Etp Proposal

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Please print and share this form with your Mentor for the required signature 2.
This form is due to your Peer Coach on or before Friday, June 27, 2014 3.
Sarah Costello
Sponsor Company:
SRI International
The goal of this ETP is to provide educators with some excellent technology tools that
encourage 21st century skills and student learning. Through this lesson, professionals
will be exposed to multiple effective tools for the classroom and have a chance to
interact with the tools and collaborate with each other. They will be given the
opportunity to experience how their students learn with creating their own
presentation by reflecting on the efficacy of the tools.
Tools to use are Prezi for presentation, Padlet for word wall reflection, Popplet for
creating concept maps, and Google Docs for collaboration.
Proposed ETP Title:
Learning through Technology
Proposed ETP Type:
Staff Development
Grade Level(s):
Education Transfer Plan Proposal
October 18, 2014
School Staff
Technology,Staff Development
Standards Alignment
California Standard for
the Teaching Profession:

1.4 Using a variety of
instructional strategies,
resources, and
technologies to meet
diverse learning needs
Teachers will collaborate using new
technology tools and create a presentation
using one of them to reflect and explain
how they can use that tool in their
curriculum to promote student learning.
Formative: Teachers will watch the Prezi before
the scheduled PD time and post on the Padlet
wall: What is one goal you have for you and your students this year in terms of 21st
century skills and student learning?
Formative: Teachers will also create concept
maps, in groups, using Popplet to organize
thoughts on Student Learning.

Summative: A teacher reflection tool will
created and administered at the end of the
professional development. This reflection will
ask teachers to think about how they will use
the new technologies in their classroom to
promote student learning.

Formative: Padlet wall post and Popplet creation
Summative: Survey Monkey

Connection to Fellowship
21st Century Skill(s)
ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) LITERACY/Apply Technology
Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information
Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS, etc.),
communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy

21st Century Skill(s) Application
The skills will be practiced during the lesson, as the staff will be asked to use technology
tools to organize and communicate information. They will provide examples of how to
integrate these technologies into their classroom in order to successfully promote student
Fellowship Description
SRI International Education Division has a Center for Technology in Learning (CTL). Under
this center is the Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL). CIRCL
focuses on current and future cyberlearning projects that embed technology into the
classroom and promote student learning. During my Fellowship, I am researching these
cyberlearning projects and writing brief profiles about them. I am also interviewing
successful people in the cyberlearning community to understand their perspective of the
field. Through this Fellowship, we hope to bridge the gap between researchers, innovators,
and educators. I use Google Docs to collaborate with other educators, the researchers, and
developers of these projects. I have been exposed to many different cyberlearning careers
such as researching, and developing effective cyberlearning projects.
Fellowship Connection
I plan to share my Fellowship with my staff first by having them reflect on student learning
and what it can look like. I will expose them to many different technology tools that they can
immediately take back to their classrooms and use with their students. By sharing the
experience of my Fellowhsip including new and exciting cyberlearning projects I research, I
hope to inspire them to continue to work to embed technology into their curriculum instead
of just adding it in.
Mentor Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________
Printed Name: ______________________________________________

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