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Eastern Argus
April 7, 1869

Boston Journal
July 7, 1869

Boston Daily Advertiser
July 7, 1869

Daily Eastern Argus
July 8, 1869
v citizen estimate IUJ more than a remote possibility. A Russia
n and regntds Daily Standard ing except
July 8, 1869 bassador I
e .t its
OIK N K WV O I I K I . K T T K U .
of its means his address
at in order to Ni.w YOKK, J u l y O , 18G0. tineand w
ty which has TMK VUVY OV IHK POTOMAC arranged. H
st extend lu asaemblod at Stoinway Hall yesterday for poror of Au
contact with the purpose of ofTecttng a permanent organl- of the foot-
o agricultural M, which .should insure a yearly reunion has been fo
bring t<> it* of those gallant spirits -vho bore the brunt of principal ho
> .1 t> the rebellion. AH the various Qonorals, bottles of t
l M attract?o whose names have been rendered historic by side him, w
and populous their gallant deeds, entered the hall, cheer oxcitemont
.retted them, and a hearty wel- person that
from making come was reserved for each it was reserved brido elect.
r of the two for the gallant " whirlwind " Phil. Sheridan, worth of jew
ern and the l<*. rouse to the echoes the enthusiasm of the placed at th
alleywhose mbled patriots, and on his entrance the a very exc
y a number of fiats were thrown to the celling, and a half a part of her
for the meth- thousand throats screamed in danger of split- Thero is n
egislature bas ting. The business of the meeting being fed as tho F
we h a w anxiously looked for, (icn. Gcorgo li. Mc- twico a da
of these en- Clellan. temporary chairman, called the sound of t
y insinuation meeting to order. The report of the Execu- beef and so
their earliest tive Committee was received, and the con- bread to-mo
cated by Iho {stitution and by-laws recommended by thorn, (Jood Frida
thai a period after much debate and various amendments, morning th
these enter- were adopted. These Instruments incorpo- onion soup
hould s] rate the " Society of tho Army of the Poto- and cod. T
We purpose so mac," and place the admission foe at three Henry tho F
ing a dtn dollars aud the annual dues at three dollars, that of ever
rejudices of which, it seems, entitle tho members to a cer- his pot. F
rdlng to tificate Of honorable oervicc in that army and groups of tw
tlye and the a copy of a handsomely bound report oi each trusted to th
reunion. I should be pleased to give a com- was nerved
n M,^O plete list of all tho noble veterans who were spoons dipp
i Uazeoovla, -ent,but will content myself with men- Now every s
route as tioning tho names ot Sheridan, McClellau, rately, aud c
ion with the, Slcoom, Newton, Heiul/.clman, bed, ou tho s
Oueonta and v. Hunt, lagan*, Pleasanton, Torbott, cle of feedin
other to New Chamberlain, Meade, Tyler; there were also ed dally. T
f distance t> Ave hundred others of various degrees of dier is less f
Midland ; the rank, equally brave, and only less distin- this sum suff
York will be guished from lack of opportunity. laundre
n two years:
era The principal duty of the meeting was to cleaning and
elect permanent offlCtrV) and for the position Emperor's fO
ngo Valley at
of President thero was a most vigorous, but soldiers enjo
xford on the The Cham
entirely friendly, rivalry. McClellau and
a distance ol
Meade were the names moot conspicuous in ground a few
ear to Syra
the morning, and their supporters were about min.strcls tha
y of Utica or
equally divided. In addition to these strong us in tho
ese points to
ami thoroughly organized parties, there were field to tho
10 thi;t>
a large number ot "guerrillas," frco lances," warriors did
orego an op- 14fllllbueters," or whatever you may choose trees, but p
utes to New to call them, satUtlcd with neither candidate, hu/dy-gurdio
her pr> . but agreed upou none of their own. They second fiddl
eso than th'r- were led by tho fiery cavalry leader, Pleas* commenced s
forty m anton, and supplied with all munitions of rufficd of lat
ad but thirty- war by tho gsnial Ingalls, who, with his shrieked tho
:i>g time honored and wvll known hat, was con- The cause of
eat embank- spicuous throughout At 11 o'clock these ruau. Ariadn
s ; "guerrillas" had no candidate, but wheu the seus declinin
ondout and int Phil. Sheridan entered the room, they man," she inv
ce by river reaolvcd to back him against the field. The
iisi' bv ( flgb: raged furiously from morn till dusky
,\t Lortent
by Walkill eve,McClellau being interested, resigned
s Syracuse tho chair to Buruside, who had withdrawn, from the .hos :
ich and the and amid all the Habel confusion, " u i d interment wh
. "shelb" Tor t
liurny" did his duty w presiding officer right
fry, with It* rough board*
,y. On the first ballot McClellau stood
sits,and the glided out. T
id I, Sheridan 142, Mcado 111. This wag fa-
Is thus ran-'
tal to tho latter, who came over from the scanty dimens
speak. A.
Quaker city with a strong party, sure of suc- took off his su
gument up- till other grav
ot afford to cess, aud contemplating an easy victory over
OratUu's a
a* it is cer- the New Yorkers, who were mipposed to be ways-read
e while oar for McCTcUan Another ballot was ordered livcd'fn Fr
the barren and taken amid the"most i o i c n * wciieimfad swords. D
ana taxen ami-. . m >i , _pjBjHnffU
n to be s e t t the result being the election of Sheridan by
ncl the case a good, square majority. Then, upon the mo- journal kee
ises is laid tion of the Impetuous Pieasanton, the elec- parties the
id and re- tion was declari bnoue; and Qe gal- duel declar
the devel- lant hero of !'" Shenandoah came to the the princip
. . ,., r etum his thank*. Such an dcr, haunc
nd Ogdemv ar of cheers us greeted him. deserved At Lyon
nd travel of more room than four walls afford, but lack- on u strike
a y , bot h for re-erhocd from the are the bak
^ ^ which hats were hurbd with a l ary and a
m us. We :o'is enthusiasm which ' ' :ignored* ' tlie npirit
' entirely
second, by Little Phil returned his thanks in atfairs ever
to O s w e g o ; a simple, straight-forward manner and was scarce and
Oswego to rrii again as vigorously as be was along merce is
cuse North- the route of bis famous ride in the Valk-y. execute or
meu roan*, These proceedings had occupied m long "arc coming
' X* that there was scarcely time left for prepar- and to spa
makes that ing the hall ror Gen. Chamberlain's oration everywher
than Home, in the evening. Gen. Chamberlain, present but little s
Hica, and (iovcruor or Maine, whom t'ns Army of the The for
west from Potomac delights to honor, had prepared a ia our litt
age on this st eloquent oration, depicting the Army conveyed
h the name of the Potomac in all its phases. It WHS lis- cupants.
tied to by (i large audlenee, and will be about 100,
rgument of published. No man who ever carried a rnus- prison. T
s it* claims l.<-t or drew a sabre in Virginia can ajfTer/l to waiters, w
upon the reading if. From the lecture room the incarcerati
h which it members adjourned to Dclmonico's, where a headed, as
umber tract beautiful banquet, bappy speeches, racy au- prison bre
.means of i-dotes, and lively song held them til! mid- als" were
munication night, and thus ended the tlrst He-union of curious ab
beds of iron \rrny of the Potomac, whereby hundreds i >no unfor
which these ol old comrades were brought together who undergoin
e upon our er otherwise would have met on this side belonging
< >ur man- of death's picket Hue. and who now return his few da
necessity, bo mans' buf
to their homes thanking Heaven that they
road isalso were inclu
'litt meet, and that in another year they may
ur actii in fact eve
meet again,
ducts. The the disting
During the day the various t.'orp* organ-
police left
to our coal ized, aud will henceforth keep up their or-
e argument gini/.ations. The cavalry chose Phil. .Shcri- It is grn
dan for their temporary chairman, elected tlie alman
in pushing Pleasanton for Vice-President of tho Army ing. Up t
pletion, our of the l*otom ic, ai d took snch action an will but ccld a
amount ot tend to unite all members of that glorious docs set in
towards re- arm ol the Berylco hereafter. Full particu- to rain. S
but also in lars of these various corps organizations tire France, is
n trade and to \*: given by the Executive Committee, and Gervais, b
population it is hoped that every officer and every sol- loggerhead
dier In the hind will bocomo identified with be brough
tho benefits lltVt one to which he properly belongs, ing Ecum
Important when he a
Ar.miA. measure, a
ludeto thfi
o complete his possibl

that we are The Em
ous ground TJ1K MINKRS 8TKIK1S RIOT A M ) hOM OF
on Monda

ery worthy French ha
TttK M I N S T I ' . K I . V - ! I ' . I ; ^ I : K . N T D 0 B 1 . S 8 T A O -
of bonding NATION OV UUSIN1M
Prince Im t.IUKKATlON OV
ro disposed
will be dev
e is, io gen- human des

uld not now
Jtmo 2o, I860.
hat tho clr- plan of at

Tho mining district of Saint-Elicnno, in
application the giving

tho Loire, has been, and is, the centre of
MuU m'il U ground.
strikes and "locks Out." Tho cause being
ed by our Thorn is
of the miners for iu-
the demand on the part
They must
creascd wages and a reduction

in the hours holding a
vesif we
of work, as well as tho contribution to their The fact i
own grade.
benefit fund by the employers. Some col- Up
all thes
liers having prevented the removal of coal, pocket wh

Maine Farmer
July 17, 1869

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