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Week Lesson

- 50
Learning Aims (Key Questions) Learning Activities Resources Assessment Tasks




Students will be able to understand the
expectations for the unit on water and will be
able to understand the importance of water.

Science: Use scientific knowledge and findings
from investigations to evaluate claims

Science understanding influences the
development of practices in areas of human
activity such as industry, agriculture and marine
and terrestrial resource management

Maths: Identify and investigate issues involving
numerical data collected from primary and
secondary sources (ACMSP169)

English: Reflect on ideas and opinions about
characters, settings and events in literary texts,
identifying areas of agreement and difference
with others and justifying a point of view

Prior Knowledge: Begin a KWLH Chart to
students and giving them some time to write
down what they already know about water
and what they want to learn about it.
Expectations:Tell students that in this unit
they will be making an inquiry journal in
which they will note down their reflections for
every day and the questions they want to
investigate further.
Literacy: Create a word wall in the classroom
and divide it into two columns: everyday
words and scientific words
Numeracy: Create a timeline of your use of
water over the past week indicating how
much water is used in the activity (standard:
4 liters / minute comes out of the tap).
Importance of Water: Present students with a
media article Water supplies critical in the
valley and ask them to read it individually
Engage and Explore: Think, Pair and Share
activity in which students share their
understanding of the article and possible
solutions to the problem.
Evaluate: Short Reflection at the end in their



Formative Assessment

- Students answer class
questions to show their
understanding like:

What do you think the
problem is?
What is the importance
of water?
What is your
understanding of the
- Observing the
students and their
contribution to the
group discussion.


Students will be able to Investigate water as a
Engage: Students start this lesson with a
group task, in which they work out
themselves that is water a renewable
resource or not and then present their group
answers with a justification in the class
- Formative

What are renewable

resource on Earth

Key Questions:
Is it possible for our water to run
Does it hurt others when I take a 20
minute bath?

Science: Water is an important resource that
cycles through the environment (ACSSU222)

Use scientific knowledge and findings from
investigations to evaluate claims (ACSIS132)

Maths: Recognise and solve problems involving
simple ratios (ACMNA173)

English: Reflect on ideas and opinions about
characters, settings and events in literary texts,
identifying areas of agreement and difference
with others and justifying a point of view

discussion -Worksheet

Engage and Explore: Students will perform
the Apple Activity (LITERACY AND
NUMERACY) and understand the
importance of water and why is it important
to protect it.

Evaluate: After this, I randomly select
students and they write new learnt words on
the word wall.
Evaluate Short Reflection at the end in their

Why do we need to
care if water levels are
How much water is
available to us for use
on earth?

- Observing students
while doing the activity
and their contribution
to the group.

- Collecting their
completed worksheets
to have an idea of

3 Students will be able to understand how water
cycles through the environment. (Water Cycle)

Key Questions:

Where does the rain come from?
What happens to water when it

Science: Water is an important resource that
cycles through the environment (ACSSU222)

Engage: Start with a short recap of what a
renewable resource is and why water is
Explore: Brainstorm - Students write the
words that come to their mind when they
see the term Water Cycle. (Prior Knowledge)
Explain: Discuss their answers as a class on
the board and students explain their answers.
Explain & Elaborate: Going through first 12
13 PowerPoint slides on Water Cycle and
students take notes as well. Water Cycle
Numeracy: Students solve some math
problem on Water Cycle.


- Formative Assessment

- Recap in the start.

- After going through
each slide asking
random students to
reiterate what I
- Going through their
answers for Math

- Looking at their

Maths: Compare, order, add and subtract
integers (ACMNA280)

English: Reflect on ideas and opinions about
characters, settings and events in literary texts,
identifying areas of agreement and difference
with others and justifying a point of view

Evaluate: After this, I randomly select
students and they write new learnt words on
the word wall.
Evaluate: Students write a reflection at the
end in their journal.

reflection at the end of
their class.



Students will be able to understand how water
cycles through the environment. (Water Cycle

Key Questions:

Where does the rain come from?
What happens to water when it


Science: Water is an important resource that
cycles through the environment (ACSSU222)

English: Consolidate a personal handwriting
style that is legible, fluent and automatic and
supports writing for extended periods

Enagage & Evalaute: Start with the Short
recap at the start of the lesson. Recap
Explain & Elaborate: Going through the
remaining PowerPoint slides on water cycle
and students take notes as well. Water Cycle
Elaborate: Handing out worksheets to
students and they complete them in given
time and stick it in their notebooks for later
reference. (Students are allowed to use their
notes or discuss with partners) Hydrological
Water Cycle Worksheet
Explore & Elaborate: After this, students in
groups of 4, set up the equipment for water
cycle experiment and leave it in sunlight to
observe for the next day. Water Cycle
Evaluate: After this, I randomly select
students and they write new learnt words on
the word wall.
Evaluate: Students write a reflection at the
end in their journal.


Pearson Year 7 Science

- Formative Assessment

- Recap Questions
- After going through
each slide asking
random students to
reiterate what I
- While setting up
equipment, students
stating their
- Students answering
worksheet questions.
- Looking at their
reflection at the end of
their class

6 Students will be able to draw conclusions from
Water Cycle Experiment?


Science: Summarise data, from students own
investigations and secondary sources, and use
scientific understanding to identify relationships
and draw conclusions (ACSIS130)

Maths: Identify and investigate issues involving
numerical data collected from primary and
secondary sources (ACMSP169)

English: Identify and explore ideas and
viewpoints about events, issues and characters
represented in texts drawn from different
historical, social and cultural contexts
Engage & Explore: Start with a short recap
and then students collect their Water Cycle
Experiment equipment and note down their
results and discussion questions. (LITERACY
Elaborate: Class discussion on the results and
Explore: In the mid of the unit, students redo
the timeline of their water usage over the
past week indicating how much water is
used in the activity (standard: 4 liters /
minute comes out of the tap) and they
compare their timelines to see how their
understanding helped them to save water or
Engage: Go to
ds/WaltWaterdropFunBook.pdf and on page
6 complete the crossword on Water Cycle
(You can use internet to find the answers.)
Evaluate: After this, I randomly select
students and they write new learnt words on
the word wall.
Evaluate: Students write a reflection at the
end in their journal

Pearson Year 7 Science
- Formative Assessment

- Recap at the start.
- Students contribution
in the group discussion
- Answers for the

- Looking at their
reflection at the end of
their class

7,8 Students will be able to understand that water
is a mixture.

Key Questions:
Is tap water clean


Science: Mixtures, including solutions, contain a
Engage (Prior Knowledge): Split the board
into two parts, and write mixture on one
side and pure on another and ask students to
write in their notebooks of what do they
know about two terms and give their
examples as well. After this, have a class
discussion of their answers.
Explain: Go through slides of PowerPoint and
students understand that
water is a mixture of different chemicals. (Is
Pearson Year 7 Science
-Formative Assessment

-Students answering in
class discussion.
- After going through
each slide asking
random students to
reiterate what I
- Looking at their

combination of pure substances that can be
separated using a range of techniques

Construct and use a range of representations,
including graphs, keys and models to represent
and analyse patterns or relationships, including
using digital technologies as appropriate

Maths: : Identify and investigate issues
involving numerical data collected from primary
and secondary sources (ACMSP169)

English: : Consolidate a personal handwriting
style that is legible, fluent and automatic and
supports writing for extended periods

Water Pure or a Mixture PowerPoint)
Explore:. Students identify how plants
respond to recycled and fresh water and
investigate and analyse data to create graphs.
Evaluate: After this, I randomly select
students and they write new learnt words on
the word wall.
Evaluate: Students write a reflection at the
end in their journal

reflection at the end of
their class

- Students have to prac
write up for the
standout activity and
make graph for the
same which will be due
on the secong last day
of the term.


Students will be able to recognise the variety
of ways and places water is used in domestic


Science: Science and technology contribute to
finding solutions to a range of contemporary
issues; these solutions may impact on other
areas of society and involve ethical
considerations (ACSHE120)

Maths: Identify and investigate issues involving
numerical data collected from primary and
secondary sources (ACMSP169)

Engage: Go to page 16 on
ds/WaltWaterdropFunBook.pdf and find the
words in the activity. (ICT)
Explore: After giving 10 minutes to students
to find the words, ask them to make a map of
their home and mark all the spots that need
water like taps and toilets, dishwashers and
so on.
Elaborate: Students answer the questions for
their map.
Evaluate: Students note down their
measurements of plant response to water
types experiment. (LITERACY & NUMERACY)
Evaluate: After this, I randomly select
students and they write new learnt words on
the word wall.
Evaluate: Students write a reflection at the
end in their journal.

Formative Assessment

- Students answer the
questions for the map
- Looking at their
reflection at the end of
their class

English: Consolidate a personal handwriting
style that is legible, fluent and automatic and
supports writing for extended periods

Closure: Explain to students that now they
know that water is a very important resource
and we are required to conserve it. So in next
lesson they will be going on an excursion with
Royal Botanica Gardens to understand the
importance of water and its conservation.
They will be required to take their inquiry
journals with them to take notes and bring
their lunch as well.

11 Students will be able to understand the
importance of conserving water by going to an
excursion to Royal Botanica Gardens
(Waterhole Conservation Program Guilfoyles

Key Questions:
Is it possible for our water to run
Does it hurt others when I take a 20
minute bath?

Science: Science understanding influences the
development of practices in areas of human
activity such as industry, agriculture and marine
and terrestrial resource management

English: : Identify and explore ideas and
viewpoints about events, issues and characters
Engage & Explore: Students will be going to
an excursion. They will be leaving at 9 am
after tutor group.
The program is for 1 and a half hour.
Explore: They will undertake a tour of
Guilfoyless Volcano (used to store water for
Explore & Elaborate:The educational staff at
RBG conduct this program which looks at the
history of water use in the Royal Botanic
Gardens (RBG) Melbourne over the past 150
years, and new techniques of recycling and
conserving water. Hands-on activities to
investigate water flow and the construction of
irrigation pipes will lead to a greater
understanding of the concepts involved.
Evaluate: When the program finishes, the
students write the reflection in their inquiry

- Formative Assessment
- Students answering
questions asked by
educational staff at
- Looking at their
reflection at the end of
their class

represented in texts drawn from different
historical, social and cultural contexts

12,13 Students will be able to revise the unit and will
be introduced to their research task for the


Science: Water is an important resource that
cycles through the environment (ACSSU222)

Maths: Identify and investigate issues involving
numerical data collected from primary and
secondary sources (ACMSP169)

English: Identify and explore ideas and
viewpoints about events, issues and characters
represented in texts drawn from different
historical, social and cultural contexts
Evaluate: Students will write a short
reflection about their learning from the
excursion and will share with each other.
Evaluate: Students note down their
measurements of plant response to water
types experiment. (LITERACY & NUMERACY)
and plot the graph on the basis of their
collected data.
Engage: Students will perform a Web activity
to see that our surroundings are
interdependent and will show their
understanding of the concept studied
Explain: Handing out Revision Task activities
for the students and they get laptops to revise
using the tasks in the document. Water
Revision Activities- (Literacy and
Elaborate: In the last few minutes, explain
students the assessment task they will be
working on next lessons and the expectations
for that. (Prezi, Auto Cite)Water Research
Evaluate: Students write a reflection at the
end in their journal.

-Formative Assessment:

- Observing students
performance in the
Web Activity.
- Conversations with
students regarding the
unit while they do
revision activities.
- Looking at their
reflection at the end of
their class


Students will be able to make Prezi showing
Students will be able to investigate possible
solutions to conserve water.

Science: Communicate ideas, findings and
solutions to problems using scientific language
and representations using digital technologies
as appropriate (ACSIS133)

Maths: : Identify and investigate issues
Engage: At the start of the lesson, students
redo the timeline of their water usage over
the past week indicating how much water is
used in the activity (standard: 4 liters /
minute comes out of the tap) and they
compare their timelines to see how their
understanding helped them to be water
smart or not.
Explore & Elaborate: Students get a laptop
and start working on their assessment which
is due after three lessons. They use the class
time to research the information and to clear
- Formative Assessment

- Conversations with
students regarding the
unit while they do their
- Looking at their
reflection at the end of
their class

involving numerical data collected from primary
and secondary sources (ACMSP169)

English: Use a range of software, including word
processing programs, to confidently create, edit
and publish written and multimodal texts

Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations,
selecting and sequencing appropriate content
and multimodal elements to promote a point of
view or enable a new way of seeing
their queries as well.
Evaluate: At the end of the class, students
read over their completed work to assess
their performance and get an idea of how
much more work on assessment they have to
do in other lessons.
Students write a reflection at the end in
their journal.

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