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Procrastination: A Cultural Norm

(Humaira J. Malik)
Procrastination is a pervasive and resignedly acceptable norm in our Pakistani society. n !act it
no" ama#es us i! "e come across some e!!icient enterprise. $ne o! t%e met%ods o! gauging %o"
and on "%at issues people o! a society procrastinate is t%roug% reading its ne"spapers especially
ne"spaper editorials. &ditorials are opinionated pieces. 'anguage o! editorials re!lects
publication(s ideology) people(s belie!s as "ell as in!luences t%eir t%oug%ts. Moreover) t%ey give
a clear insig%t into a society(s ailments and make readers a"are o! t%em. *%e researc% "ill be
+ualitative. *%e researc%er "ill select ten Pakistani &nglis% ne"spapers editorials and do a
stylistic interpretation o! language o! t%ese editorials. *%e "riter "ill point out our social issues
and also observe "%ic% le,emes ("ords) depict inactivity and inertia o! our organisations. Ho"
t%is practice o! procrastination %as led to severe conse+uences t%at could %ave been easily
%andled in !irst place i! in time action "as taken. Moreover) "%at is t%e gro"ing attitude and
mindset o! t%e society to"ard t%is dilemma and %o" do t%ose) !aced "it% t%is situation) cope.
-%at steps can "e take to e,tricate ourselves out o! t%is situation.

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