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Tan Yih Wei

62, Jalan Kajang,

10150, Georgetown,
Pulau Pinang.
Tan Chong Technical Intitute,
2!", #e$uh %ictoria,
10&00, Penang,
1! )e*te+$er 201".
,ear ,r. Paul-
I a+ writing to re*ect.ull( re/uet a .ro+ Store
Assistant at Tan Chong Technical Institute to $e Technical
Trainnee at Tan Chong Services Centre, Sungai Pinang,
I ha0e recei0e1 auto+oti0e training 1uring 2T2P Progra+ at
Tan Chong 'otor 2e+$le, 3awang, 'ala(ia. 4ow, I till ha0e +(
econ1 le0el training. I ho*e I can a**l( the 5nowle1ge I learne1
.ro+ the *rogra+ .or the *oition I a**lie1. I will wor5 har1 an1 0er(
willing to learn all a*ect a$out auto+oti0e i. gi0en the chance.
6urther+ore, Tan Chong )er0ice Centre at )ungai Pinang i
near +( houe. It i +ore con0enient .or +e to go wor5.
I a+ a**reciating Tan Chong Co+*an( which gi0ing +e the
change to join 2T2P *rogra+. The 5nowle1ge an1 e7*erience I
gaine1 er0e +e well in +( auto+oti0e career.
I than5 (ou .or ta5ing the ti+e to coni1er +( re/uet an1
an7ioul( await (our 1eciion.
Your incerel(,
Tan Yih Wei

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