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Book Title Author Subject Publisher Details Edition

1 100 Maurice J Bach Computers Pearson First 2002 195

2 328 The complete reference JAA !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fifth 2005 '25
3 '1331 (ata"ase s)stems concept #il"erschat* Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fourth 2002
' 55 +ee Computers %al,otia "oo- source First 2003 190
5 '1329 Mathematical foun$ation (r. P / #rimani Mathematics #u"has stores First
0 223 1peratin, s)stems ! M (eitel Computers Pearson #econ$ 1999 295
2 301 B#c Mathematics % / 3an,anth Mathematics # Chan$ an$ Co First 1999 125
8 309 (atastrctures usin, C 4 C55 6e$i$)ah +an,sam Computers Prentice !all #econ$ 1990 250
9 5210 (ata"ase s)stems concept #il"erschat* Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Thir$ 1990 290
10 312 Ja7a !o& to Pro,ram ! M (eitel Computers Pearson Fifth 200'
11 1'2 Computer 1r,ani*ation Carl !amacher Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fifth 2002 250
12 333 Mo"ile Communication Jochen #chiller Pearson #econ$ 2001
13 09'0 Pan-a8 Jalote Computers 9ill 9ill 9ill 9ill
1' '5 TCP:;P (ou,las Commer Computers Pearson #econ$ 2001 350
15 108 C + +iu Mathematics Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 2000 125
10 20'2' Miller Mathematics Tata Mc%ra& !ill #e7enth 200' 250
Year of
(in Rs.
The (esi,n of <ni=
1peratin, #)stem
;ntro$ucin, s)stem Anal)sis an$
An ;nti,rate$ approach
to soft&are
>lements of (iscreate
Mathematical statistics &ith
12 201 M / Jain Mathematics Fourth 2003 325
18 308 (atastrctures usin, C 4 C55 6e$i$)ah +an,sam Computers Prentice !all #econ$ 2005 250
19 122 The pro,rammin, lan,ua,e Brain /erni,han Computers Prentice !all #econ$ 200' 95
20 311 >llis !oro&it* Computers %al,otia "oo- source First 2000 300
21 330 C55 Primer #tanle) +ippman Computers Pearson Thir$
22 23553 %ra$) Booch Computers Pearson #econ$
23 10081 +inear Al,e"ra /rishnamurth) Mathematics >ast ?est Press First 85
2' 220 Pro"a"ilit) an$ #tatistics ?alpole M)ers #tats Pearson #e7enth 2002 399
25 212 11P@s &ith C55 Bala,urus&am) Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 200' 195
20 28 (atastrctures usin, C 4 C55 6e$i$)ah +an,sam Computers Prentice !all #econ$ 2005 250
22 109 >n,ineerin, Mathematics ! / (ass Mathematics # Chan$ an$ Co >le7enth 2003 325
28 22'02 #)stem #imulation %eoffre) %ar$on %eneral Prentice !all #econ$ 2003 150
29 303 (i,ital Principles an$ Applications (onal$ +each >lectronics Tata Mc%ra& !ill #i=th 2000 225
30 82 isual Basics 0 Francesco Balena Computers ?estern Pu"lication First 2003 225
31 199 3amesh %aon-ar >lectronics Prentice !all Fifth 310
32 10838 A$7ance$ calculus Murre) #pie,el Mathematics Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 332
33 3159' Fun$amental Al,orithems /unth Computers #econ$ 200' 225
3' 350 #)stem anal)sis an$ $esi,n >lias A&a$ %eneral %al,otia "oo- source #econ$ 2000 320
9umericl metho$s for scientific
an$ en,ineerin, computation
9e& a,e ;nternational
Fun$amentals of Computer
1"8ect oriente$ anal)sis an$
Microprocessor architecture
pro,rammin, an$ applications &ith
9arosa pu"lishin,
35 300 Pro,rammin, in C ! / %un$urao Computers <nite$ pu"lication First 2000 180
30 32 Trem"la) Mathematics Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 1992 250
32 '12 Computer 9et&or-s An$re& Tanen"aum Computers Pearson Fourth 2005 299
38 300 Pro"a"ilit) an$ #tatistics ?alpole M)ers #tats Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 225
39 2'32 3a8araman %eneral Prentice !all Thir$ 2001 59
'0 198 Masterin, C55 / 3 enu,opal Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 205
'1 319 C 3a7i-anth %eneral #u"has stores First 2001 '2
'2 102 Trem"la) Mathematics Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 1992 250
'3 5'0 (i,ital Computers fun$amentals Thoma Bartee >lectronics Tata Mc%ra& !ill #i=th 300
'' 321 ! / %un$urao Computers <nite$ pu"lication Thir$ 2000 180
'5 225 1perations 3esearch !am$) Taha %eneral Prentice !all #e7enth 295
'0 325 The complete reference C55 !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fourth 2003 '50
'2 '25 C Pro,rammin, concepts (r. M A 3ama Computers #u"has stores First 2002 225
'8 '2' C Pro,rammin, concepts (r. M A 3ama Computers #u"has stores First 2002 225
'9 5930 1perations 3esearch #&aroop /anti %eneral # Chan$ an$ Co #i=th 1991 80
50 82 #A+ #er7er 2000 pro,rammin, 3o" iera Computers ?ro= First 200' 850
51 '1' (i,ital >lectronics % / 3an,anth >lectronics Archana "oo- house First 2008 100
52 129 >llis !oro&it* Computers %al,otia "oo- source First 200' 325
(iscrete mathematical structures
&ith applications to computer
Computer oriental$ numerical
Pro"a"ilit) an$ #tatistics mo$el
Buestion papers
(iscrete mathematical structures
&ith applications to computer
Computer concepts 4 C
Fun$amentals of Computer
53 355 #)stem anal)sis an$ $esi,n >lias A&a$ %eneral %al,otia "oo- source #econ$ 2001 200
5' 302 Practical &or$ of C55 #umitha Arora Computers (hanapat 3ai 4 Co First 2005 250
55 89 C1B1+ #te7en Computers ?#> >i,ht 325
50 2'2 The #pirit of C Mullish Cooper Computers A Jaico Boo- First 295
52 50 Artificial ;ntelli,ence >u,ene Charnia- %eneral Pearson First 1999 325
58 10 C1B1+ M / 3o) Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 200' 195
59 2'' A M Pa$ma 3e$$) Computers #ri 9an$i Pu"lications Fourth 200' 225
00 353 (atastrctures #e)mour +ipschut* Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 285
01 00 Cr)stal 3eports 9 Cate McCo) %eneral BPB Pu"lications First 2003 300
02 25218 James Martin Computers Prentice !all First 2003 195
03 52 Jean Paul Trem"le) Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 2003 205
0' 30 A#P Components #helle) Po&ers Computers 1 3eill) #econ$ 2001 100
05 120 C55 Primer #te7en Prata Computers Pearson Fourth 2003 325
00 38 %raph Theor) 9arsin,h (eo %eneral Prentice !all First 200' 225
02 301 Theor) of Computation #ushil /umar a*a$ %eneral (hanapat 3ai 4 Co First 2005 100
08 9002 C + +iu Mathematics Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 300
09 298 (r / # (eshi-achar Mathematics #u"has stores First 2001 105
20 358 #ri$hara # 9 Mathematics #u"has stores Fourth 1999 150
#)stematic approach to
$atastructures usin, C
Computer 9et&or-s an$
(istri"ute$ Processin,
An ;ntro$uction to (atstructures
&ith applications
>lements of (iscreate
(iscrete mathematical structures
&ith applications to computer
9umericl metho$s for scientific
an$ en,ineerin, computation
21 100 Aho %eneral Pearson First 2003 200
22 305 9 %uruprasa$ Computers First 2000 250
23 22' % / 3an,anth Mathematics # Chan$ an$ Co First 2001 1'0
2' '1330 % / 3an,anth Mathematics # Chan$ an$ Co First 2001 125
25 321 % / 3an,anth Mathematics 3e7ise$ 2002 150
20 101 (atastructures #e)mour +ipschut* Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 1980 195
22 31 (atastructures usin, C 4 C55 6e$i$)ah +an,sam Computers Prentice !all #econ$ 200' 250
28 35' (atastructures #e)mour +ipschut* Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 2000 210
29 '50 (r. P Mohan %eneral First 2000 1'0
80 '51 Concepts of Compiler $esi,n A$esh -umar Pan$e) %eneral # / /ataria First 2002 185
81 '52 Concepts of Compiler $esi,n A$esh -umar Pan$e) %eneral # / /ataria First 2002 185
82 ''9 9ithin <pa$h)a) %eneral # / /ataria #econ$ 2002 185
83 300 1peratin, s)stems A"raham #il"erschat* Computers #e7enth 2000 0
8' 1'155 Jean Paul Trem"le) Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 198' 0
85 '1332 3alph %rimal$i Mathematics Pearson Fourth 1999 0
80 105 (ata"ase s)stems concept #u$arshan Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fourth 2002 225
82 '53 Anish #aini Computers # / /ataria First 2002 185
88 '52 Computer 9et&or-s An$re& Tanen"aum Computers >>> Fourth 2003 325
The (esi,n an$ Anal)sis of
Computer al,orithems
Computer concepts 4 C
!imala)a Pu"lishin,
A Te=t "oo- of BCA Mathematics
A Te=t "oo- of BCA Mathematics
A Te=t Boo- of BCA
!imala)a Pu"lishin,
BBM Computer application in
!imala)a Pu"lishin,
(esi,n an$ anal)sis of
An ;nto$uctin to $atastructures
&ith application
(iscrete 4 Com"inatorial
Computer s)stem architecture an$
89 '58 Complete reference JAA !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #e7enth 2002 0
90 '1322 1peratin, s)stems An$re& Tanen"aum Computers >>> Fourth 1992 0
91 1'1 Computer 9et&or-s An$re& Tanen"aum Computers Pearson Thir$ 1999 250
92 '1333 1peratin, s)stem concepts %al7in Computers John ?ills #i=th 2003 0
93 90 TCPD;P ;llustrate$ 7ol 2 3icher$ #te7ens Computers Pearson #i=th 200' '95
9' ''2 (ata"ase Mana,ement #)stems 3ama-rishnan Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Thir$ 2003 0
95 '59 The complete reference JAA !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fifth 2005 0
90 ''5 (atastructures usin, C An$re& Tanen"aum Computers Prentice !all First 2002 0
92 '55 The ;n$ian Constitutions B # 3aman %eneral <nite$ pu"lication #econ$ 2000 100
98 ''8 (atastructures usin, C An$re& Tanen"aum Computers Prentice !all First 1990 225
99 ''0 1peratin, #)stems (r. M A 3ama Computers #u"has stores First 2008 135
100 1'2 Computer 1r,ani*ation Carl !amacher Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fifth 2002 225
101 28 (atastructures usin, C 4 C55 6e$i$)ah +an,sam Computers >>> #econ$ 1990 250
102 331 Computer 9et&or-s An$re& Tanen"aum Computers Pearson Fourth 2005 0
103 1'' Core JAA 2 %ar) Cornell Computers Pearson Thir$ 200' '00
10' 09 A#P (ot 9et 1.1 Chriss <llman Computers ?ille) Pu"lications First 2003 '99
105 359 Artificial ;ntelli,ence (an Patterson %eneral >>> First 1990 195
100 '5' ;n$ian Constitution ( #rini7asan %eneral First 2000 110
!imala)a Pu"lishin,
102 '00 >n7ionmental #tu$ies B # 3aman %eneral <nite$ pu"lication Thir$ 2002 120
108 '01 Professional CEE #imon 3o""inson Computers ?ille) Pu"lications Thir$ 2005 599
109 05 A#P (ot 9et Pro8ects >ric #mith Computers ?ille) Pu"lications First 200' 399
110 11553 asanth /umar Computers ()naram Pu"lication First 1995 190
111 352 Pro"a"ilit) an$ #tats P / #rimani #tats #u"has stores First 2000 180
112 '23 The C Pro,rammin, Brain /erni,han Computers Prentice !all #econ$ 1998 0
113 '13 +et us C55 6ash&ant /anet-ar Computers BPB Pu"lications First 2000 210
11' 302 Auantitati7e Apptitu$e 3 # A,ar&al %eneral # Chan$ an$ Co #econ$ 2002 3'5
115 28' % / 3an,anth Mathematics # John an$ Compan) First 2001 1'0
110 200 (iu,las !all %eneral Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 1999 295
112 '21 ;n$ian Constitution B # 3aman %eneral <nite$ pu"lication First 2002 90
118 15' Current en,lish for Colle,es 9 /rishnas&am) %eneral McMillan ;n$ia lt$ First 2001 88
119 309 ;n$ian Constitution ( #rini7asan %eneral First 2000 110
120 329 #er7lets 2 Ja7ascripts Marth) !all Computers Pearson #econ$ 2005 0
121 '20 P,m &ith JAA Bala,urus&am) Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Thir$ 2002 0
122 29' 11P@s &ith C55 " Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 1998 0
123 '1335 Ja7a !o& to Pro,ram ! M (eitel Computers Pearson #i=th 1998 0
12' 12285 Artificial ;ntelli,ence (an Patterson %eneral Prentice !all 9inth 2001 150
<ni= operatin, s)stems an$ C
Te=t "oo- of BCA Mathematics 7ol
Microprocessor an$ ;nterfacin,
pro,rammin, 4 !ar$&are
!imala)a Pu"lishin,
125 22 (a7i$ McAnis Computers #P( First 2002 225
120 02 3o"ert #preu %raphics Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 200' 225
122 1'9 # P Jain %eneral /al)ani Pu"lishers First 2002 200
128 222 1peratin, #)stem %al7in Computers John ?ills #i=th 2003 300
129 23502 A(A 9 %uruprasa$ %eneral # Chan$ an$ Co First 2003 '5
130 11002 (i,ital Principles an$ Applications (onal$ +each >lectronics Tata Mc%ra& !ill Fourth 1980 0
131 '1 (ou,las Commer Computers Pearson Fourth 200' 225
132 20500 #oft&are >n,ineerin, #ommer7illae Computers Pearson Fifth 2003 0
133 '1328 (atastructures usin, C 9 %uruprasa$ Computers #TP #econ$ 2000 205
13' 352 (ata #tructure #e)mour +ipschut* Computers Tata Mc %ra& !ill First 2002 0
135 103 TCPD;P ;llustrate$ 7ol 3 3ichar$ #te7enson Computers Pearson Thir$ 200' '25
130 22 A.(.1 9>T &ith ".9>T Paul (i-eson Computers #T( First 200' 525
132 332 Computers 3ef JAA !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc %ra& !ill Fifth 2005 0
138 15 Complete reference A#P.9>T !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc %ra& !ill First 2002 '95
139 '20 <ni= Concepts an$ Applications #ushmita (as Computers Tata Mc %ra& !ill Thir$ 2005 225
1'0 190 (ata"ase s)stems F;ntroG C.J.(ate Computers Pearson >$u #e7enth 2003 325
1'1 '133' #oft&are >n,ineerin, 3o,er .#.Pressman Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #i=th 2005
1'2 90 #)stem Pro,rammin, John.J.(ono7an Computers First 2003 199
Professional Cr)stal 3eport for
isual #tu$io.9et
Principles of ;nteracti7e Computer
Cost accountin,s principles 4
;nternet &or-in, &ith TCPD;P
7ol 1
1'3 258 #.#.#astr) Computers >>> Thir$ 200' 150
1'' 101 (ata #tructures #e)mour +ipschour* Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill First 1980 195
1'5 21 Computer %raphics (onal$!earn Computers Pearson #econ$ 1992 '25
1'0 '50 Ja)ala-shmi.M Mathematics #u"has stores First 2008 150
1'2 299 11P@s &ith Tur"o C55 3o"ert +o"ose Computers %al,otia "oo- source First 1991 229
1'8 '1330 Pro,ram ?ith A9#; Bala,urus&am) Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Thir$ 200' 0
1'9 11191 Computer %raphics #te7en !arrin,ton Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill #econ$ 1982 0
150 310 The Complete 3eference CE 2.0 !er"ert #chil$t Computers Tata Mc%ra& !ill Forth 2000 0
151 82'2 Pro,rammin, in A9#; C Bala,urus&am) Computers Tata Mc %ra& !ill #econ$ 1992 1000
152 55321 Computer Fun$amentals M A 3amaa Computers #u"has stores First 2008 135
153 55322 Computer %raphics M A 3amaa Computers #u"has stores First 2008 180
15' 55323 9umerical Metho$s in c55 Brain flo&ers Mathematics First 1995 350
155 5532' >llis !oro&it* Computers uni7ersit) press #econ$ 2002 300
150 55325 (ata #tructures usin, c 3a8esh !on,al Computers >PBP promoters First 2008 135
152 55320 Pro,rammin, in C Pra$ip (e) Computers First 2002 205
158 55322 The complete reference JAA !er"ert #chil$t Computers Mc%ra& !ills Fourth 2001 395
159 55328 Computer Fun$amentals ! / %un$urao Computers #umu-ha Pul"lication #econ$ 2005 100
100 55329 Pro,ramin, in A9#; C > Bala,urus&am) Computers Mc %ra& !ills Fourth 2002 215
;ntro$uction Metho$s 1f 9umerical
9umericl metho$s An$ #tatistica
1=for$ <ni7ersit)
Fun$amentals of Computer
1=for$ <ni7ersit)
101 55380 Pro,ramin, in A9#; C > Bala,urus&am) Computers Mc %ra& !ills Fourth 2002 215
102 55381 (iscrete methematics 9orman "i,,s Mathematics #econ$ 2002 2'5
103 55382 Chitra 3a7i >lectronics #u"has stores First 2008 180
10' 55383 Computer Al,orithms C55 >llis !oro&it* Computers uni7ersit) press #econ$ 2002 300
105 5538' Mo$ern (ata"ase Mana,ement Jeffer) !offer Computers Pearson >i,ht 2008 1000
100 55385 Pra$ip (e) Computers First 2000 2'5
102 55380 1racle (BA !an$"oo- /e7in +one) Computers Mc%ra& !ills First 199'
108 55382 Chitra 3a7i >lectronics #u"has stores First 2008 180
109 55388 3on Petrusha Computers Mc%ra& !ills First 2005 '95
120 55389 #u"has, stores Computers #u"has stores First 2003 150
121 55390 Multime$ia #u8ata Pan$e) Computers # / /ataria First 2002 125
122 55391 % / 3an,anth Mathematics First 2002 150
123 55392 >llis !oro&it* Computers uni7ersit) press #econ$ 2002 385
12' 55393 B 3amana Mathematics Mc%ra& !ills First 2002 1000
125 '29 #)stems pro,rammin, John.J.(ono7an Computers Mc %ra& !ills First 1991 200
120 '80 #)stems pro,rammin, John.J.(ono7an Computers Mc %ra& !ills First 1991 200
122 '81 #)stems pro,rammin, John.J.(ono7an Computers Mc %ra& !ills First 1991 200
128 '2' +et us C55 6ash&ant /anet-ar Computers BPB Pu"lications First 1999 2'0
1=for$ <ni7ersit)
(i,ital >lectronics for
BCA 1st sem
Computer Fun$amentals an$
an$ Pro,rammin, in C
1=for$ <ni7ersit)
(i,ital >lectronics for BCA
1st sem
Complete reference isual
Basic 2005
Computer 9et&or-s C ;;
A Te=t "oo- of BCA
!imala)a Pu"lishin,
Fun$amentals of (ata #tructure
in C 55
!i,her >n,ineerin,
129 '25 +et us C55 6ash&ant /anet-ar Computers BPB Pu"lications First 1999 2'0
180 '02 ( M (ham$here Computers Mc %ra& !ills #econ$ 1999
#)stem Pro,rammin, an$
1peratin, #)stems

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