Kata Tempat: Street or Footpath Shop/stall/cafe

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Bahasa Indonesia Bu Amy Kelas 10 Directions and Travel Daftar Kata 2/3

Kata Tempat

Alun-alun City square
Apotek Chemist
Bank Bank
Bioskop Cinema
Bis Surat Post Box
Bundaran Roundabout
Gedung A building
Gereja Church
Hotel Hotel
Istana Palace
Kafe, Warung Kopi Cafe
Kantor Polisi Police station
Kantor Pos Post Office
Lampu lalu lintas Traffic Lights
Laut, Pantai The Sea, Beach
Mal Shopping Mall
Mesjid Mosque
Museum Museum
Pabrik Factory
Pasar swalayan Supermarket
Perpustakaan Library
Plaza Plaza
Pusat Pasar Central Market
Restoran Restaurant
Rumah House, home
Rumah Sakit Hospital
Sekolah School
Simpang, perempatan Intersection, crossroads
Stasiun Bis, Terminal Bis Bus station, terminal
Telepon umum Public Phone
Toko Shop
Warnet Internet Caf
Wartel Public phone centre
Street or footpath shop/stall/cafe

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