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Assignment #3

Due by 1200 pm Wednesday, October 22, 2014-10-14

Question 1. To unload a bound stack of plywood from a truck, the driver first tilts the bed of the
truck and then accelerates from rest. Knowing that the coefficients of friction between the
plywood and the bed are
=0.40 and
=0.30 determine (a) the smallest acceleration of the
truck which will cause the stack of plywood to slide, (b) the acceleration of the truck which
causes corner A of the plywood to reach the end of bed in 0.40 seconds.

Question 2. The 2-kg mass rotates around the vertical pole in a horizontal circular path. The
angle = 35 and the length of the string is 1 meter. What is the magnitude of the velocity of the

Question 3. The pair of blocks shown are connected by a light inextensible cord and released
from rest when the spring is unstretched. The static and kinetic coefficients of friction are 0.20
and 0.10, respectively. For the ensuing motion determine (a) the maximum velocity of the blocks
and the stretch in the spring at that position, (b) the maximum displacement of the 5-kg block,
and (c) will the blocks rebound from this position.

Question 4. The small slider of mass m is released from rest while at position A and then slides
down along the vertical plane track. The track is a smooth from A to D and rough from point D
onwards (coefficient of friction is ). Determine (a) the normal force exerted by the track on the
slider as it passes the bottom point C, and (b) the distance s travelled along the incline past point
D before the slider stops.

Question 5. A stunt driver wants to drive a car through the circular loop of radius 5 meters.
Determine the minimum velocity v
at which the car can enter the loop and coast through without
losing contact with the track. What is the cars velocity at the top of the loop?

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