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6 yeais on the Electoial Aiea 'B' Auvisoiy Planning
Commission. S of those as Chaii of this Commission
Feb 2u1S-0ct 2u14 as the Caiiboo Regional Bistiict
Electoial Aiea 'B' Alteinate Biiectoi
2 yeai Chaii of the Sacieu Beait Catholic School Council
(goveining bouy of the School)

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Woik towaius completion foi moueinizeu NcLeese Lake
Community Libiaiy
Woik with NcLeese vFB Society as they piogiess towaius
becoming a full fleugeu volunteei Fiie Bepaitment
Continue to woik thiough uog & motoiizeu vehicle
conflicts in Wiluwoou
Lobby foi new 2
Flooi Capital 0pgiaues at Caiiboo
Nemoiial Bospital
Continue to woik on iemoving Electoial Aiea 'B' fiom the
Builuing Inspection Function (this has been iequesteu at
Town Ball meetings anu the Caiiboo Regional Bistiict
Boaiu has staiteu to look into this)
Continue positive ielationship with Soua Cieek Inuian
Banu anu woik with them on }oint Seivices (ie: Bus
Seivices between Soua Cieek to Williams Lake)
Responu to iesiuent questionsconceins in timely

Contact me anu let's talk:

Phone: 2Su-267-672S
Facebook: Elect Steve Foiseth foi CRB Aiea 'B' Biiectoi

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