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5. Creation and consolidation of the Soviet Sphere of


Policy paper: Transatlantic relations topic 2: TTIP trade agreement.
Conference in Postdam 1945: Germany divided in 4 zones, it was a relevant conference for
Poland. In August, 2 nuclear bombs were dropped (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) the prove for the
USs power. Many things changed in world politics this year. Growing tensin between the US
and USSR.
The argument of the capitalist plot:
1 cartoon: the perception of the Marshall plan: US its gonna be present in europe with its
nuclear weapons and dominating europe with its economic powers. Mantain and consolidate
an imperialist presence in Eurasia.
2 cartoon: People at the feet of the presidents, suffering whilst they take time to prepare the
guidance for future conflictive policies.
Cold war propaganda: the struggle for hearts and minds.
Two videos: Strong propaganda from both sides. Before the cold war propaganda was an
important aspect of politics, but here, in the cold war, propaganda had a special impact.
1 video: Poland. Was important to identify the internal enemy. Constant threat.
2nd video: If you openly declare to be a communist, you take their Word for it!
The USSR in the post WW2:
Fort he Soviets, WWII was not a war, was the war? Durign and after the war Stalin buld
around himself an image of an undefeatable hero. After his death this image changed
The number of people in arms from the soviet unin didnt changed from 1945 to 1946.
There was a concern over this military presence. Why would they try to mantain military
presence in central and eastern europe after the world? In order to consolidate its presence
and build political systems.
For many observers one of the important issues for the soviets after the war was to crate a
safety zone , and friendly regimes on its borders. Sovietisation of Eastern europe started.
Peoples democracies:
Soviet model:
What was the process in which sovietisation took place?

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