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Performance Standard Band 1 SK

Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia

Learning Standard 2.1.1
Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single
syllable within given context:
a) /e / /i / /a / / / / /
(ai) (ee) (igh) (oa) (oo)
and 1
!erformance Standard
"now basic s#ills in listening, s$ea#ing, reading and writing%
&escri$tor B1 DB1
'ecogni(e and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable
)vidence B1 DB1 E1
Able to $ronounce and articulate the $honemes correctly%
a% (ai) (ee)
Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B1 DB1 E1
"Scan pages #e$t Book Englis% &ear 2 Sekola% Kebangsaan page 1'(
)ssessed By
Mo%d. *asr+l )sraf Bin ,t%man
Englis% Lang+age #eac%er &ear 2
Not )c%ie-e

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