Weekly Newsletter 10 21

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October 21, 2014


LA/ Reading (S)
single par agr aphs -
science plant s
nouns, ver bs,
adject ives
int r oducing
nar r at ive
comp/ usage

Gr oup L
single par agr aph
t hings
nouns (common,
pr oper )
simple nar r at ives
comp/ usage

vocab: nar r at ive,
exposit or y, essays,
inf or mat ional,
met aphor s,similes

L- Par t s of a seed and
ger minat ion.

S- Par t s of a seed and t he
dif f er ent gr oups of plant s.
Social Studies Mat h

Concept s explor ed:

Mult iplicat ion

Gr oup L
Pr act i ci ng pat t er ns
Mult i pli cat i on pr oper t i es
Gr oup S
Pr i me Fact or i zat i on
Int r oduct i on t o Algebr ai c
Expr essi ons.
Issue 6

Study Skills
Learning games

(Anthropology Card System)
Green- Focused/On target
Yellow-Pondering/stop and think
Pink-Reflecting/note or call home
Orange-Time OUT-visit the director/
disciplinary action.

Greetings Dialogues
Raz Kids (Spanish books) group activities

Ms. A &
Ms. Logan

1. clue
2. huge
3. view
4. school
5. prove
6. juice
7. rescue
8. few
9. fruit
10. refuse
11. crew
12. issue
13. value
14. bruise
15. accuse
16. musical
17. harmony
18. orchestra
19. performance
20. rhythm

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