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1 Vjeba
He was born in 1956 in Smiljan near Gospi. His mother was uka, a
hardworking woman with many talents. He went to school in Karlovac and he
studied engineering in Graz, Austria. He also studied mathematic and physics at
the University of Prague. His hobby was reading. In 1884 he arrived in USA. He
sStarted to work with Edison but they didn't agree and he left after only a year.
In 1886 he formed his own company. Iin 1891 he became citizen of USA. At that
time he slept only2-3 hours a night.night. He was obsessed with the number 3.
Everything he did; he did 3 Hetimes. He never got Nobel prizePrize ( ili pitat
zizu kako se kaze da je trebao djelit nagradu s edisonom al je odbio), because
he was supposedwas supposed to share it with Edison, which he refused to do.
He worked at on many different projects but he made a little money. He died at
the age of 86.

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