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Dance: Art and Sport

Dancing has been a passion with

me for a long time. Dancing has
been an important part of my life
for more than eight years. When I
was eight, my mother enrolled
me in dancing classes, never
realizing it would lead to
anything serious. or the !rst few
months, dance was
entertainment, something to
"eep me busy. Although I en#oyed
ta"ing classes, I did not become serious until the following year, when my favorite
teacher told my mother to consider getting me involved in more competitive
$hat was the beginning of my long and successful dancing career, one that has
taught me many valuable lessons about the art of dance, and the art of life.I always
did things the world doesn%t e&pect any ris" to sha"e a little pre#udice, not from
teribilism, but from the belief that the world needs to evolve, to go forward and to
discover new e&periences. I am happy whenever I manage to ma"e others believe
in my ideas, to go with me on a di'erent "ind of way.Dance is an art able to thrill
anyone,regarless of age or level of educatin.
rom it I have learned that hard wor" really does pay o'. I learned that discipline
and self control are not only
a vital part of dancing, but a
necessary part of life. Also, I
have recognized that
motivation and perseverance
are "eys to success. What
matters is not who wins in
the beginning, but who is still
on her feet in the end.
(erhaps the most important
lesson dance has taught me
is responsibility. A dancer, a
real dancer is someone who
puts all of his or her heart,
soul, and hard wor" into
dancing. A dancer is
someone who practices until
its perfect and never gives
up.A dancer lives for their performance, their few minutes of fame.

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