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Nowadays all establishments are becoming modernized, they use modern technologies to

make their transaction fast, easy, and accurate in order to avoid waste of time and for the sake of
safety and security. Computers are one of the best examples that can stimulate enormous data
and can process complex transaction in a fast and efficient way. It can generate numerous
accounts and data accurately.
Before, a manual payroll system is hard to manage because it will go through a long
process. It needs a careful and long computation which is a big waste of time and it cant even
assure its data security.
A Computerized Payroll System will not only provide accurate calculation and fast
process of Payroll transaction but it will secure data through security implementation and
accordingly arrange files provided by a well designed database that will produce a paperless
Local Government of Enrile is Headed by Hon. Mayor _________________. Enrile has
_____ barangays ______________________________.
Presently, Local government of Enrile is practicing the manual process of payroll system.
It has separate manual process for the regular employees and J.O (job-order) employees. The
total number of employees in LGU Enrile is _________ regular employees and _______ job-
order employees.

Statement of the problems
1. Time consuming of payroll preparations

LGU Enrile is stil using the manual method of payroll process and lot of jobs are
assigned to the payroll maker and accounting clerk which causes inconvenience to their
2. Laborious payroll process

What makes the manual payroll process take a long time to finish is due to many
processes and steps to undergo. Individual data is transferred through sheets, encoding
and double checking after calculating. And all this process requires a long patient and lots
of efforts to complete the task.

This study is intended to design and develop a Computerized Payroll System for LGU
Enrile for calendar year 2014-2015.
Specifically, this study aims:
1. To minimize the effort of the bookkeeper in processing the Payroll Slip and Payroll
2. To make an efficient and accurate computation of Payroll.
3. To create a well-arranged database and to implement strong security of the system for
data security.

Significance of the Study
To Accounting Department and Payroll Maker of LGU Enrile
The proposed system will help the accounting section of LGU Enrile especially the
Payroll maker/bookkeeper and the Finance Officer. It will help to lessen the time and effort of
the payroll maker/bookkeeper preparing payments of employees. The System develop can
accommodate changing figures and produce a paperless environment through well design

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