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Obituary Notice

Donald Webster
Otto - Donald Webster, 84, a family farm owner operator, died
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at the Gowanda ehabilitation
#e was born $pril 22, 192% in &own of 'tto, the son of the late
!laren(e and )eli**a +)iller, Webster"
Donald was a proud member of 'tto -mmanuel .utheran !hur(h,
and made a home for many foster (hildren o/er the years" #e will
be remembered for his lo/e of his farm family lifestyle"
#e is sur/i/ed by his wife .ois .iebenow Webster of 'tto whom he
married 0uly 19, 192% in a(ine W-, two sons1 Da/id D"+)ar(ia,
Webster of 2ew 3lm, )2, onald D" Webster of 'tto, his dau4hter
5laine ." +#arold, Warner of .ittle 6alley, his twin sister Doris
#ar/ey of 7prin4/ille, his sister $nnabelle !" 8elly of !attarau4us,
fi/e 4rand(hildren , four 4reat 4rand(hildren, se/eral nie(es 9
:esides his parents he was pre(eded in death by his brother 6ernon
Webster, and his sister 5dith #ornun4"
6isitation will be held at #ills Funeral !hapel ;; 7o )ain 7t
!attarau4us, 2< on Friday from 2-4 =")" and %-9 =")
Funeral ser/i(es will be held 7aturday, )ar(h >, 2012 at 11?00 $")"
in the 'tto -mmanuel .utheran !hur(h, 'tto, 2< the e/" #oward
Warner --- will be offi(iatin4" :urial will be in the .iberty =ar@
!emetery in !attarau4us"
Family su44ests memorials to 'tto -mmanuel .utheran !hur(h, or
'tto $mbulan(e Fund, =' :oA 42, 'tto 2< 14%BB
Hills Funeral Chapel
(716) 257-3914

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