Maria Antoinette and Louis Xvi

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Maria Antoinette

Maria Antoinette is the last queen of France. She was born on

November 2, 1755 in Vienna, Austria. She was very beautiful with her
blue gray eye and ash-blonde hair. She was the second to the last child of
Maria Theresa and Francis I. When she was young she focused on
studying religious stuff unlike her brothers, they focused on the academic
subject. At the age of 14, she married the price of France named Louis
Auguste. Which is the son of Louis XV. By the time she moved to France
with her husband, she was not ready because she was too young and she
experienced homesickness too. By the time when the Louis XV died, Louis
Auguste inherit the throne as Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette became the
queen by the year 1774.
During the time when the Frances economy had a financial
problem. The queen was accused by the French people because she lived
a luxurious life and looks like she didnt care and help the country at all.
But really she gave some advices to her husband, but it doesnt make
sense and useless. One causes of the problem of the French economy was
Maria Antoinetted because she spent lavishly on her dress, jewelry, and
many other things in her everyday life. Not only that, she also spent a lot
on the decoration of the palace because she want to make it more
By the life of this queen, a lot of people in the court was jealous and
doesnt like her of her wastefulness. That makes many people in the court
passes false rumor about her sending fund to Austria, having sex with
many people in the court, and challenge the paternity of the children. She
was accused harshly because of her lavishness plus the envious of the
other people looking at her.

Louis XVI
Louis XVI was the last king of France. He became the king after his
fathers death from lung tuberculosis at the age of 36 in the year 1765.
His father is Louis XV and his morther is Marie Josephe. He was born on
August 23, 1754, in the Palace of Versailles. His original name was Louis-
Auguste. He was named Louis XVI just when he inherited the throne in
the year 1774. When he was young he didnt study about political and
not prepared to be a king because his characteristics doesnt really
matches. Even his grandfather was blamed by many people about not
prepare Louis XVI to be a King. When he was already 15 yearsold, he
married Marie Antoinette, which is only 14 yearsold. She was the princess
of Austria.
When Louis XVI became the king, he decided to build a strong
army, he sent men to America where independence war was raging
wishing that he will have a strong army and gain victory. But during that
time when he uses much money, the economy of France was not good.
The price of bread and flour increased. The economy is bad, the countries
faced really big problem. Poor people cant effort to buy foods because
they must also pay taxes. By the time the French revolution takes place,
there are too much problem that he was called the weak leader. His wife,
Maria Antoinette didnt give any good advice to her husband too. French
people really against the king at that time. The people says that Louis XVI
is a fool, weak, and sky leader.
After the storming of Bastille, Louis XVI arrived in Paris and realized
that he was defeated. He fled to Austria. After the rumor spreads, he lost
his power and France proposed a reform of the country. In the year of
1792, Louis XVI was arrested after the France became a republic. Then he
was accused of high crimes. That makes him got punished by execution in
front of the people of France.

Work Cited
Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna. (2014). The website.
Retrieved 08:11, Oct 19, 2014,
Louis-Auguste de France. (2014). The website. Retrieved
08:07, Oct 19, 2014, from

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