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March, 27

To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Rebecca Baer; I am the Senior Dietitian at !actor "#trition $$C% It is &ith
e'treme (ri)e an) *#++ con,)ence that I &rite this +etter o* recommen)ation *or Sy)ney Mor-an
.ar(% Sy)ney &as an intern *or the /ri0ate /ractice *rom 1#ne!2#-#st 2012% I ha) the (+eas#re
this (ast s#mmer o* seein- Sy)ney &or3 &ith s#ch )etermination, she &as *#++ o* enth#siasm
an) has a rea+ e'citement to +earn% Sy)ney has an incre)ib+e &or3 ethic; she &as a+&ays on
time, ne0er misse) a )ay o* her internshi(, )resse) (ro*essiona++y, ha) a (ositi0e attit#)e an)
ne0er +e*t be*ore a++ (ro4ects an) tas3s &ere com(+ete), e0en 0o+#ntari+y stayin- (ast o5ce
ho#rs to 4oin em(+oyee team meetin-s 6in or)er to +earn more abo#t the c+ients an) obtain
more insi-ht on the inner &or3in-s o* (ri0ate (ractice7% D#rin- her time at my o5ce, Sy)ney
&as -i0en a &i)e array o* )ai+y res(onsibi+ities an) &ee3+y (ro4ects% She &as a+&ays e'cite) to
&or3 on a ne& (ro4ect an) ea-er to +earn a ne& s3i++% Sy)ney8s &or3 a+&ays im(resse) me; she
&as ne0er a*rai) to as3 *or he+(, or ha0e me chec3 her &or3 be*ore han)in- in a com(+ete) an)
9a&+ess (ro4ect%
D#rin- her internshi( &ith #s she &as e'(ose) to an array o* )i:erent (atients &hose
con)itions inc+#)e: car)io0asc#+ar )isease, )iabetes, -astrointestina+ )isor)ers, an)
hy(ertension% Sy)ney has a &on)er*#+ &ay &ith others an) a+&ays -reete) c+ients &arm+y an)
ha((i+y too3 care o* anythin- they nee)e)% ;n more than one occasion, I ha) c+ients mention
ho& (o+ite an) (oise) she &as, &atchin- her interact &ith my (atients &as tr#+y a 4oy% <er
har) &or3, )e)ication an) most im(ortant+y, em(athy *or others contin#a++y im(resse) me% In
a))ition to her *ace!to!*ace interaction &ith (atients, Sy)ney a+so com(ose) )ai+y )ietary
ana+yses *or these (atients% 2+tho#-h she initia++y )i) not 3no& ho& to )o a )ietary ana+ysis,
she &as ea-er to +earn an) )i) so =#ic3+y% She sho&e) a thirst *or 3no&+e)-e, an) a contin#a+
&i++in-ness to -ro& an) )e0e+o( her s3i++ set% Sy)ney &as a+so res(onsib+e *or researchin- an)
brainstormin- i)eas *or one o* the main *eat#res *or o#r o5ce8s #(comin- ne&s+etter: actor In>
actor ;#t, in &hich &e recommen) a hea+thier, +ess ca+oric, yet sti++ )e+icio#s s#bstit#te *or a
(o(#+ar (ro)#ct% Sy)ney8s i)eas *or the ne&s+etter &ere a+&ays creati0e, &e++ tho#-ht o#t, an)
inno0ati0e% She too3 on a +ea)ershi( ro+e in the (ro4ect by )e+e-atin- )i:erent as(ects to each
intern% She then &or3e) to-ether &ith the other interns in or)er to co++aborate on one ,na+
(ro4ect% rom this tas3, Sy)ney (ro0e) to me ho& e:ecti0e+y she &as ab+e to be a +ea)er an)
a+so &or3 in a team%
Thro#-ho#t her internshi(, Sy)ney a+&ays )is(+aye) the -reatest +e0e+ o* enth#siasm,
res(onsibi+ity an) )i+i-ence% There &as nothin- too bi- or too sma++ that she &as not ea-er to
master% 2))itiona++y, she sho&e) her tr#e +ea)ershi( s(irit by a+&ays bein- the ,rst to o:er to
he+( teach other interns &hat she ha) +earne), &hi+e a+so bein- h#mb+e eno#-h to as3 *or he+(
*rom others &hen nee)e)% Sy)ney8s hi-h ener-y an) &arm s(irit create) a (ositi0e an) in0itin-
&or3 en0ironment *or e0eryone in the o5ce% She &as a terri,c a))ition to my sta:, an) &i++
a+&ays be &e+come) bac3 in the *#t#re% I be+ie0e that her (assion an) 3no&+e)-e in the
n#trition ,e+), as &e++ as her )ri0e *or s#ccess &i++ -i0e Sy)ney the abi+ity to e'ce+ in any
-ra)#ate (ro-ram an) become an e'ce(tiona+ )ietitian%
!actor : 11? @ast ?7
Street : S#ite 1007 : "e& Aor3, "A 10022
6BCB7 CC2!3D0C actor%com
E 2013 !actor Fro#(, $$C% 2++ ri-hts reser0e)
Rebecca Baer, RD CD"
!actor : 11? @ast ?7
Street : S#ite 1007 : "e& Aor3, "A 10022
6BCB7 CC2!3D0C actor%com
E 2013 !actor Fro#(, $$C% 2++ ri-hts reser0e)

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