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The Big Picture - Defying Election

Commission: How to handle it?

Some of the influential leaders have always been defying the election commissions Code of
Conduct and its orders.
This is also said to be a corrupt practice and violation of law.
National parties are not paying much attention on this.
The best solution is to place the responsibility on political parties. Civil society can only play a
complimentary role.
Model Code of Conduct has been adopted by political parties.
There are 3 main stakeholders in this process; one, Election Commission; second, the political
parties; third, the people who are going to vote. All three have to play role to maintain the order.
These are also the defiance and violation of Representation of People act.
Election commission should have some judicial powers to take direct action during the times of
elections on certain issues.
This is the time for the people of India to say NO to communal and non-secular politics. The entire
country must rise as one.
It is clear that Election Commission has not been very effective in dealing with such cases. And
hence, there is a need to empower the Election Commission to deal with such cases.

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