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Summative Assessment Data

Average Pre-Assessment Score: 73.88%

Average Post-Assessment Score: 74.29% (without outlier, 76.92%)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Students
Pre-Assessment Data
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Students
Post-Assessment Data
Summative Assessment Data: Analysis and Reflection
When I gave my pre-assessment, I was surprised to see that most students understood the
content well enough to score in the 60-80% range. Most questions missed were questions that used
new vocabulary (communication, recreation) or concerned similarities and differences between items.
As a result, I focused more heavily on higher-level thinking questions throughout the unit and did not
spend much time on being able to identify each item. Students scores increased slightly on the post-
assessment, indicating that they made gains in being able to use new vocabulary and compare and
contrast past and present items. I intended for the pre-assessment and post-assessment to be identical
to truly show gains in understanding, but I did not teach all ten lessons of my unit, so I modified the
post-assessment accordingly.
I believe this assessment was an adequate indicator of student knowledge, though I believe
some students were confused by the format of the multiple-choice questions (questions 9 and 10). Since
the test was given orally, it was difficult for several students to attend to the question and answer
choices. I wanted to assess students ability to compare and contrast items covered in the unit, but since
not all students are able to write independently, I was somewhat limited in my ability to do so. Oral
assessment may have been possible in a small group setting, and this would be an option to explore if I
taught this unit again. Overall, I feel this assessment was effective and my data show gains in student

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