Hormone Organize Disgative

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Gastrin causes the gastric glands to secrete

pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid.

Produced In Gastric Walls
Produced In Duodenum Walls
Secretine stimulates the pancreas
and bile ducts to release sodium
bicarbonate to neutralize the acid.
Produced In Duodenum
CCK stimulates the
release of digestive
enzymes in the pancreas,
and stimulates the
contraction of the gall
bladder to empty bile into
the duodenum.
Penyerapan kembali air adalah fungsi
utama usus besar
1. Peristaltic Bowel Function
o The main functions of the colon are: Store
and dispose of food scraps, Maintain fluid
and electrolyte balance, degrading bacteria.

2. Colonic Absorption
o The main function of the colon is to
regulate water and electrolyte absorption
3. Intestinal Bacteria
o Bacteria in the gut can cause the gut to
become acidic environment, highly conducive
to bacterial growth, at the same time can
control the growth of harmful bacteria, and
intestinal health

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