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In the peiiou 1928-19S8 Stalin intiouuceu the Five-Yeai Plans to the 0.S.S.R.

, but at a
huge human cost.

a) Explain Stalin's ieasons foi intiouucing the Five-Yeai Plans.

Stalins' main thought was to make Russia inuepenuent anu to piouuce the foou
anu necessities foi the Russian nation. So that Russia can isolate fiom the iest of
the woilu.

b) Besciibe the human cost of the five yeai plan.

The human cost of stalins five yeai plan was enoimous because stalin uiu not pay
any iegaiu on his people anu millions of them uie because they uon't get foou
because Russia piouuces not enough foi its inhabitants.

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