Picasso Guernica

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What is the

power of
Language: Spanish Level: 3
Guernica: una reaccin personal
I can
Identify famous Hispanic artists and their most well-known works.
Give my opinion and defend/explain it.
I can
Analyze a work of art
Read for the main idea
Listen for details
Give my opinion and explain why
Maintain a conversation about what Ive learned
Elaborate using information I have learned
Objective: TSW will learn background information about the Spanish Civil War and Picassos
painting Guernica. Students will identify symbols they see in the work or art and
explain what they think they represent. They will listen to a podcast about the
painting and answer comprehension questions. They will speak with a partner to
summarize what they now know about Picasso and Dal (an artist we studied
previously). Finally they will choose one of two paintings (one is Persistencia de la
Memoria by Dal and the other is Guernica by Picasso) to answer the question,
What is the power of art? based on what they have studied.
Class Time
Four 45 min. class periods
Resources: Picasso notes from PowerPoint

Guernica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmvddlp79aw 3:32. No audio,
only music. Text in Spanish, very powerful.

Notes in Spanish audio http://ec.libsyn.com/p/1/9/4/19429e4da4b0bb5f/18_NIS-Gold2-
Audio listening activity- student handout
Symbolism reading- student handout
Symbolism writing- student handout

The Power of Art: Picasso video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9x4JZBjgiI
Show first 2:25, ONLY.

Guernica 3D- youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc1Nfx4c5LQ

On-demand writing assessment: What is the power of art?

How would
Give background information about Picasso, including personal, political, and
professional (prior to day 1 of this plan)
this to
Day 1
1. Begin period with a recap of previously studied information about artist and
some of his work.
2. Stop on second-to-last slide with information about Guernica, give an
introduction to what happened in that city.
3. Then watch Guernica, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmvddlp79aw
3:32. No audio, only music. Text in Spanish, very powerful. Watch once or twice.
4. Then, tell them, On a sheet of paper write down your reaction to what you just
saw. In English or Spanish. Write and just keep writing.
5. Think, Pair, Share. When 4 min are up, have them turn to their partner and
share their thoughts. Share out to the class, in Spanish Comentarios? Ideas?
Reacciones? What is your reaction?
6. Show the last PowerPoint slide with Picassos painting of Guernica. Explain that
this was his reaction. Explain specifics of the painting: size, where it was first
shown, etc. Ask students, What do you see? What colors did he use? Discuss in
7. For homework, read through each of the 8 major elements in Picassos Guernica
and then write, in your words (dont copy), what you think each element
symbolizes. What does it mean to you? (2 handouts: one with Guernica image
with paragraphs about each element and other is symbolism handout where
students explain their thoughts for each).
Day 2
1. Start with The Power of Art: Picasso video youtube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9x4JZBjgiI Show first 2:25, ONLY. Its
the story of a Nazi coming into Picassos studio and asking him about
Guernica. He asks, Did you do this? And Picasso replies, No, you did.
2. Using last nights symbolism homework as a jumping point, get with your
partner for 2 minutes and discuss the most powerful symbols in this
painting (in your opinion) and WHY they are so powerful*potente*
*llamativo* *fuerte*
Within the 2 min: Everyone think/plan for 1 min. Cul es el smbolo
ms llamativo de Guernica y por qu? Speak for 1 min, and partner must ask you 1
question during your conversation that you must answer.
3. CHROME BOOKS+/- 30 min to listen.
Notes in Spanish podcast listening worksheet instructions:
Listen to the audio from 0-11:40. The rest is optional; it has more
explanation in Span/Eng. Replay the audio as much as you need. Answer the
questions at the bottom of this page in English or Spanish. This is due at the end of
the hour.
4. When students finish listening activity, have them take out their symbolism
homework from last night. Add any other thoughts/opinions they have
about each element. Circle the element that is the most powerful to them.
On the back, state your opinion and explain why you think that. Due
tomorrow (collected for points).
Day 3
1. Start with Guernica 3D- youtube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc1Nfx4c5LQ 2:54 A bit of text in
English at the beginning and then just music for the rest of it.
2. After viewing, get out their 3 sentences that they wrote for hw and ask for
sharing. Emphasize the ability to give your thoughts and explain
why/defend. That is the key here.
DiscussWhy are almost all of the symbols/images women? What would
women, mothers, babies represent? Why not color? Why b/w?
3. Interpersonal partner conversation
5 min: Handout Picasso/Dal comparison handout (T-chart) and write as
much as possible about each artist.about their life, art, style, influential events or
Once the time is up, have them look at what they have and write two
questions- review question words.
While they finish writing, walk around with a bowl of 2 colors of papers. If
they pick green-Picasso, orange- Dali. They have to find a partner of the other
artist and speak for 2 min. They should both talk about their artists and
ask/answer their questions.
Day 4
1. Use full class period for on-demand writing: Persistencia de la Memoria by
Dal or Guernica by Picasso. Allowed to use notes, binder, dictionary, but no
online resources. WHAT IS THE POWER OF ART?

If you do not want to include the whole mini-unit, you could always choose one
video or one piece of it to study with your students. Seeing how each of the pieces
fits together allows you to choose what you might want to include.
Target /
has been
TSW be able to write on-demand to express their opinion and defend it, while
analyzing a work of art.

to Print:
Audio listening activity- student handout
Symbolism reading- student handout
Symbolism writing- student handout
On-demand writing assessment: What is the power of art?
Two short Guernica videos from youtube.com
Podcast: Notes in Spanish Guernica
On-demand written assessment
al Elements:
Conversations during day 1 and day 3 between students (groups of 2).

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