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Environmental problems

pollution: factories, cars release poisonous chemicals into the air

polluted water falls from the sky and damages everything
food waste and too much packaging cause land pollution
hole in the ozone is getting bigger because of aerosols
extinction of species -> overhunting, habitat loss, pollution, deforestation
deforestation -> trees are cut down -> erosion of the soil and res
anidride carbonica carbon dioxide
deforestazione deforestation
inquinamento pollution
riuti waste (uncountable)
pesticidi pesticides
riscaldamento globale global warming
consumo consumption
pioggia acida acid rain
effetto serra greenhouse effect
disastro ecologico ecological disaster
perdita di petrolio (marea nera) oil spill
gas di scarico exhaust fumes
discarica rubbish tip
abbattere le foreste to cut down forests
cacciare oltre al consentito to overhunt
inceneritore incinerator
bombolette spray aerosols
minacciare threaten
gas inquinanti polluting gases
repentino abrupt
combustibili fossili fossil fuels
esaurire, terminare to run out (of)
mettere in guardia to warn
prevedere to predict
strato di ozono ozone layer
polvere dust
riettere to reect
climatologi climatologist
aumento increase, growth
diminuzione drop, reduction
alterare to alter
accumulo buildup
scomparire disappear

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