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Moving Forward

St. Lukes Episcopal


5325 Nieman Road*Shawnee, Kansas*66207
Phone 913-631-8597* Email offies!lshawnee"#mail$om
8%00 a$m$ Se&'ie
The Holy Eucharist Rite I
()P The Word of God
323 *+enin# ,lama!ion
32- Son# of P&aise
.nse&! /he )olle! of !he 0a1
.nse&! /he 2essons 3Please 4e sea!ed5
.nse&! /he 6os+el
/he Se&mon Re'$ 7a&1 Sie#m8nd
327 /he Niene )&eed
328 P&a1e&s of !he Peo+le
330 )onfession of Sin
332 /he Peae
*++o&!8ni!ies fo& 7inis!&1 3,nno8nemen!s5
.nse&! P&a1e&s fo& (i&!hda1, ,nni'e&sa&1, and S+eial (lessin#s
The Holy Communion
333 /he 6&ea! /han9s#i'in#
33- :ol1, :ol1, :ol1
336 /he 2o&d;s P&a1e&
337 /he (&ea9in# of !he (&ead
)omm8nion of !he Peo+le
If you have been baptized as a Christian
you are welcome to come forward for
the bread and/or wine. If not, then you may
come forward for a blessing by the priest.
Gluten free bread is available upon request.
339 Sendin# <o&!h P&a1e&
/he (lessin#
3-0 0ismissal
*The Red Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
Flowers on the Altar
In celebration of St Lukes ay
Please take this home and pray
for the needs of our Parish
Prayer List for Health & StrengthKyle Brady; Nanine
Castleberry; Nancy Craig; Dan Graves; Christian; Jon Hall;
Emily Hernandez; Marlin Hoard; Kylie ! Josh; Dominic King;
Matthe Knabel; "#th Knabel; $haron Mossman; Helen
%hllson; &iz '(ei((er; Jeb $mith; &ois $mith; $)eicher (amily;
$am#elson (amily; Marcia $tree)y; David *hrmacher; Helen
+einstein; Gary and Cheryl; Nathan ! his (amily
For those serving in the Armed ForcesDevon ,llen-
M#r)hy Bright- Ben Dible- Coy Goodman- Michael Green-
Clemente G#tierrrez- Harvey Hayselden- Dre H#nnic#tt;
Ben.amin Kar)ins/i- Barry 'almer- ,aron "hodes- Kayla
"olloc/- ,le0 $ha- Jose 1e2o and Jordan +arthall3
For those traveling abroad: Ch#c/ and $#san 1homas
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: 'ray (or the Ch#rch o( the Ch#rch
in the 'rovince o( the +est 4ndies and ,rchbisho) John Holder
Kansas Cycle of Prayer: 'ray (or $t David2s- 1o)e/a
Celebrating birthdays "achel Kari#/i- Conley $tam)ler- and
today o#ld have been Dan +heatcro(t2s 56
Celebrating anniversaries Are there any?
Homebound Kathy Bagby- Jon Hall- +anda Kir/ham- !
Helen "eatha(ord
In emorium 7 Dan +heatcro(t
Ministers of the Service
Calendar for October 19-26
onday !" 89:: )m Boy $co#ts
#ednesday !! Noon "e(resher gro#)
;9:: )m ,,
$hursday !% <9:: )m Center o( Grace Dinner
89=: )m ,l ,non
Friday !& >9:: )m %#treach Meeting?Dinner
Saturday !' @:9:: am ,ltar G#ild 're)aration
@9:: )m %rgan 'ractice

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