this as a semester long project to develop a personal fitness plan.
Students will use webtools including, My Fitness Pal, and other fitness and healthy living tools
to develop and track their progress throughout the semester. Students will also be required to
work in groups and to create a blog where they can share their experiences, as well as, give and
receive motivation from other students. Students will complete the project by creating a multi-
media presentation to display at a PE Health Fair.

Teaching Physical Education is not your typical area thought about when using technology, but
as I am finding out through research and trial and error, technology can play a very important
and helpful role in PE classes. Although discipline-specific technology has been developed,
generally, technology inclusion has not become commonplace in physical education due to
limitations like lack of training, personal comfort levels, availability of equipment, and space
and time (Martin, 2003). Physical educators can integrate technology through a variety of
approaches. (Gibbon 2010) My aim for this project is to bring all levels of technology into the
One of the first terms we learned about in reading our Integrating Technology book was
authentic activities. Its hard to imagine an area more fitting for authentic activities than
Physical Education. Research shows that when learning is accomplished as part of an
authentic activity, it is more relevant and more likely to be used in future situations. ((Brown,
Collins, & Duguid, 1989) Grabe). Authentic learning uses a culture of practice to teach. My
project is designed to create a culture of practicing a healthy lifestyle throughout the semester.
The hope is that after a semester of tracking and practicing a healthy lifestyle, students will be
more likely to continue that practice after the class is done.
When most people think of Physical Education, Blooms Higher Levels of Thinking are rarely
thought of. Throughout the activities I am using for this project I am hoping to dispel that idea
and incorporate all levels of Blooms Taxonomy. Blooms Learning how to use each of the
webtools will be incorporating Blooms LOTS remembering and understanding. We will be
moving into the applying levels as we use those tools for tracking caloric intake and
expenditure. Analysis and Evaluating levels will be incorporated into the project through group
research and planning in order to build a healthy living plan. Creating will be an important part
of the presentation portion of the project.
I am a big believer in Multiple Intelligences and the need to allow for students to have
opportunities to not only excel at their strengths, but to also allow for opportunities to develop
their weaknesses. The way we demonstrate and teach these skills can be varied - as well as the
way we assess this knowledge. (Petruzzello, 2010) Two of the MIs I will be focusing on in this
project will be Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence and Intrapersonal Intelligence. The BK
Intelligence is an obvious area that will be used in this project. Students will be required to use
their bodies and their knowledge of their bodies in order to plan and perform the exercise
portion of the project. The Intrapersonal Intelligence is a less obvious area used in this project.
This project will test the students ability to know themselves and what they are wanting from
this project. They must understand what their motivation is. Exercising and staying or getting
healthy can be a very emotional activity. Most people struggle to keep up an exercise plan.
This project will certainly test and hopefully improve their knowledge of their own motivation
and emotions.
This project will require mostly concrete experiences based on Dales Cone of Experience. The
exercising and eating will be Direct-Purposeful experiences. The data tracking will also be
mostly direct, but will be moving upward towards the middle of the cone since most of the
tracking will be done using webtools. The research portions will also be mostly towards the
middle of cone due to the use of technology. The presentation portion of the project will be
the most abstract part of the project. The students will be using all forms of multi-media to
display and present their final project.
Grabe cites in Integrating Technology that one of the generally accepted principals of
constructivism is What a person knows is not passively received, but actively assembled by the
learner. (Grabe) This will be an important issue in this project because the students will be
bring a wide variety of attitudes towards exercise and healthy living that have been part of their
lives up till this class. These attitudes come from sources such as parents, friends, and previous
experiences. This may affect their outcomes both positively and negatively.
With this project I am hoping to not only integrate technology into a Physical Education class,
but to also bring all types of learning into it. Many times PE classes are based on physical
performance alone. While that is important, the main goal of my classes is to teach students
how to live healthy throughout their lives and not just during my class. Through all the steps in
this project, student will be required to not only perform physically, but to also think and use all
levels of learning.

Understanding by Design Technology Template
Content Technology
Stage 1 Desired Results
Standards ISTE Standards
1) Content Standard: Physical Fitness
Standard 4: The student achieves and maintains a
health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Benchmark 1: The student will take an active role in
developing and maintaining appropriate personal
Indicator: (c) assesses, interprets, and applies the
health-related fitness components to personal physical
fitness status.
Student - 3. Research and Information
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
information. Students:
c. evaluate and select information sources and digital
tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

2) Content Standard: Activity Appreciation
Standard 6: The student values physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or
social interaction.
Benchmark 1: The student will appreciate and actively
pursue lifetime physical activities that meet their own
Indicator: (c) integrates physical activity meaningfully
into daily life.
Student - 4. Critical Thinking, Problem
Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and
conduct research, manage projects, solve problems,
and make informed decisions using appropriate digital
tools and resources. Students:
c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or
make informed decisions.
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to
explore alternative solutions.

Teacher - 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age
Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic
learning experiences and assessment incorporating
contemporary tools and resources to maximize content
learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes identified in the NETSS. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.

Teacher - 3. Model Digital-Age Work and
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes
representative of an innovative professional in a global
and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and
the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies
and situations.

Understandings: Understandings:
Students will understand the importance of
developing and living a healthy lifestyle plan.
Students will understand that through
technology, they will be able to develop and
track a healthy lifestyle plan effectively.
Students will know at least 3 webtools that
will help them develop a healthy lifestyle plan
Students will know at least 2 webtools that
will allow them to track exercise and caloric
Students will be able to develop daily 1 hour
of exercise that requires moderate to vigorous
Students will be able to track and count daily
caloric intake.
Essential Question Essential Question
How can technology provide and promote a
higher quality healthy lifestyle plan?
What ethical and safety issues are there when
developing a blog community devoted to a
personal healthy lifestyle plan?
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks: Performance Tasks:
Students will create a fitness plan
community blog to share ideas,
experiences and motivation with
others. Blooms Taxonomy:
understanding, applying
Students will use My Fitness Pal to
track caloric intake through eating and
drinking. Blooms Taxonomy:
understanding, applying
Students will use My Fitness Pal to
track caloric expenditure through
exercise. Blooms Taxonomy:
understanding, applying
Students will use at least 2 different
webtools to research types of exercise.
Blooms Taxonomy: analyzing
Students will use at least 2 different
webtools to research effort and
intensity levels needed to burn calories
efficiently. Blooms Taxonomy:
Students will work in groups of at least
3 to develop daily and weekly exercise
plans. Blooms Taxonomy: analyzing,
Students will use at least 2 different
webtools to research nutritional values
of foods. Blooms Taxonomy:
Students will work in groups of at least
3 to develop dietary plans. Blooms
Taxonomy: analyzing, evaluating
Students will work in groups of at least
3 to develop a multi-media project to
present to the class representing their
healthy lifestyle plans. Blooms
Taxonomy: evaluating, creating
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities Learning Activities
This project will take place and develop over
the course of a semester. Students will be
introduced to the project at the start of the
semester and will be given the tools to
complete it as the semester goes on.

The teacher will introduce the project to the
students by showing an example of a healthy
fitness plan that the teacher has completed.
This will be done with a multi-media

1) Students will all be given an individual
username and password for the
webtool, They will
then make their accounts and
customize the required information.
2) Teacher will walk students through the
3) Students will track caloric intake for 2
weeks. Reports will be created and
printed using
4) After 2 weeks, students will begin also
tracking caloric expenditure for 2 more
weeks. Reports will again be created
and printed.
5) Students will each create blog using
blogspotter to form a class fitness
community. The blogs will be invite
only so information and thoughts will
stay within class.
6) Students will post an opening blog
discussing what they learned from
their calorie tracking experience.

7) Teacher will introduce various
webtools that include fitness and
nutritional information and planning
8) Student will work in groups of 3 over a
period of a week to research and plan
out a daily and weekly healthy lifestyle
fitness plan.
9) Students will work in groups of 3 over a
period of a week to research and plan
out a daily healthy lifestyle nutritional
10) Students will spend one month
attempting to follow fitness and
nutritional plans. Groups will meet
weekly to discuss and evaluate plan.
11) Students will be required to post to
their blog twice a week discussing how
their plan is going. They will also be
required to comment on 3 other blogs
each week.
12) During the last 2 weeks of the
semester, the students will work in
their groups to evaluate their plans.
13) Groups will develop a multi-media
project in which they will present their
plans to the rest of the class. They may
use any type of media they wish. Ex.
Power Points or videos.

CATEGORY Poor Good Excellent
Tracking Calories Student does not
provide report from to
track calories.
Student provides a
report with 1 week or
less of calorie
Student provides a
report with 2 weeks of
calorie tracking.
Blog Posting Student does not post
to their blog.
Student posts to their
blog 2 times a week,
but does not reply to
others post.
Student posts to their
blog 2 times a week
and does reply to
others posts.
Exercise Plan Students do not
develop an exercise
Student provides
exercise plan that
allows for 1 hours of
exercise each day, but
does not show variety
and or appropriate
intensity levels.
Student provides an
exercise plan that
allows for at least 1
hour of exercise each
day using variety and
appropriate intensity
Nutrition Plan Student does not
develop a nutrition
Student provides a
nutrition plan that
allows for a healthy
lifestyle, but does not
allow for food
varieties and or all
major food groups.
Student provides a
nutrition plan that
allows for a healthy
lifestyle incorporating
all major food groups
and with a variety of
food options.
Healthy Lifestyle
Student does not
develop a healthy
lifestyle presentation.
Student develops
presentation that
shows their plans, but
does not technology
to display final
Student develops
presentation that
shows their plans
using multi-media
display final project.


Gibbone, A., Rukavina, P., & Silverman, S. (2010). Technology integration in secondary physical
education: teachers attitudes and practice. Journal of Educational Technology Development
and Exchange, 3(1), 27-42.
Grabe M. & Grabe C. (2007). Integrating Technology for Meaningful Learning. New York, NY:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin: A SAGE Company.

The Understanding of Multiple Intelligences In the Physical Education/Health Class by Deborah
My Fitness Pal
Fitness for Kids Get Sweaty

PE Central: The Web Site for Health and Physical Education Teachers

PELINKS4U - Promoting Active & Healthy Lifestyles

Lets Move

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