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[ 30 marks ]
A doctor from HIV POSITIVE-MINDED, a non-governmental organization that helps people
who are HIV-positive or who have AI!, gave a talk on AI! at "o#r school$
%rite a report of the talk to &e s#&mitted to the 'resident of "o#r school(s Interact )l#&, of
which "o# are the secretary$
*se the notes &elow to write the report$
%hen writing "o#r report+
"o# ma" #se all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make "o#r report clear
make s#re it is ot less t!a "#$ %or&s
r !haran,it -ill from HIV '.!I/IV0-1I20
.&,ective 3 ed#cate st#dents on AI! and &eing HIV-positive
4eing HIV-positive is not the same as having AI!
AI! 5 Ac6#ired Imm#no-deficienc" !"ndrome7 HIV 5 H#man Imm#nodeficienc"
Vir#s that ca#ses AI!
iagnosed as having AI! onl" when vir#s has damaged imm#ne s"stem
8all sick easil" 3 imm#ne s"stem is grad#all" worn down
1a" not know that "o# are HIV-positive #ntil tested+ ma" test positive onl" weeks or
months after infection, &#t can infect others
!"mptoms of infection 3 like common cold+ fever, headaches, sore m#scles and ,oints,
stomach ache, swollen l"mph glands or skin rash7 in some cases, no s"mptoms at all
)an sta" health" for 90 "ears or longer after infection, &#t imm#ne s"stem is wearing
down7 &ecome more prone to fevers, night sweats, diarrhoea, swollen l"mph nodes that
last for weeks
AI! 3 when imm#ne s"stem serio#sl" damaged
)an contract a variet" of damaging diseases+ l#ng infection, skin cancer, e"e disease,
f#ngal infection7 also, &rain t#mor, serio#s weight loss, other health pro&lems
eath can come after nine months of &eing diagnosed with AI!7 some live longer,
especiall" with medication
1edication can slow down damage ca#sed &" HIV, &#t there is presentl" no c#re for
AI!7 &leak prospect for patients 5 death
.nl" c#re now 5 prevention7 sta" awa" from practices that can ca#se AI!+ #nsafe se:,
sharing needles
How is HIV spread;
/hro#gh &odil" fl#ids 3 &lood, saliva, &reast milk, semen, vaginal fl#id
'assed mainl" thro#gh+ having se: with an infected person7 sharing needles #sed to
in,ect dr#gs7 from mother to &a&"
[ 30 marks]
[/ime !#ggested + <0 min#tes]
/he !chool(s 'refects( 4oard organized a talk on =Ways o' Stay() Healt!y> for the st#dents$
/he prefects have decided to write a report for the principal$ As the secretary to the &oard, "o#
have &een asked to write the report$
*se the notes &elow to help "o# write o#t the report$
Health is wealth
0at healthil" and sensi&l"
Have a &alanced diet
/ake the right food
?eg#lar e:ercise
0no#gh sleep and rest
%hen writing "o#r report+
"o# ma" #se all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add an" other relevant information
make s#re it is ot less t!a "#$ %or&s
[ 30 marks ]
[ /ime !#ggested + <0 min#tes ]
@o#r class went on a visit to an old folks( home$ As the *o(tor, write a report for the school
magazine$ *se the pict#res and the points given$
%hen writing "o#r report+
"o# ma" #se all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add an" other relevant information
make s#re it is ot less t!a "#$ %or&s
Sect(o A : G+(&e& Wr(t()
[30 marks]
[Time suggested + <0 minutes]
@o# have attended a co#rse organized &" ?ed )rescent !ociet" for district level$ As the secretar"
of "o# school societ", "o# have to write a report on the programme entitled =How to /reat a
%hen writing "o#r report "o# sho#ld+
*se all the notes given
Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
1ake s#re it is ot less t!a 9A0 words
Sect(o A : G+(&e& Wr(t()
[30 marks]
[Time suggested + <0 minutes]
In con,#nction with %orld Health a", "o# have to attend a talk on =How to Book After .#r
Health>$ %rite a report of the talk to &e s#&mitted to the 'resident of "o#r school(s )aring )l#&,
of which "o# are the secretary$
*se the notes &elow to write the report$
%hen writing "o#r report "o# sho#ld+
*se all the notes given
Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
1ake s#re it is ot less t!a 9A0 words

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